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Moderation Upgrades

over 8 years


I think you should code the reports to show which moderator handled a report even after their mod ID is gone from the list. If people wanted to find an old report that I handled, they wouldn't be able to, because they can't find my name.

You should be able to filter reports in the Closed section by "moderator handled" instead of just "X reported Y" in the Advanced Search

You might as well be able to search reports by their violation, too. "Filter reports by Game Related Suicide, Game Throw, No Violation, etc."

Just generally easier-to-navigate stuff.

Arcbell1h 15m+1

Oh also fix the "move to" to work with the complaints sub-forum, as that's the most common place moderators move threads to, and it's been broken for ages.

Arcbell1h 10m+2 If you REALLY wanna enhance the productivity of your mods, here's what you do:

In any given report, any time a player types a timestamp (like just puts the string 8:35 in the report) the moderator can click it as a link, and it puts you in the game and zooms you to that exact time.

I know that'd be hard to build but it'd save hours of work every week for mods by a) encouraging players to be specific about the time, and b) letting them find the times without digging through the whole game

I wonder if it would be useful to include a separate place for appeals. Like, "20 Open" "150k Closed" "10 In Progress" and then "5 Appeals"

As a placeholder text for the report box, include the text "please include time stamps of when the infraction took place" as well, this would make report handling so much more streamlined.

Bebop2m 33s if we're suggesting things to increase mod functionality or improve the report system etc etc, an appeal button on closed reports might be nice.

for example, the user could click the "appeal" button and enter a reason for appeal and then where the report usually has a link to Game #XYZ it has a link to the report that's being appealed.

also something that's been suggested is removing the 10 minute cooldown on reporting from mods, because a mod isn't likely to report spam and if they do they can simply be demodded.

over 8 years
There should be an automatic unban system. Some banned users pm me asking why they are still banned and I'm not even a mod LOL.. Auto unban after x time please that way people don't have to manually message someone.
deletedover 8 years
Have moderators checking linked accounts appear in recent mod actions

Give lobby mods the ability to delete wall posts
over 8 years
Sorry i didn't know
over 8 years
knew somebody would notice that
over 8 years
Sweetnkind being modded and pam being demodded would be a moderation upgrade. lol
deletedover 8 years

Bebop says

already a thing

over 8 years

aquarius says

I've obviously never been a mod but I've seen complaints about the process of site banning people so you could make that easier

Iirc you have to go to each lobby and ban them from the lobby (same thing for unsitebanning), why not have an option for multiple lobbies on profiles rather than having to go to each individual lobby?

already a thing
over 8 years
I've obviously never been a mod but I've seen complaints about the process of site banning people so you could make that easier

Iirc you have to go to each lobby and ban them from the lobby (same thing for unsitebanning), why not have an option for multiple lobbies on profiles rather than having to go to each individual lobby?
over 8 years
Thx broski

Do you just have a lot of free time all the sudden or just want to do a lot of EM upgrades?
over 8 years

Rutab says

admin says

Arcbell1h 10m+2 If you REALLY wanna enhance the productivity of your mods, here's what you do:

In any given report, any time a player types a timestamp (like just puts the string 8:35 in the report) the moderator can click it as a link, and it puts you in the game and zooms you to that exact time.

this is hard because it varies based on timezone

In-game timestamps have nothing to do with timezones. I believes it's simply when the first person speaks to the time the last person chats.

oh, you are right! ok, it may be doable then
over 8 years

admin says

Arcbell1h 10m+2 If you REALLY wanna enhance the productivity of your mods, here's what you do:

In any given report, any time a player types a timestamp (like just puts the string 8:35 in the report) the moderator can click it as a link, and it puts you in the game and zooms you to that exact time.

this is hard because it varies based on timezone

In-game timestamps have nothing to do with timezones. I believes it's simply when the first person speaks to the time the last person chats.
over 8 years
yeah, appeals are easy to build, but they would be a separate category (with their own open / closed / in progress)
over 8 years

Arcbell1h 10m+2 If you REALLY wanna enhance the productivity of your mods, here's what you do:

In any given report, any time a player types a timestamp (like just puts the string 8:35 in the report) the moderator can click it as a link, and it puts you in the game and zooms you to that exact time.

this is hard because it varies based on timezone
over 8 years
the move to forum thing should be fixed
over 8 years
bump because this is the right mod thread for lucid to see
over 8 years
So i heard no mod really use the hammer on the comments. Can someone explains me why not ?
over 8 years
Can you change the stalker Icon back to what it was? This is just throwing me off.
over 8 years
hey yachi
over 8 years
demod poser too
over 8 years

Bebop says

I think a good addition for that stuff would be having a "report in?" feature on reports, where players can choose from a list of lobbies that the player being reported has visited. Once chosen, the report will show the appropriate tag ("in Main", "in Sandbox", "in DanganMafia" etc).

What I was trying to explain but in more words than I needed to
over 8 years

yachi says

Moderation Upgrades
step 1: demod bebop

yachi sees glow die n1, metaclears herself, says she has aids, please someone retract and that's it
over 8 years
I think a good addition for that stuff would be having a "report in?" feature on reports, where players can choose from a list of lobbies that the player being reported has visited. Once chosen, the report will show the appropriate tag ("in Main", "in Sandbox", "in DanganMafia" etc).
over 8 years
Moderation Upgrades
step 1: demod bebop
over 8 years

admin says

yea bbl, but come up with like top 3 things to fix

1.) Obviously what we just discussed about appeal management.

2.) Easier yet more in-depth filter for report searched. Ex: Filtering by violation given, moderator completed, and also non-current moderator handled reports.

admin says

also, we should also think about how moderation works in sub lobbies (sandbox, dangan) and see if they need anything

3.) I guess you could separate reports from other lobbies a bit easier. If it's still the same as always, all lobby reports file under the same general tab. You could make it easier to distinguish lobby reports by having their own sub-reports tab. That could either be accessible on the reports tab now or just make it so they link to a "lobby reports" tab. Ex: Being in Sandbox lobby and pressing the Forums buttton leads you to the Sandbox forums. Being in Sandbox lobby and pressing the Reports button brings you to the Sandbox Reports tab.

I don't speak for everyone, obviously, but I think these additions would be quite nice
over 8 years
also, we should also think about how moderation works in sub lobbies (sandbox, dangan) and see if they need anything