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Golbolco's thread

over 7 years

I am Golbolco. This is my dedicated spam thread where I post about things I consider important and speak to people in a public forum.


I am a very super famous person on an online mafia simulator. My accolades are numerous, but I'm best known for my Golbultima setups, my news tabloid the Daily Drama Report (the concept for which I appropriated from Christopherzilla and deserve no credit for), and usurping Kenny as Sandbox owner in February of 2016.

I like to make roles and come up with new mechanics or items to potentially be implemented by Lucid into EpicMafia. I am also Lucid's official role mod.

Golbultima is a closed-roles, all-roles setup series I made in November of 2015 as an experiment. I do not and did not intend to troll people with it, I just wanted to see how it would play and if the roles had any kind of innate probability over other roles.

Daily Drama Report is a thread wherein I and anyone else who wants to join in can report on the latest happenings on the website or the "politics" therein. It also accepts posts of people being petty and causing problems for the sake of causing problems. Link:

Golbamania is a mass expose/callout event named after Hulkamania, WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan's catchphrase whenever he challenged another wrestler. Ideally, Golbamania should never happen but sometimes people act inappropriate.

Likes and Interests

Star Wars is a space fantasy opera franchise created by George Lucas and currently owned by the Walt Disney Company. I liked Star Wars before it was coolâ„¢.

Culinary art is the art of preparing, cooking and presenting food. As an alum of Whataburger University, I consider it one of my greatest skills.

EpicMafia is an online party game simulator created by Phillip "Lucidrains" Wang. It's a good website.

English Bulldogs are adorable.

In this thread, you can:

  • Talk to me
  • Ask me anything
  • Ask for an opinion/thoughts on yourself or something/someone
  • Ask for something from me
  • Challenge/debate me or my actions/beliefs
  • Criticize me
  • Suggest things for me to do
  • Ask for a rating
  • Ask me about roles/website stuff
Thrackan Sal-Solo
28 signed
Thrackan Sal-Solo was a Human male who was the son of Randil Sal and Tiion Sal-Solo and the first cousin of Han Solo. He was a few years older than Han and bore a striking resemblance to his cousin.
Favorite food?
French fries
Malt shakes
Fried zucchini
Crispy bacon
Peanut butter
Soda bread
Chewy bacon
over 6 years
1. Suggest something I can improve on


2. Give me a suggestion how I can improve you
over 6 years
Lemme guess, you grew up in the suburbs, you had a life, great. Mommy and Daddy maybe divorced, hoooooooo that was the biggest shake of your life, the hardest probably thing you've ever faced. Other than that, life must've been a piece of friggin cake....
over 6 years

baabaa says

golbolpro I need an Opinion

I already gave you one in your thread!

Here's another one: You're really relaxed and that makes you fun to be around, because you're not ready to jump down anyone's throat at any moment. I'm still not sure if there's anything that sets you off that way.
over 6 years
golbolpro I need an Opinion
over 6 years
my boboli
over 6 years
over 6 years

Borrach says

give me an opinion golb :D

I like your friendly attitude! We need more people like you.
over 6 years
give me an opinion golb :D
over 6 years

jingahegami says

who are you?

I'm Golbolco.

dooze says

english bulldogs cant naturally breed

Yeah. There's a reason why almost every man in the last five years has gone out and found a woman with wide hips.

Moomo says

Rate me Googlebolco

10/10. I'm glad that you've returned and simmered down from your volatile Elmo persona.
over 6 years
Rate me Googlebolco
over 6 years
english bulldogs cant naturally breed
over 6 years
over 6 years
who are you?
over 6 years
deletedover 7 years

Someone added a new part to this picture so I had to share
deletedover 7 years

Golbolco says

Rest in peace Carrie Fisher. You don't know it, but you did a lot for me just by being in a cheesy 70s space fantasy film.

over 7 years
Rest in peace Carrie Fisher. You don't know it, but you did a lot for me just by being in a cheesy 70s space fantasy film.
over 7 years

Jimbei says

Merry Christmas/Happy holidays Golb!

Thanks Jimbei, you too!
deletedover 7 years
Merry Christmas/Happy holidays Golb!
over 7 years
Rest in peace The Champ, we hardly knew ye.

Pay respects here.
deletedover 7 years
good thread golb
over 7 years
Not part of the review, but some extra (mostly-)non-spoiler thoughts ahead:

Disney/Lucasfilm's marketing department did a really bad job at explaining this film to the general audience. So many people went in/came out confused because they failed to realize that it was a prequel to the original films (so it's not a new Death Star, a new


, etc. etc.), and that it was not going to be an all-ages film. This is a more mature film for older audiences and it's not at all pleasant for young kids. It also didn't help that they release a Death Star film just after The Force Awakens, which was widely criticized for Starkiller Base being just another Death Star.

Now obviously, Disney can't just make people moderately intelligent or at least culturally aware enough to have seen Episode IV, but they could have done a much better job by just putting some title cards in the trailers or something. It's just so frustrating hearing morons be confused on why Rey isn't in the film. It's not like telling people that a film is a prequel is hard, is it? Do they need to renumber all of the films and include the spin-offs to make it more clear? Or just tack Episode IV onto the end of Rogue One and make it a 5-hour long epic that drastically reduces in video quality towards the middle?

They really dropped the ball on this one, but it says more about modern pop culture than anything else, I suppose. We need better Star Wars awareness.
over 7 years

More about the fanservice. The references to Rebels weren't over the top so I was fine with them (not a big fan of Rebels.) I felt that Evazan and Ponda weren't necessary and if done wrong could have taken away from the film, but they were fine I guess. C3P0 and R2D2 are kind of confusing: they should have been on the Tantive IV, which was docked with Raddus's ship when they all went off to Scarif. That Hammerhead cruiser was the bomb, though!

I absolutely hated the fact that the Battle of Scarif was more or less the exact same as the Battle of Toprawa from the EU. I thought the point of nuking the EU was to allow for creative freedom for new projects? Good going, Pablo.

Overall, like I said the film was pretty split. There were some good things and some bad things all throughout. It was definitely salvageable, but apparently the film was tampered with by the LucasFilm Story Group and they had two competing cuts towards the end of production (wow, committees ruining things in Hollywood? Who would have thought!) so I imagine it suffered because of that.
over 7 years

I only liked a few of the characters. K-2S0 was entertaining but he didn't really steal the show as I thought he would. Jyn wasn't a Mary Sue at all, but she also wasn't that interesting as her character remained mostly the same from start to finish. Cassian was alright but felt a little off, I'll have to keep thinking about him. Bodhi Rook and Baze Malbus didn't stand out at all to me, except for the one line about Baze once being the most devoted Guardian of the Whills.

The guy who really took the spotlight was Chirrut. Maybe I have a bias since I very much like the lore and mythology around the Force (and they mentioned the Whills!), but I just really enjoyed him and some of his lines.

Saw Gerrera didn't show up as much as I thought he would and I felt that his death was forced, which was lame because it was really cool getting to see a character from the Clone Wars be so connected to the Rebellion. If I were to redo it, I would have had Gerrera and his Partisans join in on the attack on Scarif (they could more or less replace the Rebel red-shirts) and have Gerrera be killed by Vader (a fitting end, since Anakin trained him during the Clone Wars.)

I liked Krennic, I liked Bail Organa, and I liked Mon Mothma and Admiral Raddus. Krennic was just funny in how he was always getting shafted by his superiors and his end is very fitting. I felt Galen Erso was underused and the supposed "plot hole" in Episode IV being retconned by him was alright but not necessary.
over 7 years
So I saw Rogue One a couple days ago and this is my review of it. Spoilers ahead, you've been warned.

Overall, it was a very split film. The first few minutes is really choppy and poorly edited. Some of its choices towards the beginning felt very non-Star Warsy too. It really feels like a war movie towards the third half, and I imagine this was the plan from the start and what they were aiming to hype. However, the buildup isn't very strong and I felt that it detracted from the value of the climax.

The plot was alright, but it was more or less exactly what we all expected. They got the plans, as we all knew they would if you had even an iota of knowledge about the original plot to Star Wars. Because of this, it obviously would have made more sense for the film to be about the journey rather than the destination, but it fell really flat on that and was just boring for a good chunk through.

The fanservice was alright in some places and not so hot in others. I actually had no problem with how Tarkin looked (though his face was a little wider than I had remembered it to be and I thought he was just a little short), but Leia's appearance was slightly jarring (though much shorter.) I liked Vader, his last scene was awesome, though his one-liner was a little too cartoony, it should have been drier and more aggressive.