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Demod Jericho Now

deletedalmost 10 years

He cheated, you should probably ban him too.

Jasprar: For your convenience, the sexual harassment accusation takes place on page 25

almost 10 years
I think the last thing needed is more politics within the mod team. I liked the ideas of certain designated roles for specific mods, but the tiering could lead to power struggles and such. Wouldn't be worth it.
almost 10 years
tbh, i was the most alpha mod. i mean, just look at these muscles and my natural charisma.
almost 10 years

BiIIStickers says

Renaldo says

Mm makes sense. I think appealing the admin (who I assume would be publicly known in this case) and then having them bring it up to the mods who handled it would make sense. It'd encourage admins to get involved in appeals too, which is usually a good learning opportunity for mods.

i think it puts too much on the plate of the admin but i like the idea of appealing to a higher tier of moderator - if there were junior/senior mods or something, it'd likely streamline the appeals process, and if you delegated mod duties somehow you could theoretically make the system even better. that said, there's a lot to think through with the idea that i havent bothered to do

There used to be Alpha/Beta mods. In order to get refunds for comp or give certain violations you'd need approval from an alpha mod.
deletedalmost 10 years

LadyNemesis says

Hm, that's true. Maybe they could just all show up as 'moderator', but the mods see a number or the real account or something.
However I modded a discussion board with anonymous mods and I have to say, people just started to 'hunt' for the mods based on writing style and such, there's always a way if you truly want to know the identity.

yeah, of course people would, but if you limit the actual mouthpiece of the moderators to a degree that they wouldnt need to accidentally out themselves with forum diatribes, this would be less of an issue. there are very few scenarios in which i think the community is entitled to elaborate explanations on mod decisions
almost 10 years
Yeah Bill, anything structural would have to go through Phil and my guess is that he has other priorities for the site when he decides to do work on it.

His vision of the site is a bit different from a lot of the people who post here, at least that's my vibe after working with the guy.
almost 10 years

Renaldo says

it is, i was just a lazy pos. I didn't mind most comp reports at all, nor did i mind harassment/hateful comments/etc, but the endless flow of training reports gets annoying. that's much better now though, im sure.

As far as cheating is concerned, i only helped out when specifically asked. at the time gira/sachy/riot/gary were pretty active in finding cheaters and they were infinitely better than i was.

The training reports are usually pretty cut and dry. They're not engaging, but they're generally easier to deal with.

yeah the "not engaging" part was the dealbreaker for me. but yeah it was my fault for being extremely lazy. i'd have loved a junior/senior mod-tier system back then
almost 10 years
call moderators janitors and instead of giving them golden stars give them mops

then they can live
almost 10 years

it is, i was just a lazy pos. I didn't mind most comp reports at all, nor did i mind harassment/hateful comments/etc, but the endless flow of training reports gets annoying. that's much better now though, im sure.

As far as cheating is concerned, i only helped out when specifically asked. at the time gira/sachy/riot/gary were pretty active in finding cheaters and they were infinitely better than i was.

The training reports are usually pretty cut and dry. They're not engaging, but they're generally easier to deal with.
deletedalmost 10 years
You know what else is a good idea? Not unbanning cheaters and letting them cheat again, like last round and probably this one.
deletedalmost 10 years

Renaldo says

Mm makes sense. I think appealing the admin (who I assume would be publicly known in this case) and then having them bring it up to the mods who handled it would make sense. It'd encourage admins to get involved in appeals too, which is usually a good learning opportunity for mods.

i think it puts too much on the plate of the admin but i like the idea of appealing to a higher tier of moderator - if there were junior/senior mods or something, it'd likely streamline the appeals process, and if you delegated mod duties somehow you could theoretically make the system even better. that said, there's a lot to think through with the idea that i havent bothered to do
almost 10 years
Hm, that's true. Maybe they could just all show up as 'moderator', but the mods see a number or the real account or something.
However I modded a discussion board with anonymous mods and I have to say, people just started to 'hunt' for the mods based on writing style and such, there's always a way if you truly want to know the identity.
almost 10 years
Yeah Bill, that part got annoying. I used to wake up an hour before I needed to for work to sift through my skype messages that came in while I was asleep. I usually had 5-10 new messages. I'd have a handful of PMs too. Takes a while to go through.

It wasn't nearly so bad as a mod though. A lot of people just go straight to the admin.
almost 10 years

Rondar says

FoodLion says

im pretty sure laexio still did reports, but he was more interested in patrolling the forums.

he almost never did game reports iirc, except when things got bad (200 reports open at a time, for example), or when examples needed to be set. he helped more from behind the scenes. but idk, maybe im just remembering it wrong.

You're correct.
almost 10 years

FoodLion says

im pretty sure laexio still did reports, but he was more interested in patrolling the forums.

he almost never did game reports iirc, except when things got bad (200 reports open at a time, for example), or when examples needed to be set. he helped more from behind the scenes. but idk, maybe im just remembering it wrong.
almost 10 years

FoodLion says

hahaha n*zi is censored, wow.

deletedalmost 10 years

LadyNemesis says

If mods just had mod accounts with numbers, that problem would be easily solved.

yes and no - it'd be a start, but if mod numbers were consistent from report to report then sooner or later it'd start getting out who mod-152 was and we'd end up in the same system we're in now. you have to remember how much this community loves to gossip
almost 10 years
You don't HAVE to add them on skype ;-)
almost 10 years
Mm makes sense. I think appealing the admin (who I assume would be publicly known in this case) and then having them bring it up to the mods who handled it would make sense. It'd encourage admins to get involved in appeals too, which is usually a good learning opportunity for mods.
deletedalmost 10 years
the number one reason i would never want to mod in the current system is that i couldn't deal with being constantly bombarded with PMs and skype messages from people that want things from me
almost 10 years
If mods just had mod accounts with numbers, that problem would be easily solved.
almost 10 years

Renaldo says

the problem is when a secret person gets modded and the admin is the only one who knows, mods try to figure out who it is and get miffed that they aren't trustworthy enough to know.

If the mods do know the secret alt, it's a lot easier for that person's identity to leak.

It's overall not a good idea in the current system.

meh, i can recall a few secret mods that stayed secret for a while, despite nosy mods (me being the nosy mod). but you're right in saying that it's definitely not easy.

Renaldo says

@Rondar I think that doing ~10 reports a day is pretty reasonable. The cheating investigations and community management wore me out.

it is, i was just a lazy pos. I didn't mind most comp reports at all, nor did i mind harassment/hateful comments/etc, but the endless flow of training reports gets annoying. that's much better now though, im sure.

As far as cheating is concerned, i only helped out when specifically asked. at the time gira/sachy/riot/gary were pretty active in finding cheaters and they were infinitely better than i was.
deletedalmost 10 years
but yeah, you just file an appeal as an appeal. this could end up with the one and only transparency issue, if there was no way to know for sure that the mod who's report you appealed wasn't moderating that report
deletedalmost 10 years

Renaldo says

How would you file an appeal, Bill? I like the idea though.

this is the one thing i was trying to suss out in my head, and i think the only way to do it would be to have the comments of another mod be generated as Moderator-2 or something of the sort
almost 10 years

FoodLion says

im pretty sure laexio still did reports, but he was more interested in patrolling the forums.

From what I remember he did barely any reports.
deletedalmost 10 years
hahaha n*zi is censored, wow.