almost 10 years

Sign plox

almost 8 years
Agree w/ OP.
deletedalmost 8 years
merry christmas
almost 8 years
i can only speak for myself!
deletedalmost 8 years

space says

i maintain every fact i stated because it's all true but in retrospect you can really tell how much nothing was going on in my life because it for sure was not that serious

this is a great reflection! the cult of criticism on this site may have some membership changes but they all still have no lives
almost 8 years
i maintain every fact i stated because it's all true but in retrospect you can really tell how much nothing was going on in my life because it for sure was not that serious
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
crap they were quoted, i feel my skin falling clean off my body

what a wild time to be alive this was
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

im not even gonna read this i bet my own posts will make me cringe

hoping no one quoted mine so they just show up under "deleted"
almost 8 years
Error did nothing wrong.
deletedalmost 8 years
i'm fond of error.
deletedalmost 8 years
such eloquent words from Shower Predator.
almost 8 years
although his name will go down in hushed tones and general consternation he did what he felt was necessary to liberate the players from what could essentially be described as social incarceration

the horrific existence that is the stagnation and repugnance of lurking these profaned halls is something i'd only wish upon my most hated of enemies

naturally this will waved aside but someone oughta be there to deliver a proper eulogy and pay respects to a being we can regale as a proper hero of the proles although it seems the remaining denizens will once-again slink back into their desolate existence akin to being human waste, or 'waste people' as peoples champ dahoaf would deem it

i can only hope and pray that you all save yourselves from this depressing existence you hold here in this purgatory but you must act quick as unfortunately the journey only becomes increasingly difficult as your bodies and mental states enter the gradual decline that comes from extended usage of this site

long live error's legacy, jai hind and god bless america
almost 8 years
free my girlfriend
almost 8 years
He shouldnt be unbanned for the he's done, bad enough Bebop didn't unmod him the first time he showed a red flag. :o

Error deserves to be gone, tbh. o:
[I sign every petition I see, mom]
almost 8 years
bye bye error
deletedalmost 8 years
y'all are f'uckin dumb
almost 8 years
thanks snk it wasnt as bad as i thought it could have been LOL
deletedalmost 8 years

bdog1321 says

it happened

what happened

SirAmelio says

im not even gonna read this i bet my own posts will make me cringe

lol'd at yours
deletedalmost 8 years

SirAmelio says

good thread

SirAmelio says

good thing this wasn't for no reason then lolz

SirAmelio says

hey man we all know abcs and cirnos cases are different to errors, thats why theyre site banned while he is just banned from a punny lobby

SirAmelio says

tfw there are already people voting with alts in both sides, good job.

SirAmelio says

can you please let us know the list of valid votes

SirAmelio says

let's remember he has several cases of harrasing people, whether or not they were reported, and even if he was asked to calm down and even got a few vios, he hasn't changed his attitude

SirAmelio says

i hope that he at least gets seriously warned to stop harrasing people, yknow, kind of like a "last chance" deal

there u go sir
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

im not even gonna read this i bet my own posts will make me cringe

yeah you shouldn't, you said lolz
almost 8 years
im not even gonna read this i bet my own posts will make me cringe
deletedalmost 8 years

SirAmelio says

i hope that he at least gets seriously warned to stop harrasing people, yknow, kind of like a "last chance" deal

deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
Free Error.
almost 10 years
it happened