deletedabout 7 years

instead of complaining about how EM is dying let's do something productive and post ideas to save it. Feel free to use this topic to suggest things or discuss the suggestions. Post flooding will make you muted.

(Meme/less serious) answers will be in red

Bolded topics are headers or further readings. Feel free to bump them. I'll add anything posted in the comments.


  • Active site development(Golbolco) Page 1
  • Better advertising(Golbolco) P1
  • Social media platform(dooze) P2
  • Mobile app(warriormilk) P1
  • Higher variety to spend tokens (Jimbei)
  • EM premium (Jimbei)
  • Profile pets (sigh) P1



Community and forums:

  • Lower toxicity to maintain playerbase(Golbolco) P1
  • Stop noavi mistreatment(Lancaster) P1
  • further reading
  • more noavi mistreatment (BillyHerrington) P3
  • Less report on new players(Blood4bloodgod) P2
  • No point requirement to post in complaints and bugs(cub) P10
  • Stop post flooding (Jimbei) P9
  • Site mascot (Merlot)
  • Annual EM fanart competition (Cub) P10

I never thought of that!

  • Pretend it's not dead(Negra) P1
  • Moderate the Furry(Bruno) P1
  • Put all our trust in Jamal(Plissken) and give him back ownership(Jamal) P1/P3
  • Give adminship to xxerox(xxerox) P9
  • Just let it die(bibty) P2
almost 6 years
Hey Jinga! thanks for the vape,
almost 6 years
Hey Platy! Thanks for the reply,
almost 6 years
deletedover 6 years
bring ha back
over 6 years

Jimbei says

I was waiting for someone to bring up lobby spamming.

here i am
deletedabout 7 years
I was wrong, EM is alive, my inbox is filled. I understand now.
deletedabout 7 years

Platypops says

-encourage a more active and welcoming community (i.e. movie nights or streams, whatever works)
-be more strict with punishments given out by mods to discourage repeat offenders
-don't have so many lobby mods, 2 is risking overdoing it honestly and try to have it organized so at least 1 mod is always on to stop late night rulebreaking
- be more strict with wall and lobby spamming

Hey Platy! Thanks for the reply, I was really trying to compile ideas, even if things are futile it's best to let people voice things out, because it's better than doing nothing. Quite a lot of these things can be solved by the community itself, which I can agree with in your points, however some it it IS simply out of our hands, putting ideas together and generating discussion is better than nothing.

I just wanted to say, there's no real problem with too many lobby mods unless you're modding loose cannons. 1 person has been seen to screw up an ownership, but the bigger the pool the more likely disagreements were to come. I feel that it's not the amount that is modded but who is modded that is important, I feel it's purely situational however I could agree to only 1 mod is necessary in the current sandbox, they'd have to be active, having differing opinions is still good.

(I was waiting for someone to bring up lobby spamming. I feel spam rules are dumb in general but as lucid won't be fixing this by letting us block users on lobby wall, I could agree to mods cracking down on the same thing neg bombed over and over day by day.)
about 7 years

Platypops says

threads like this are an exercise in futility.

In my 6 years of being here countless "here's how the site can be improved" threads have come and gone and nothing at all changed because nobody who has the power to change things a. doesn't read the thread, or (more likely) b. just doesn't care about the site. ideas are nice but they're just ideas until they're actually implemented

not to mention that 9/10 of these threads go incredibly offtopic about something completely unrelated or turn into someone's personal vendetta against a mod or another user they don't like.

i've tried for years to get some ideas together to improve sandbox and maybe em in general but after getting met with hostility every step of the way i stopped trying. it's why i stepped down as owner and mod and why i don't want to be either one again.

But if you want some actual suggestions, here you go:

-encourage a more active and welcoming community (i.e. movie nights or streams, whatever works)
-be more strict with punishments given out by mods to discourage repeat offenders
-don't have so many lobby mods, 2 is risking overdoing it honestly and try to have it organized so at least 1 mod is always on to stop late night rulebreaking
- be more strict with wall and lobby spamming

there, i said way too much honestly but i don't really care


Look it here. Someone who says the exact same thing as me :D
about 7 years
threads like this are an exercise in futility.

In my 6 years of being here countless "here's how the site can be improved" threads have come and gone and nothing at all changed because nobody who has the power to change things a. doesn't read the thread, or (more likely) b. just doesn't care about the site. ideas are nice but they're just ideas until they're actually implemented

not to mention that 9/10 of these threads go incredibly offtopic about something completely unrelated or turn into someone's personal vendetta against a mod or another user they don't like.

i've tried for years to get some ideas together to improve sandbox and maybe em in general but after getting met with hostility every step of the way i stopped trying. it's why i stepped down as owner and mod and why i don't want to be either one again.

But if you want some actual suggestions, here you go:

-encourage a more active and welcoming community (i.e. movie nights or streams, whatever works)
-be more strict with punishments given out by mods to discourage repeat offenders
-don't have so many lobby mods, 2 is risking overdoing it honestly and try to have it organized so at least 1 mod is always on to stop late night rulebreaking
- be more strict with wall and lobby spamming

there, i said way too much honestly but i don't really care
about 7 years

xxerox says

Chaika says

xxerox, most of your complaints are directed towards the site mods. Since this is sandbox, do you have any thoughts towards the sandbox moderation?

I am not here all the time to give a competent answer.

What made you come to sandbox lobby forums then? I thought you were just in main lobby most of the time and only came to sandbox when no one was biting.
about 7 years

sl0nderman says

chaika grasping for approval ratings

about 7 years

Chaika says

xxerox, most of your complaints are directed towards the site mods. Since this is sandbox, do you have any thoughts towards the sandbox moderation?

I am not here all the time to give a competent answer.
about 7 years
chaika grasping for approval ratings
about 7 years
xxerox, most of your complaints are directed towards the site mods. Since this is sandbox, do you have any thoughts towards the sandbox moderation?
deletedabout 7 years
i dont even know what u guys are arguing about but
the ideas are great u should all be working together to aim for what the is in the interests of this community and not just the mods/admins
the op nearly sums up everything we need to improve this website and it doesnt seem like much to ask
about 7 years
I will keep my point. This site needs to stop being so lenient untill all the problems with the community are fixed.
about 7 years
Bebop : hey lono, You are doing something wrong

Lono : Ok

(Does it anyway)

Bebop: Lono is doing something wrong. I am against his decision, and the poll, will be unbiased. We should look for another sollution, because this one is wrong.

Community : Bebop is right. Finnaly a good moderator with conciousness.

(Lono does it anyway, but at least now the community know you tried, and there are still mods who think stright.)
about 7 years
This thread sucks
-me, sl0nderman just now
about 7 years
So. It is better to tell someone with power , that he is doing something stupid and wrong, rather than to tell the people who give him the power to do it so.
deletedabout 7 years
*something i think is a funny joke*
- bebop 2017
about 7 years
*something krypdyr didn't say*
- krypdyr 2017
deletedabout 7 years
democracy is bad
- bebop 2017
about 7 years

xxerox says

Bebop says

the poll decision wasn't made by edark, it was mostly lono if i remember

Then you had to complain against lono.

There is a complain section too that is not used like it should be used.

i thought telling him to his face was more appropriate than making a scene in public.
about 7 years

Bebop says

the poll decision wasn't made by edark, it was mostly lono if i remember

Then you had to complain against lono.

There is a complain section too that is not used like it should be used.
about 7 years

krypdyr says

i voice my own opinions and youre not allowed to
- bebop 2017
