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Role Interaction Expansion

over 7 years

Role interactions already exist. Some more notable interactions include: drunk + driver, hooker + virgin, penguin + penguin, and so on.

Role interactions add an extra layer of complexity for experienced mafia players and an extra level of creativity when making setups. In closed role setups, they simply make everything more interesting and keep the game fresh since they're very uncommon and always neat when they happen.

Since they can make a big difference in gameplay (you might not think at first that putting drunk and driver in a setup would turn drunk into a vigilante), an "Interactions" list could be added to role descriptions for roles where this mechanic applies.

Current interactions (to be listed)

  • Virgin - When visited by a Hooker, becomes a Villager.
  • / Hooker - Can turn a Virgin into a Villager.
  • Drunk - Drunking a Driver causes him to die.
  • / Driver - Dies if visited by a Drunk.
  • Mistletoe - Becomes mafia if visited by a Hooker.
  • / Hooker - Can turn a Mistletoe into a Mafia.
  • Arsonist - Can kill a Tree.
  • Paranoid - Investigating an Alien will appear sided with the Alien.

Suggested role interactions (vote below)

  • Bodyguard - 100% chance to kill when protecting a Celebrity.
  • Butterfly - Being trapped by the Trapper triggers the butterfly effect.
  • Shrink - Cops visited by the Shrink always receive a correct report.
  • Deputy - Shooting the Sheriff reveals him as the new Sheriff.
  • Traitor - If visited by the Yakuza, becomes a Yakuza.
  • Snowman - Snowman is immune to snowballs. (system message: The snowball has no effect.)
  • Survivor - Visiting the same house as a Fool reveals the Fool to the Survivor.
  • / Fool - Visiting the same house as a Survivor reveals the Survivor to the Fool.


Vote for all interactions you would like to see added.

You may suggest more interactions for another poll when we get enough.

Do you like role interactions?
I love role interactions
I don't like role interactions
over 7 years
ok, made is so ninja doesn't wake loudmouth and samurai kills it if it goes alone
deletedover 7 years
i think ninja visits loudmouth and wakes him up. it shouldnt
over 7 years

Ben says

ninja visiting samurai dies

i support this
im pretty sure it wouldn't create any conflict with existing samurai setups but it would introduce new ones

however, samurai should still die to the mafia kill in addition to killing ninja, for balancing. otherwise samurai is basically immune to mafia kills with ninja
over 7 years
Perhaps aliens abducted Lucid and implanted a fake Lucid robot to take his place.
over 7 years
if shrink goes on amn something should happen
over 7 years
ninja visiting samurai dies
over 7 years
this month's lucid is legit the best site admin i've come across in my wasteful days of web browsing
over 7 years

admin says

Matt12 says

Hey lucid, I love you fyi


I stalk you on social media, no big deal
over 7 years

Matt12 says

Hey lucid, I love you fyi

over 7 years
Hey lucid, I love you fyi
over 7 years

ISamEI says

cub says

admin says

cub says

doesn't that just auto-reveal lover by virtue of bride knowing who they can't pick must be lover?

pretty much, anything wrong with that?

well it basically gives bride two reveals then, and if no town claims the lover should the bride choose to out them then it couples as a free mafia out (lover on mafia)

i think in attempting to exclude lover from bride logic, you made it a permanent addition

maybe having lover always have to decline bride would be better?

ok done
over 7 years

cub says

admin says

cub says

doesn't that just auto-reveal lover by virtue of bride knowing who they can't pick must be lover?

pretty much, anything wrong with that?

well it basically gives bride two reveals then, and if no town claims the lover should the bride choose to out them then it couples as a free mafia out (lover on mafia)

i think in attempting to exclude lover from bride logic, you made it a permanent addition

maybe having lover always have to decline bride would be better?
over 7 years

admin says

cub says

doesn't that just auto-reveal lover by virtue of bride knowing who they can't pick must be lover?

pretty much, anything wrong with that?

well it basically gives bride two reveals then, and if no town claims the lover should the bride choose to out them then it couples as a free mafia out (lover on mafia)

i think in attempting to exclude lover from bride logic, you made it a permanent addition
deletedover 7 years
i would like if trickster receives a fab gun they get some sort of system message that reveals it's fabbed. trickster ain't fallin for other peoples tricks
over 7 years

cub says

doesn't that just auto-reveal lover by virtue of bride knowing who they can't pick must be lover?

pretty much, anything wrong with that?
over 7 years
doesn't that just auto-reveal lover by virtue of bride knowing who they can't pick must be lover?
over 7 years
ok, made it so bride cannot propose to lover if he/she already in love

will restart server some time sunday
over 7 years
I got a few ;) ;)

-Samurai and Cutler: Samurai will have a 50% chance of avoiding a stabbing from a Cutler's knife (His sword IS bigger than a knife after all)

-Clockmaker and Mechanic: Mechanic could perhaps be an obstacle in the Clockmaker's way, like resetting or taking away hours?

-Bride and Lover/Angel: Bride will be unable to propose to a lover and angel (I know Bride + Lover was suggested in another thread, but Angel I think could technically count since they do have "overwhelming unconditional love")
over 7 years
added loudmouth / silencer
over 7 years

ISamEI says

Other ideas for role interactions based on name:
->Loudmouth becomes villager when silenced (note that they will still yell on the night they are silenced)
->Insane cop becomes sane when shrinked
->Sane cop also becomes insane when on Cthulhu
->Telepath dies when messaging a Psychic (Pyschichs do not appreciate their minds being tampered with)
->If old maid has a gun, she functions as a granny during the night.
->If Chef invites a poisoner and another player to a banquet...
-Poisoner selects a chalice to poison (his chalice or the other player's)
-Other player must pick a chalice to drink from. Poisoner drinks the other glass.
-Whoever drinks the poisoned glass becomes poisoned.

revisions to these

- Loudmouth cannot be silenced.
Role conversion doesn't quite fit, and silencing a loudmouth allows him to votelead on silencer anyway so this would also remove that lame trick.

- Anyone cheffed with a Poisoner is poisoned.
I know you're making a reference to the Princess Bride and WIFOM, but I think it might be a little too complex for a simple role interaction.
deletedover 7 years

ISamEI says

->If Chef invites a poisoner and another player to a banquet...
-Poisoner selects a chalice to poison (his chalice or the other player's)
-Other player must pick a chalice to drink from. Poisoner drinks the other glass.
-Whoever drinks the poisoned glass becomes poisoned.

i love this
over 7 years

admin says

added bodyguard / celebrity and snowman / snowball

does that mean you'll be adding the ones with more votes than bg/celeb
over 7 years
Other ideas for role interactions based on name:
->Loudmouth becomes villager when silenced (note that they will still yell on the night they are silenced)
->Insane cop becomes sane when shrinked
->Sane cop also becomes insane when on Cthulhu
->Telepath dies when messaging a Psychic (Pyschichs do not appreciate their minds being tampered with)
->If old maid has a gun, she functions as a granny during the night.
->If Chef invites a poisoner and another player to a banquet...
-Poisoner selects a chalice to poison (his chalice or the other player's)
-Other player must pick a chalice to drink from. Poisoner drinks the other glass.
-Whoever drinks the poisoned glass becomes poisoned.
over 7 years
added bodyguard / celebrity and snowman / snowball
over 7 years

cub says

Dag says

Traitor - If visited by the Yakuza, becomes a Yakuza.

i dont get this lol

traitor is a mafia ally and yakking a traitor is pointless under almost any other circumstance, so instead of becoming a nilla which is a wasted yak it would become a new yak which helps mafia marginally instead of just sacrificing one of their numbers to recruit someone already mafia-sided

Traitor still gets an upgrade, though, in being able to kill. Other interactions are cool, but I don't think this one is quite as straightforward. Butterfly effect was a great idea lol.