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Comp Lobby Change Proposals

almost 10 years

Hello comp lobby. As some people are discussing, activity has gone down a bit, and yesterday the lobby was delisted from the front page temporarily. As a result of that, we have some new ideas for competitive and training lobby to help revitalize both lobbies in integration and play. It does look likely though that another lobby will replace this placement on the front page if things do not change. I ask that you please review this if you want things to remain as they are now.

If you would like to see the ideas and proposals for training lobby, please view this thread here.

For now I will hierarchy things that will be done, and those ideas which would be dependent on Lucid and the undertaking work for them.

Main Changes

1) Lobby rename to ‘Ranked’

Having the lobby name as competitive comes off as intimidating for newer players. Whilst competitions are not going anywhere in this lobby, we want to encourage regular play for those who do not want to influence running competitions.

2) Lower point requirement for entry lowered to 500.

Having an entry amount of 1500 is a very large asking score for someone new to the game. By that time they have either settled down in one lobby with no opinion on moving, or even trying out another lobby. I realize this might lead to more reports being done in comp, but I don’t think it’ll hugely influence the amount of reports that have to be done on average that we have now. Existing limits such as new accounts not being able to participate in current trophy rounds won’t be removed.

Future Changes Pending Feedback

1) Greater new range of achievements.

Not everyone wants to play EpicMafia for trophies, but one thing that I’ve learnt is that lots of people enjoy the stat tracking and trying to get achievements. I feel going into every game with the chance to have a reward or unlock would be great, and we can possibly encourage lobby specifics achievements too.

One example I’d like to see with achievements is a much greater range of unlocks. Let’s take the current hunter achievement which requires you to shoot the mafia in 3 way. This isn’t achievable for everyone, but we can make this achievement accessible for all in some way by having levels without downgrading existing criteria.

Here’s an example

*Level 1: Hit the mafia as Hunter

*Level 2: Hit the mafia 10 times as Hunter

*Level 3 (Ranked Exclusive): Hit the mafia in 3 way as Hunter.

Earning an achievement can gain a small emblem, completing the complete range of achievements can earn a badge.

2) Cycling ‘Assignments’ and challenges

Moving back to the topic of not everyone wanting to run for a trophy, or not having the time to do so, having mini competitions known as assignments could be a new, fun aspect that some players might want to participate in. Like happy hours, imagine having weekly challenges such as who can have the most wins as a particular role, or who can achieve the most cop guilty reports in a week. This can keep things fresh and make achieving more accessible.

3) More community consultation on setups and these new ideas

Having submitted achievements and assignments be as easy as submitting new roles for the game would be brilliant if possible. One problem comp has is autonomy, there’s too much interjection with many actions and not many ways for viewpoints to influence the site.

Concluding notes

We’re fully welcoming in embracing ideas for what might help this lobby thrive, so please rate or give your own for consideration. Thanks guys.

almost 10 years

Shivv says

Jupiter says

Just a bump but I think you should all read the training thread. The reactions to the point cap was a lot more negative than I and I think the rest of the mods anticipated, and the conversation started to drift more towards deleting comp and bringing the competition to Training. From what I can figure out, lucid is also keen on that idea too. Basically it's all speculation right now but I felt that we were discussing Comp changes too much with Training and not Comp, and it's your lobby after all.

A lot of the Training players posting seem to be think deleting Comp and bringing the competition there is positive, and while I don't necessarily disagree with them I think it would be cool if you guys discuss it with them or at least talk about it here because this thread is kind of dead.

Delete training and rename comp. to prevent another forum wipe then.

Comp probably wouldn't get deleted. It'd just get de-stickied. We'd be able to move the important threads to the newly renamed Training forums.
almost 10 years

Jupiter says

It honestly confuses me when people refer to as tryhard, every game I played last game was relaxed as hell, but that might be because I strictly played with bear and junter

Yeah I've had mostly chill games aswell this round, but I ment in the way that many people in comp get mad if you *** up/ make a misstake, especially if you're running.
deletedalmost 10 years

Jupiter says

Just a bump but I think you should all read the training thread. The reactions to the point cap was a lot more negative than I and I think the rest of the mods anticipated, and the conversation started to drift more towards deleting comp and bringing the competition to Training. From what I can figure out, lucid is also keen on that idea too. Basically it's all speculation right now but I felt that we were discussing Comp changes too much with Training and not Comp, and it's your lobby after all.

A lot of the Training players posting seem to be think deleting Comp and bringing the competition there is positive, and while I don't necessarily disagree with them I think it would be cool if you guys discuss it with them or at least talk about it here because this thread is kind of dead.

Delete training and rename comp. to prevent another forum wipe then.
almost 10 years
It honestly confuses me when people refer to as tryhard, every game I played last game was relaxed as hell, but that might be because I strictly played with bear and junter
almost 10 years
Let the minority force the majority to play in an hostile tryhard enviroment, that will surely make them enjoy epicmafia ha ha
almost 10 years
Pointcap is dumb as ***
almost 10 years
i will not compromise & im not sorry
almost 10 years
Your competitive user-base is the demographic on this site that keeps the site running, somewhat more or less. If you think /V/ and passive training will do the site better, then it's best if comp gets de-sticked...

the real solution is~

Single lobby. With the four years that I've witnessed EM change, the problems with a single lobby when there WAS a single lobby can now be solved with the moderators.

& no, not that terrible idea that bumpers quoted me on earlier.
almost 10 years
Just a side note, Lucid hasn't said anything one way or the other about this. He liked the ideas Bumpers proposed, but we haven't approached him about moving to a single lobby or any of the other developments from the threads in the training forum.

He just told us that Comp may get de-stickied unless we boosted activity. If we can't do that, then we may have to migrate to one lobby.
almost 10 years
Just a bump but I think you should all read the training thread. The reactions to the point cap was a lot more negative than I and I think the rest of the mods anticipated, and the conversation started to drift more towards deleting comp and bringing the competition to Training. From what I can figure out, lucid is also keen on that idea too. Basically it's all speculation right now but I felt that we were discussing Comp changes too much with Training and not Comp, and it's your lobby after all.

A lot of the Training players posting seem to be think deleting Comp and bringing the competition there is positive, and while I don't necessarily disagree with them I think it would be cool if you guys discuss it with them or at least talk about it here because this thread is kind of dead.
almost 10 years
Connor, it is because you guys are trying to get me and players like me to join comp.

By capping my points (I have 37,000, well above the cap), I no longer have the incentive to play ranked games in training, what it will lead is to me creating a new alt, and playing that to 10k, NOT joining comp.
almost 10 years
the problem is players playing quick-win no-think setups to inflate their point total as fast as "legitimately" possible
almost 10 years
it's not a problem, no one said it is
almost 10 years
May I ask why wanting to playing casual ranked games is a problem?

I don't play every day, and I have no interest in having each game be 40+ minutes of scumhunting, meaning I will very rarely play competition (joined ~4 rounds in the more than 3 years I've been here, and only once have I played games on a majority of the days in the round), and there isn't much you can do to make me play comp on a regular basis (cause I'm a casual mafia player, not a competitive one)

I like training because its casual, and hate comp because its too competitive.

Why is the way I play inferior to the way competitive players play? Why can't the vast majority of us who just want to play casually continue to just play casually?
almost 10 years
1.) Training keep Training BUT make it Training, OPEN ALL ROLES NO POINTS; ADD BOTS ADD BOTS ADD BOTS so people can actually TRAIN on roles and setups alone if they want.

Beginner/Casual: DO NOT DO THIS. But if you must make the cap 25,000. Then make it so mentors can get minimal points for mentoring in Casual.

Ranked/Main: 25k and up.

Competitions Lobby: Have a lobby where ALL Competitions can be brought together. This way multiple setups can be played. I don't mind playing in two Comps at once. Like a Comp hosted from Ganga, and a Comp hosted from Chronic.

IF YOU DO THIS YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE LOBBIES MORE ACCESSIBLE. What the hell is the point of having custom lobbies if no one joins them/plays games in them?

2.) Keep the points at 1500 in fact up it to 2500 if you REALLY want to deter trolls and point farmers.

1b.) Whatever.
2b.) Didn't I suggest something similar to this?
3b.) Yeah, have the suggesting part be easy, have the accepting part be hard. This craze will only last as long as the Role Suggestion did, actually less.
deletedalmost 10 years

Betrayal says

ABC, Mikami, and Pet, and all the trolls are long gone from this site. You guys have nothing to worry about it. This is Epicmafia 2014. Trolling is so outdated.

petri is still here dude
almost 10 years
Whether or not abc is really out there, people always have and probably always will make GT accounts or cheating accounts for comp lobby competitions
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
ABC, Mikami, and Pet, and all the trolls are long gone from this site. You guys have nothing to worry about it. This is Epicmafia 2014. Trolling is so outdated.
almost 10 years
Any time :)
almost 10 years
thanks for vouching for me shaquille
deletedalmost 10 years
thats good.
almost 10 years
Warrens isn't a banned user
deletedalmost 10 years
that said warrens is probably a banned user.
deletedalmost 10 years
abc said somewhere on here that he quit and people just impersonate him.