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Role Interaction Expansion

over 8 years

Role interactions already exist. Some more notable interactions include: drunk + driver, hooker + virgin, penguin + penguin, and so on.

Role interactions add an extra layer of complexity for experienced mafia players and an extra level of creativity when making setups. In closed role setups, they simply make everything more interesting and keep the game fresh since they're very uncommon and always neat when they happen.

Since they can make a big difference in gameplay (you might not think at first that putting drunk and driver in a setup would turn drunk into a vigilante), an "Interactions" list could be added to role descriptions for roles where this mechanic applies.

Current interactions (to be listed)

  • Virgin - When visited by a Hooker, becomes a Villager.
  • / Hooker - Can turn a Virgin into a Villager.
  • Drunk - Drunking a Driver causes him to die.
  • / Driver - Dies if visited by a Drunk.
  • Mistletoe - Becomes mafia if visited by a Hooker.
  • / Hooker - Can turn a Mistletoe into a Mafia.
  • Arsonist - Can kill a Tree.
  • Paranoid - Investigating an Alien will appear sided with the Alien.

Suggested role interactions (vote below)

  • Bodyguard - 100% chance to kill when protecting a Celebrity.
  • Butterfly - Being trapped by the Trapper triggers the butterfly effect.
  • Shrink - Cops visited by the Shrink always receive a correct report.
  • Deputy - Shooting the Sheriff reveals him as the new Sheriff.
  • Traitor - If visited by the Yakuza, becomes a Yakuza.
  • Snowman - Snowman is immune to snowballs. (system message: The snowball has no effect.)
  • Survivor - Visiting the same house as a Fool reveals the Fool to the Survivor.
  • / Fool - Visiting the same house as a Survivor reveals the Survivor to the Fool.


Vote for all interactions you would like to see added.

You may suggest more interactions for another poll when we get enough.

Do you like role interactions?
I love role interactions
I don't like role interactions
almost 8 years

shayneismyname says

Butterfly dieing should unthulu people.

god yes
almost 8 years
Drunk should block the role from visiting if they are mafia.
almost 8 years
Butterfly dieing should unthulu people.
about 8 years

PatrykSzczescie says

Loudmouth shouldn't even whisper in library.

making loudmouth immune to library altogether is a good idea
about 8 years
I think forger should not be able to forge secretary's will.
over 8 years
Loudmouth shouldn't even whisper in library.
over 8 years
Missing description: Bride cannot propose to somebody who's already in love with Lover or Heartbreaker.
over 8 years
shrink one is interesting.
over 8 years
You should announce that there are changes with interactions so everybody will know.

My suggestion:

Cult wins when there's meteor with cthulhu alive.
over 8 years
also double post but yolo - could we make it so thulu'd players real text shows to Cthulhu (and maybe cult too?) but still shows jumbled to other players? It'd make gameplay more interesting imo
over 8 years
Insane cop should be able to see all roles that sane cop can't - killer, clockmaker, alien, etc.

Journalist and Informant shouldn't visit because dreamer and santa are both hidden from journ/infom because they don't get messages if visited.

Maybe make invisible man immune to reports, kind of OP but he is invisible.

Maybe make bleeder messages (both bleeder and knived players) show as public system messages. Cut down on ASSO spam.

If town kills priest, they turn to turncoat. Trapper/Vig, etc.

Maybe make mimic on mafia not turn blue...players who find mafia n1 are neutered for the rest of the game.

Caroler on Santa could be something interesting, maybe?

add cyborg music

zombie and cyborg need nerfed -- maybe zombie doesn't convert if the player is vested, zombie is automatically shot/stabbed if the player holes a gun/knife

gambler should die if it loses 2 matches

maybe naked ww should show as the last player it (successfully) ate. Miseating ww is auto killed in most cases. I don't think this would f!ck with ranked setups that I have seen and it could make sandbox fun.

sab should be able to sab items - if he visits a player one of their items is sabbed. sab is kind of worthless right now, but it could be nice to see it screw with vests, knives, famine bread...etc

add system message in cases where judge/prosecutor/gov/don decide who the lynch is
(like gallis)

maybe add more held items (robes and sh!t) to certain roles. Make killers/clockmakers/etc hold specific items so snoop/penguin aren't so worthless.

when mm is in game, poisoner, stalker and the like shouldn't be able to use their secondary meeting (ie poisoner meeting) to find maf partners. Make the list show all players, including partners

just some suggestions. I went through the role list and thought these suggestions up just now so I haven't put much thought into it. Feedback welcome.
over 8 years
alien shouldn't be silenced, fiddled or thlued or be converted
over 8 years

admin says

SirAmelio says

mechanic should leave Cyborg back at 3 charges

you mean converting a mechanic?
over 8 years

SirAmelio says

mechanic should leave Cyborg back at 3 charges

you mean converting a mechanic?
over 8 years
mechanic should leave Cyborg back at 3 charges
over 8 years
If a hunter successfully kills a quack, he should live another day.
over 8 years
over 8 years

Monobear says

With President added, I think Bodyguard should have a 100% to kill when protecting it.

I mean Presidents got bodyguards, it's only fitting I'd say

over 8 years
With President added, I think Bodyguard should have a 100% to kill when protecting it.

I mean Presidents got bodyguards, it's only fitting I'd say
over 8 years
Actually, it should say "You find yourself at a wedding reception!" since it's unusual for one's fiancé to attend one's bachelor/bachelorette party. The thing I said about the color scheme still holds, though.
over 8 years
It would be cool if when a bride's proposal is accepted by a party host, the party system message becomes "You find yourself at a bachelor party!" just as a minor detail. Maybe the colors could change to a pink and red scheme too.
over 8 years
what about the yakuza / traitor interaction? I think it's good
deletedover 8 years
people would be very careful with it and if mafia can win with it then they use it. also would help town if they can kill multiple mafias. and then we'd solve the problem of creepy girl having an easy win condition
over 8 years

Soluciones says

lucid can you please add a feature that when the creepy girl's doll is passed to creepy girl, everyone who held it including her die? i think it'd be cool

That's horribly unbalanced.
deletedover 8 years
lucid can you please add a feature that when the creepy girl's doll is passed to creepy girl, everyone who held it including her die? i think it'd be cool