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Comp Lobby Change Proposals

over 10 years

Hello comp lobby. As some people are discussing, activity has gone down a bit, and yesterday the lobby was delisted from the front page temporarily. As a result of that, we have some new ideas for competitive and training lobby to help revitalize both lobbies in integration and play. It does look likely though that another lobby will replace this placement on the front page if things do not change. I ask that you please review this if you want things to remain as they are now.

If you would like to see the ideas and proposals for training lobby, please view this thread here.

For now I will hierarchy things that will be done, and those ideas which would be dependent on Lucid and the undertaking work for them.

Main Changes

1) Lobby rename to ‘Ranked’

Having the lobby name as competitive comes off as intimidating for newer players. Whilst competitions are not going anywhere in this lobby, we want to encourage regular play for those who do not want to influence running competitions.

2) Lower point requirement for entry lowered to 500.

Having an entry amount of 1500 is a very large asking score for someone new to the game. By that time they have either settled down in one lobby with no opinion on moving, or even trying out another lobby. I realize this might lead to more reports being done in comp, but I don’t think it’ll hugely influence the amount of reports that have to be done on average that we have now. Existing limits such as new accounts not being able to participate in current trophy rounds won’t be removed.

Future Changes Pending Feedback

1) Greater new range of achievements.

Not everyone wants to play EpicMafia for trophies, but one thing that I’ve learnt is that lots of people enjoy the stat tracking and trying to get achievements. I feel going into every game with the chance to have a reward or unlock would be great, and we can possibly encourage lobby specifics achievements too.

One example I’d like to see with achievements is a much greater range of unlocks. Let’s take the current hunter achievement which requires you to shoot the mafia in 3 way. This isn’t achievable for everyone, but we can make this achievement accessible for all in some way by having levels without downgrading existing criteria.

Here’s an example

*Level 1: Hit the mafia as Hunter

*Level 2: Hit the mafia 10 times as Hunter

*Level 3 (Ranked Exclusive): Hit the mafia in 3 way as Hunter.

Earning an achievement can gain a small emblem, completing the complete range of achievements can earn a badge.

2) Cycling ‘Assignments’ and challenges

Moving back to the topic of not everyone wanting to run for a trophy, or not having the time to do so, having mini competitions known as assignments could be a new, fun aspect that some players might want to participate in. Like happy hours, imagine having weekly challenges such as who can have the most wins as a particular role, or who can achieve the most cop guilty reports in a week. This can keep things fresh and make achieving more accessible.

3) More community consultation on setups and these new ideas

Having submitted achievements and assignments be as easy as submitting new roles for the game would be brilliant if possible. One problem comp has is autonomy, there’s too much interjection with many actions and not many ways for viewpoints to influence the site.

Concluding notes

We’re fully welcoming in embracing ideas for what might help this lobby thrive, so please rate or give your own for consideration. Thanks guys.

over 10 years
It's just like in Naruto how the Senju clan joined forces with the Uchiha clan and a new village was formed, the hidden village in the leaves!
over 10 years
I don't see how Advanced has any different implications than Competitive lol
over 10 years

Smorlicious says

Again the issue isn't over players being "intimidated" by competitive lobby, it's the difference between the types of games people play, and the types of communities that exist in each lobbies. Training lobby can both be casual and serious with a lot of different kinds of players where as competitive is mostly serious.

Joining both lobbies together will allow us to unify the community into one and eliminate the stereotypes held by each of the two respective lobbies.
over 10 years
And I've no doubt that most current comp lobby players are greatly looking forward to many many many many games of FP and classic mafia if/when these changes are implemented.

At its essence, comp lobby will become training but with trophies.

Oh wait. That deal sounds familiar...
over 10 years

Cantankerous says

Betrayal says

Another idea is to keep Training Lobby, rename it to 'Beginner' lobby but ONLY ALLOW UNRANKED games in 'Beginner' lobby so that once people feel comfortable, they will move on to 'Advanced' lobby. And only allow them to join the competition upon reaching 1,500 points in 'Advanced' lobby.

this is a terrible idea

I know this would be the alternative to Bumpers idea of a 10,000 point cutoff. Incase the 10,000 point cutoff idea doesn't work out.
deletedover 10 years
Again the issue isn't over players being "intimidated" by competitive lobby, it's the difference between the types of games people play, and the types of communities that exist in each lobbies. Training lobby can both be casual and serious with a lot of different kinds of players where as competitive is mostly serious.
deletedover 10 years

Betrayal says

Another idea is to keep Training Lobby, rename it to 'Beginner' lobby but ONLY ALLOW UNRANKED games in 'Beginner' lobby so that once people feel comfortable, they will move on to 'Advanced' lobby. And only allow them to join the competition upon reaching 1,500 points in 'Advanced' lobby.

this is a terrible idea
over 10 years
It should be 'Beginner Lobby' (training) and 'Advanced Lobby' (comp). This has been said many times.
over 10 years
Another idea is to keep Training Lobby, rename it to 'Beginner' lobby but ONLY ALLOW UNRANKED games in 'Beginner' lobby so that once people feel comfortable, they will move on to 'Advanced' lobby. And only allow them to join the competition upon reaching 1,500 points in 'Advanced' lobby.
deletedover 10 years
I think competitive players are a small population compared to the rest of the players on epicmafia, yet they have a very strong say in what happens :S
over 10 years

Xplicitable says

Betrayal says

I was thinking something along the lines of 'Advanced' lobby

This is a good idea.I stand by my suggestion from the other thread that if the two lobbies were to remain, training renamed to "Lobby" Therefore, naming Comp Lobby "Advanced Lobby" shows good clarity of the two lobby's purpose.

I disagree however with the entire notion that the term "Competitive Lobby" has any stigma attached and is pushing members away. The route to access first time information for new members (primarily the wiki) is difficult and convoluted. They also have to find it on themselves, meaning it could take a while until they are familiar with the workings of EM. As it stands, you play 65 billion games of fancy pants in training, then you unlock Comp and it's like: ok? A lot of unanswered questions. The answers are there somewhere, I've found them eventually. But for a first time member this discovery of "essential" information is difficult.

You suggested renaming 'Training' lobby to just 'Lobby'? How about renaming 'Training' lobby to 'Beginner' lobby? So when people feel like they are no longer a Beginner, they will move on to 'Advanced' lobby. But that's only if we keep two lobbies. I feel like we should merge both lobbies into one and call it something like 'Casual' lobby since we can have a competition going on and people can enjoy their ranked games. Or we could still have two lobbies but as Bumpers suggested, have a point cut off once they reached a certain amount of points. And only Moderators / Mentors can enter the 'Beginner' lobby even if they're above the point cutoff.
over 10 years

Betrayal says

I was thinking something along the lines of 'Advanced' lobby

This is a good idea.I stand by my suggestion from the other thread that if the two lobbies were to remain, training renamed to "Lobby" Therefore, naming Comp Lobby "Advanced Lobby" shows good clarity of the two lobby's purpose.

I disagree however with the entire notion that the term "Competitive Lobby" has any stigma attached and is pushing members away. The route to access first time information for new members (primarily the wiki) is difficult and convoluted. They also have to find it on themselves, meaning it could take a while until they are familiar with the workings of EM. As it stands, you play 65 billion games of fancy pants in training, then you unlock Comp and it's like: ok? A lot of unanswered questions. The answers are there somewhere, I've found them eventually. But for a first time member this discovery of "essential" information is difficult.
over 10 years
hey Bumpers, I told you I have the solution to all your problems. I have given it more thought than any one of you has already. Just pm me so we can discuss it. It is a very simple solution. I can get a 100% conversion from training to comp lobby and 100% retention too. You just need to do a simple thing for that. Can you at least contact me???
over 10 years

ark says

Betrayal says

Goodbar says

"Ranked" is a kind of weird name for a lobby rechange, though I have a nostalgic attachment to the comp name I think "Main" lobby would be better.

How about 600 points to enter? You have to win ~10 games.

Assignments and achievement hierarchies sound fun!

I agree with Goodbar here that 'Main' sounds way better than 'Ranked' but 'Main' also sounds pretty odd. View the lobbies page and tell me whether you think having a 4 letter name would be a good idea for a lobby name? I think that a lobby name should have at least have 5-6 letters in order to fit the lobby name stereotype.

Longname Lobby

ark says

Betrayal says

Goodbar says

"Ranked" is a kind of weird name for a lobby rechange, though I have a nostalgic attachment to the comp name I think "Main" lobby would be better.

How about 600 points to enter? You have to win ~10 games.

Assignments and achievement hierarchies sound fun!

I agree with Goodbar here that 'Main' sounds way better than 'Ranked' but 'Main' also sounds pretty odd. View the lobbies page and tell me whether you think having a 4 letter name would be a good idea for a lobby name? I think that a lobby name should have at least have 5-6 letters in order to fit the lobby name stereotype.

Longname Lobby

Nah, that name is too long for a lobby name. I was thinking something along the lines of 'Advanced' lobby. The name 'Competitive' lobby makes new players think that the lobby is a place where you go only once you've become good at mafia. By renaming it to 'Advanced' lobby, new players will believe that this is where you go if you want to play with advanced players and not be labeled as a newbie anymore. Like how poor people desire to be rich, new players will desire to be advanced.
over 10 years
heres a petition: delete it
over 10 years

carolineeee says

no one wants to move to training drop that idea now lol

Caroline, I understand your point but if you think about it, nobody really plays RED hearts in competitive lobby. Having it all as one lobby wouldn't be much of a difference, imo. We gotta convince lucid to get it done though.
over 10 years

Betrayal says

Goodbar says

"Ranked" is a kind of weird name for a lobby rechange, though I have a nostalgic attachment to the comp name I think "Main" lobby would be better.

How about 600 points to enter? You have to win ~10 games.

Assignments and achievement hierarchies sound fun!

I agree with Goodbar here that 'Main' sounds way better than 'Ranked' but 'Main' also sounds pretty odd. View the lobbies page and tell me whether you think having a 4 letter name would be a good idea for a lobby name? I think that a lobby name should have at least have 5-6 letters in order to fit the lobby name stereotype.

Longname Lobby
over 10 years

Goodbar says

"Ranked" is a kind of weird name for a lobby rechange, though I have a nostalgic attachment to the comp name I think "Main" lobby would be better.

How about 600 points to enter? You have to win ~10 games.

Assignments and achievement hierarchies sound fun!

I agree with Goodbar here that 'Main' sounds way better than 'Ranked' but 'Main' also sounds pretty odd. View the lobbies page and tell me whether you think having a 4 letter name would be a good idea for a lobby name? I think that a lobby name should have at least have 5-6 letters in order to fit the lobby name stereotype.
over 10 years
"Ranked" is a kind of weird name for a lobby rechange, though I have a nostalgic attachment to the comp name I think "Main" lobby would be better.

How about 600 points to enter? You have to win ~10 games.

Assignments and achievement hierarchies sound fun!
over 10 years

thebrontosaurus says

This community is smaller, it'd be easier for us to move there. This is like last ditch stuff though, I'm just coming up with ideas on the fly.

What do you mean when you say the community is smaller? Are you saying Epicmafia's activity has declined over the past year?
over 10 years
This community is smaller, it'd be easier for us to move there. This is like last ditch stuff though, I'm just coming up with ideas on the fly.
deletedover 10 years
no one wants to move to training drop that idea now lol
over 10 years

Bumpers says

This idea is the closest you're going to get to it, I've been working this out and talking with Lucid to reunify as much as possible. You have three options, this idea, a dead and delisted lobby, or all of you moving to training with no changes for that lobby.

Honestly if lucid delists Comp, I could just re-enable the Training Lobby Competition and it would essentially be the same thing. It's probably easier for this community to move there. There would obviously be some issues with it (training lobby trophy stigma), but it'd be pretty much identical. I'd have to re-enable some other roles (not too many more at this point), but theoretically Comp could migrate to Training if nothing comes of these suggestions.
over 10 years

Smorlicious says

Because of the environment. And Everyone keeps saying Lucid says no, but I'd like to hear his arguments against it, not simply "Lucid doesn't want it."

This is something only a programmer can understand. When you've created something from ground up, you have a right as to how certain things should be, from a programmers perspective.
over 10 years

Smorlicious says

UGH. WHY???? How does Lucid suggest we solve the problem???

we solved the problem of a split community by splitting it further via custom lobbies!! - lucid's suggestion and then implementation