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New Roles, Items, Game Mechanics

over 7 years

Bug and role fixes thread:

How to make a role:

Role interaction:

Suggestions for the website:

Moderator functionality suggestions:

Report suggestions:

UI suggestions:

This is a dedicated thread for users to bounce around and brainstorm on ideas for new roles, items, game mechanics or anything else to improve and build upon our beloved Mafia game.

Back in 2015 Sims made a thread asking if anyone had any ideas for roles since Lucid was looking to make some new ones (found here: That thread's dead now, but it's always good to try to bring the community together and come up with new stuff for the game.

Some of you might know my reputation for designing new roles and my passion for Mafia. EpicMafia is a pretty cool website and can always use some new stuff to spice up and remix the usual game formula, and I know a few of you have ideas of your own.

NOTE: If you're here to complain about Sandbox moderation or the site mods, please don't.

over 5 years

-If there are equal or more third party and mafia roles combined alive compared to town-sided roles, Foreman's vote has the power of 3 votes.
-Sided with the village.
deletedabout 6 years
The Advocate:

Randomly sides with one person in the game. Once per game, can override the vote and make that person's vote win. Wins if said person wins.

Alternatively, could double their target's voting power.
about 6 years

coolkidrox123 says

Rather than a lazy doc since lynching isnt something a doc can heal realistically id vote for it to have another name xd like a white knight who comes to the rescue

Maybe saves them from being shot the next day then?
about 6 years
And some Trappers to add the icing on the cliche cake.

All appear as Trapper to themselves, of course.

The Trapper discovery message will still show as just Trapper for all sanities.

Insane Trapper: Unbeknownst to yourself, you have designed your traps so that townies are more likely to fall prey. (priority is reversed from Mafia>Evil thirds>Town and benign thirds to Town and benign thirds>Evil thirds>Mafia)

Confused Trapper: You lay your trap just like normal, but in your confusion, you wander right into your trap. (You kill yourself if you target anyone. You survive if you target no one.)

Paranoid Trapper: In your paranoia, you have designed your traps to me multi-use. (Your traps kill all visitors to your target. Nobody will discover your identity like normal trapper.)

Naive Trapper: Unbeknownst to you, your traps are only mere hindrances to any visitors of your target. (No one will die to your traps. Any visitor to your target will find out your identity.)

Lazy Trapper: You were lazy in the design of your traps, so they do not kill as intended. They do, however, make the victim get stuck for the night. (Traps roleblock instead of killing. You will still find out the trapper's identity if you are roleblocked this way.)
about 6 years
Perhaps a Bodyguard for every Cop sanity.

All appear as Bodyguard to themselves.

Insane Bodyguard: This bodyguard goes insane, killing the target, any killing roles that target them, and themselves.

Confused Bodyguard: This bodyguard, in their confusion, tries to attack their target. Standard 50% chance of success and 50% chance of death.

Paranoid Bodyguard: This bodyguard is paranoid, and so they assume any visitors to their target are threats. Attacks every visitor, and has a 50% chance of killing them and a 50% chance of dying, which is calculated individually for each visitor.

Naive Bodyguard: This bodyguard is naive to their failures. They think they are protecting their target, but in reality they aren't that much effort to take out. If the person the Naive Bodyguard chooses is attacked, the Naive Bodyguard dies along with them.

Lazy Bodyguard: The Lazy Bodyguard would rather sleep during the night. but chooses who to protect during the day. The Lazy Bodyguard will not protect their target from any night kills, but if they are targeted by any day killing action such as Terrorist or gun, the Lazy Bodyguard takes the hit instead. Their target cannot be protected from lynches in this way.
about 6 years
Rather than a lazy doc since lynching isnt something a doc can heal realistically id vote for it to have another name xd like a white knight who comes to the rescue
about 6 years

Unable to speak for the entirety of the game unless in meetings.
Sided with Village.
about 6 years
I just think a Doctor equivalent to all the Cop roles; Insane, Confused, Paranoid, Naive and Lazy should be created.

Insane Doctor:

Visits one person every night, 50/50 chance of protecting or killing that person.
Appears as Doctor to self and upon death.
Sided with Village.

Confused Doctor:

Visits one person every night, saves one person that visits them.
Appears as Doctor to self and upon death.
Sided with Village.

Paranoid Doctor:

Visits one person every night, protects them from all roles.
Appears as Doctor to self and upon death.
Sided with Village.

Naive Doctor:

Visits one person every night, believes to be saving them but action does nothing.
Appears as Doctor to self and upon death.
Sided with Village.

Lazy Doctor:

Visits one person every night, saves them from the next day's lynch.
Appears as Doctor to self and upon death.
Sided with Village.
deletedabout 6 years
What about this


- Sided with the mafia, attends mafia meetings.

- If ghost is in the game, everyone sided with the village is notified of a random word, generated from a long list of words night 1 (everyone gets the same word).

- mafia and third party don't know the word.

- the ghost knows how many letters are in the word.

- when the ghost dies, he can guess the word. If correct, the game ends and mafia wins immediately. If incorrect, the game continues normally.

- town can hint at the word to clear themselves but not make it too obvious so the ghost learns the word.

- not to be used in whisper setups.

- yes, town could just ignore the word and rely on cop etc to clear town, but people who are about to get lynched as villager usually get angry so they will hint carelessly at the word to clear themselves.

- two ghosts in a setup just have more chances of guessing the word.

- word can only be 3-5 letters.
about 6 years
In honor of St. Patrick's Day, here's two Irish-themed roles of mine:

about 6 years
Here's my role suggestion, designed purely for Sandbox fun.


I'm open to better name suggestions (formerly Shady Merchant)
about 6 years
i asked golb to include this thread but they pm'd me and told me to go die in a pit
about 6 years
about 6 years
over 6 years
I'm digging Ice Queen by he11ix and the Xmas tree by Alyssa when it comes to winter the theme.

I also like Warlord more than Slasher.

Insomniac is a good role to find fake claims. Knowing who visits is as good as knowing what roles are in play (i.e: comparing it vs Priest).

I also approve Polar Bear! It is frustrating to be the last non-meeting mafia and not having some sort of strategy or gameplay to get rid of town. Polar Bear is less powerful than a Hitman but sounds way more fun. Imagine you magnetize yourself with angel in play and you bait a magnetized player to check you, there's a lot of possibilities!
deletedover 6 years
is lucid even alive
over 6 years (golb put a comment in her link rip)

I was told to post my other new roles here

Ice Cream Man:
Window Shopper:


last 2 are my personal favorites c:
over 6 years
Here's a few Christmas roles that I really like.

Ice Queen by he11ix:

Christmas Tree by Alyssa and RandomNerd:, (these can be combined, in my opinion)

Grinch by DerBiber:

And a plug for my own role, Polar Bear:
over 6 years
Yeah, I don't know how to balance Spokesman from here, it could work in setups with gunsmith, vigilantes or other roles that are able to handle the mafia without having to rely on lynch alone.

Not exactly well balanced but could be worked on.
over 6 years
I like taxer! I think it'd work great in a closed role setup where there are random roles, so they could get a grip on what kind of roles are in the game.

However I'm a bit more uncertain on spokesperson. Mafia's whole goal is to outnumber the town, which may make for some awkward moment for them, definitely with the balance of some setups, I feel it'd be a bit ruin-y of endgame and you would only see it in specific setups and go mostly ignored

aside from that I like the choosing to double vote, it makes it more like a strategic judge, having to choose the best time to use their power.
over 6 years
Got bored, after some thought I decided to make two new suggestions:

Taxer -

Spokesman -

What do you guys think?
deletedover 6 years

The Ruling Social(ist)-"Democratic" party in Romania just took away the rights of the opposition to propose ammendments, right after their leader was accused of corruption ad nothing was done about it and after they forced the opposition to stop speaking by shutting down their mic durin a debate

You guys are crying about your internets but democracy is Literally fading away in Romania
over 6 years

robertgray says

Role: Telephone

Every night, give someone a telephone. If there are two or more telephones, those people will share a meeting at night, but not know each others roles. Sided with the town

And interesting concept that should be worked on more IMO.

I honestly think it should also attend the night meetings to give the telephone role a way to privately contact a group of people it thinks are clear.

I also suggest people with the telephone should be able to use items in said meeting (maybe to only people attending the meeting) to open possibilities to things like a lazy cop giving a report to a sheriff in the middle of the night and the sheriff instantly killing said person.

Just throwing out my feedback, I think Operator would be a fitting role name as well due to the theme!
over 6 years
the trophy exploited that screwed everything up in survivor is still a thing

we value trophies a lot in survivor lobby so it'd be nice if you take 2 minutes to fix em real quick?

k wasn't supposed to win the trophy and it kinda screwed everything up and we can't fix it ourselves.

ginga is supposed to have the silver and i'm supposed to have the bronze.

again k used an exploit there wasn't anything we could have done to avoid this :/
over 6 years
This is a complicated role

Multiple personalitizer

- Mafia sided

- DIE right away at the beginning of the first night of the game

- A random non - visiting non - mafia player will be MPed

- MPed will join your night meeting right away, and YOU control their action.

- At day, MPed control themselves. And they see them doing NOTHING at night

-Yes, you control them at night. You also use their crystal and write their will

-MPed can not be converted

-If MPed is cheffed, jailed, locked, MPed will control themselves that night

-MPed show up as Multiple personalitizer, and mafia in most reports and in game ending mechanic. They turns into their original role on dead. Their day vote only count as 1.

-If theres no one to be MPed n1, well you just die.

-If butterfly dies, well your MPed will no longer be MPed, aka you are officially die

-Shrink and surgeon will cure an MPed from being MPed

-Oh, since you did NOT really die, you wont see other dead people message

-All people in the game will know when theres a Multiple personalitizer or not (since you die n1), so new tactics would be born with this roles