Everyone wants their role to be added. This isn't for everyone.
While lucid is actually active at present, this thread is for fixing roles and mafia-related features. Improving the game itself is more important than adding a bunch of role clones.
Receives an extra life every time they receive a non-deadly town visit at night. Can choose each night to die no matter what and convert another player into a Cyborg. Wins if the Cyborgs outnumber the town.
If the Politician is alive, every other day, an election is held instead of a lynching. When a player is elected, they can choose to lynch a player of their choice. Wins at the end of the game if ever elected.
apprentices in dual-mafia games can switch sides when they take another role! also all mafia people can switch sides when they turn traitor!
and about masterminds... they can only be with the black mafia, asso guns cant kill them, and im also pretty sure they can be the mafia in dreams and carols... oh! and if theyre taken out of the meeting by a jailer or chef or something, the mafia cant kill them! because it says theyre part of the mafia but not attending the meeting! and everyone can see each other without the whole "mafia-1" thing but they cant do anything to get rid of the mm while theyre away...
deletedabout 8 years
This also happens whenever you 'guise out and the Mastermind's still alive...
deletedabout 8 years
Disguiser needs patching. Like... a lot of it. I know I've said this stuff before, but I don't think I've put anything in here yet.
- Pathologists, amnesiacs, and other roles that deal with the dead won't see a "dead" disguiser in their lists; instead, they'll see their target, letting them know easily who's who. I've been found out this way multiple times. - Anyone with EMjack can type "/vote [disguiser's name]" during the day if they want to find them out; when that command is sent, the game will automatically vote for their target. Again, this has been used against me. - If a butterfly dies while a 'guiser is in someone else's skin, occasionally the 'guiser will have their text box taken away, rendering them unable to talk. I tried communicating that little handicap once by vote-flashing, and all I got was "lol, perplexed is faking silenced". - If there's a mastermind in a game, and they're still alive when the 'guiser "dies", the same thing will always happen. - If there are two disguisers in a game, and one steals the other's identity, they'll be naked. I dunno how intentional that one is.
also oh god its so embarrassing when youve got a good cover and yoUR NAME SHOWS UP IN A CAROL LIKE "verums in the carol?? verum is deADNO WAIT THEYRE GUISER"
"dead" players prob shouldnt. be in carols bc thats a no fun
aslo when im guising this one other person, specifically (ive tested to confirm that htis only works with one other person), i can see them talking in the gy as if its me (them) whispering to myself but in red which is weird and i dont know why
a n d if guiser leads on the kill and is killed mid-guise theyll basically be immortal bc the game will put them in the "village", and count them as a maf player, but let them talk in the gy chat and remove them from all lists (lynching/night actions/etc) as if they died. i call this empty shell immortality and u can tell it happened if theres one more person on the left than the right and guiser has two death messages, one with their targets role and one with their own
god i love the role but its glitched to heck and should b fixed
ive said this before but if butterfly dies and guiser switches identities in the same night, the guisers text box will disappear its like being silenced, only it never goes away, even after you die, and you cant even type anything this happened to me in a game like once or twice and i had to vote flash to let the town know i couldnt talk?? everyone was like "lol perplexed is faking silenced" like they didnt get it until i put in my will that my game glitched the glitch goes on even in the gy and after the guiser switches out again; it also might not need the guiser to switch as the butterfly dies but i wouldnt know bc i tend to guise every night unless i can stay in a clear lmao
AND SPEAKING OF GUISER patho and amn (and probably mort too) can see who theyre guised as bc their name wont be in the list but their targets name will. ive been caught this way twice and its no fun
Just to add to this. They should have the option to reveal roles for just the mafia during the day so it's slightly more balanced. The roles will be revealed based upon when they were visited as well, so if paparazzi takes photo of one target but that target gets maided the next night, it will reveal the old role of that target to the mafia.
deletedabout 8 years
That feature was likely added as a filter to stop shell accounts from mass-spamming the comments as a result of shell accounts that were mass-spamming the comments(Just a guess)
If it's karma/points yeah the filter should be changed to X number of unranked games at the very least.
Not really a mafia feature, but anyone should be able to comment on reports. It's kind of stupid how new people can be reported but can't defend themselves until they meet the requirements to comment
paparazzi visits one person each night to snap photos
when lynched, all the photos are revealed and their roles are exposed to the mafia
its like paparazzi but useful
deletedabout 8 years
Gambler choosing who to gamble during the day instead of the night would be an easy fix(however that makes gambler less powerful).
The other alternative is if someone doesn't pick an option the computer will automatically pick one for them
deletedabout 8 years
Being gambled really needs to ping you because whenever I'm a non-visiting role I tab out, and then I come back and see that I've vegged due to being caught in the gambler's den. Please make being gambled ping me thank you
i just played a game with 3 maf and 1 mm and i was voodoo and i couldn't voodoo the mastermind??? fix this
deletedabout 8 years
If there is more than one gambler in a game, at the point where one or more gambler(s) win, can the other gambler(s) who haven't met the win conditions die. This is to establish who actually wins the game.