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Role Interaction Expansion

over 8 years

Role interactions already exist. Some more notable interactions include: drunk + driver, hooker + virgin, penguin + penguin, and so on.

Role interactions add an extra layer of complexity for experienced mafia players and an extra level of creativity when making setups. In closed role setups, they simply make everything more interesting and keep the game fresh since they're very uncommon and always neat when they happen.

Since they can make a big difference in gameplay (you might not think at first that putting drunk and driver in a setup would turn drunk into a vigilante), an "Interactions" list could be added to role descriptions for roles where this mechanic applies.

Current interactions (to be listed)

  • Virgin - When visited by a Hooker, becomes a Villager.
  • / Hooker - Can turn a Virgin into a Villager.
  • Drunk - Drunking a Driver causes him to die.
  • / Driver - Dies if visited by a Drunk.
  • Mistletoe - Becomes mafia if visited by a Hooker.
  • / Hooker - Can turn a Mistletoe into a Mafia.
  • Arsonist - Can kill a Tree.
  • Paranoid - Investigating an Alien will appear sided with the Alien.

Suggested role interactions (vote below)

  • Bodyguard - 100% chance to kill when protecting a Celebrity.
  • Butterfly - Being trapped by the Trapper triggers the butterfly effect.
  • Shrink - Cops visited by the Shrink always receive a correct report.
  • Deputy - Shooting the Sheriff reveals him as the new Sheriff.
  • Traitor - If visited by the Yakuza, becomes a Yakuza.
  • Snowman - Snowman is immune to snowballs. (system message: The snowball has no effect.)
  • Survivor - Visiting the same house as a Fool reveals the Fool to the Survivor.
  • / Fool - Visiting the same house as a Survivor reveals the Survivor to the Fool.


Vote for all interactions you would like to see added.

You may suggest more interactions for another poll when we get enough.

Do you like role interactions?
I love role interactions
I don't like role interactions
over 8 years

Dag says

Traitor - If visited by the Yakuza, becomes a Yakuza.

i dont get this lol

traitor is a mafia ally and yakking a traitor is pointless under almost any other circumstance, so instead of becoming a nilla which is a wasted yak it would become a new yak which helps mafia marginally instead of just sacrificing one of their numbers to recruit someone already mafia-sided
over 8 years
Traitor - If visited by the Yakuza, becomes a Yakuza.

i dont get this lol
over 8 years

BabaCakes says

cub says

BabaCakes says

tbh loudmouth should never be fiddled or silenced thats not so much an interaction as much as its just common sense i guess.

there's no reason a loudmouth can't be fiddled, but i agree not being silenced is a good idea

oh yeah ur right. i tried to make it make sense but i never could.

maybe LM can still be heard by fiddled people but as an anonymous voice? they gotta be loud.

what if the blinder fails as long as a lightkeeper is alive
over 8 years

cub says

BabaCakes says

tbh loudmouth should never be fiddled or silenced thats not so much an interaction as much as its just common sense i guess.

there's no reason a loudmouth can't be fiddled, but i agree not being silenced is a good idea

oh yeah ur right. i tried to make it make sense but i never could.

maybe LM can still be heard by fiddled people but as an anonymous voice? they gotta be loud.
over 8 years

BabaCakes says

tbh loudmouth should never be fiddled or silenced thats not so much an interaction as much as its just common sense i guess.

there's no reason a loudmouth can't be fiddled, but i agree not being silenced is a good idea
over 8 years
tbh loudmouth should never be fiddled or silenced thats not so much an interaction as much as its just common sense i guess.
over 8 years
the snowman one isnt really even a role interaction i shouldve just posted it in the other thread as a role fix
over 8 years
Hooker turns mistletoe into a mafia atm so put that in
deletedover 8 years
also, i would make bodyguard kill an attacker and die every time so it isnt based on luck

this too: if creepy girl's doll comes back to her, everyone who held it gets killed.
deletedover 8 years
cub could you tell lucid to fix visits. logic of visits doesn't work the same for tracker than for watcher.
deletedover 8 years
Hunter and/or Huntsman- if lynched can kill werewolf, regardless if he has eaten.
/Werewolf can be killed by Hunter/Huntsman

Hunter and/or Huntsman- if bewitched by Witch, Witch dies instead
/Witch dies if tries to bewitch Hunter and/or Huntsman
over 8 years

sl0nderman says

When you say "being trapped by the trapper" for the butterfly, you mean the trapper is on the butterfly?


when trapper visits butterfly
over 8 years
When you say "being trapped by the trapper" for the butterfly, you mean the trapper is on the butterfly?
over 8 years
good thread