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Demod Jericho Now

deletedalmost 10 years

He cheated, you should probably ban him too.

Jasprar: For your convenience, the sexual harassment accusation takes place on page 25

almost 10 years

FoodLion says

then theres the problem of keeping identities secret which on this site, everyones outted eventually.

yeah, the secret mods would work better in a larger community. EM is too small for it because it's like the internet version of Cheers, only instead of a bar its an online forum.
almost 10 years
frankly, i like to know who is in charge of banning other users, but that's just me
deletedalmost 10 years
it's a bad idea because you can't make topics about jericho being a kiddie fiddler and circlejerk with your buds, because you won't have irrelevant personal details to be up in arms about when the only thing that should actually matter with regard to someone's moderator qualifications is their competence in doing reports
deletedalmost 10 years

Apostasy says

Secret mods have never worked on this site, excellent point

But then again, neither have mods in general.

counterpoint: myself.
deletedalmost 10 years
then theres the problem of keeping identities secret which on this site, everyones outted eventually.
deletedalmost 10 years
i bet a bad mod was quickman
deletedalmost 10 years
i think anonymous mods is a bad idea because admins would be able to admin bad players, cheaters and whoever they want without the community checking their additions i.e jasprar could mod all the ex-cheaters he wanted to. that and an anonymous identify would lead to more bias in reports, say i become a mod and start closing all of riddlers reports. whos going to stop me if nobody knows that its me?
deletedalmost 10 years
Secret mods have never worked on this site, excellent point

But then again, neither have mods in general.
almost 10 years
i remember when we all changed to megaman-themed mod accounts for some reason. that was funny.
deletedalmost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years

BiIIStickers says

Slow says

anonymous mods is just a pretty horrible idea on every single point.

you think it's a horrible idea because it cuts you out of the information loop and you can't deal with the idea that you're not special. hope this helps.

no, it's a bad idea because secret mods have never ever worked on this site and you're basically demanding a team of secret mods.
deletedalmost 10 years
im offended that someone would compare me to someone that feels the need to apologize for saying mean things on the internet
almost 10 years

there would have to be some system of confidence in mod choosing, and that doesn't currently exist because mod elections are literally actually still a thing in 2015

They're not. Usually the admin will have some people in mind, mods will have some people in mind. They'll discuss, look at apps, invite for interviews, and take it from there. It's not really a formal election.
deletedalmost 10 years

Renaldo says

analyze me, Bill

i don't really know you i wasn't around a lot when you were a thing
almost 10 years
slow....... the reason u don't like anonymous mods is that ur parents never breastfed u as an infant and they always hid information from u....... ur a good guy though lol
almost 10 years
analyze me, Bill
deletedalmost 10 years

Sims says

remember when pranay was modded as delcatty? it would be like that, but with 15 other mods

there would have to be some system of confidence in mod choosing, and that doesn't currently exist because mod elections are literally actually still a thing in 2015
deletedalmost 10 years
BillStickers is an armchair psychologist today
almost 10 years

BiIIStickers says

Slow says

anonymous mods is just a pretty horrible idea on every single point.

you think it's a horrible idea because it cuts you out of the information loop and you can't deal with the idea that you're not special. hope this helps.

that sounds like a projectmatt psych-eval.
deletedalmost 10 years

Slow says

anonymous mods is just a pretty horrible idea on every single point.

you think it's a horrible idea because it cuts you out of the information loop and you can't deal with the idea that you're not special. hope this helps.
deletedalmost 10 years
i wouldn't want to manipulate someone regardless, nor did i try to

i just dont know why this couldn't have stayed dead.
almost 10 years
remember when pranay was modded as delcatty? it would be like that, but with 15 other mods
deletedalmost 10 years
anonymous mods is just a pretty horrible idea on every single point.
deletedalmost 10 years

Sims says

retti couldn't manipulate a fly.

he cant even manipulate his own bladder, how's he gonna manipulate another person
deletedalmost 10 years
If there were anonymous mods, I would use the detective skills I have obtained throughout my mafia career to find their identity in a grueling battle of wits, and then execute them publicly when they lose.