almost 10 years

Sign plox

deletedalmost 10 years
negged for that pun
almost 10 years
error a

What was he actually banned for though?
almost 10 years
LOL 13 out of 42 votes, right-o.
deletedalmost 10 years
thank u
deletedalmost 10 years

Rutab says

Also NOW I assure you that the vote is correct (or being corrected) because Vancy and I had a communication error and accidentally counted a few votes twice.

No pun intended. Thanks Rutab for recowculating the number!
deletedalmost 10 years
Also NOW I assure you that the vote is correct (or being corrected) because Vancy and I had a communication error and accidentally counted a few votes twice.
deletedalmost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years
Here is the poll for those who have lost the link:
deletedalmost 10 years
i did read it and i pm'd vancy, i just wasnt aware the poll would stop listing voters
deletedalmost 10 years
BIG REMINDER that this poll does not change anything at this point in time. It is still out of our power to do anything about the situation or say anything officially. This is just being used as a tool to show Chris what the community wants.
deletedalmost 10 years
We can easily tell if they're abc and I assure you that the vote is correct right now : )
deletedalmost 10 years

misti says

i'm confused by the poll results, the "yes" votes have a count of 42 atm but only 26 avatars are listed, and 17 - literally 17 - of those are accounts made this month. it's december 2. they're all abc's alts. vancy if youre still looking at the thread can you explain how you came to the vote count in your post on the poll?

read galaxies post which lies right there above your post
almost 10 years

misti says

i'm confused by the poll results, the "yes" votes have a count of 42 atm but only 26 avatars are listed, and 17 - literally 17 - of those are accounts made this month. it's december 2. they're all abc's alts. vancy if youre still looking at the thread can you explain how you came to the vote count in your post on the poll?

because it only shows that many, but more people have voted. which is why they are taking PM votes only now
deletedalmost 10 years
i'm confused by the poll results, the "yes" votes have a count of 42 atm but only 26 avatars are listed, and 17 - literally 17 - of those are accounts made this month. it's december 2. they're all abc's alts. vancy if youre still looking at the thread can you explain how you came to the vote count in your post on the poll?
deletedalmost 10 years

galaxies says

also guys read rutab's most recent post on vancy's poll

almost 10 years
not always
almost 10 years
community opinion sucks bc the people are always wrong
deletedalmost 10 years
If community opinion mattered, we'd still have gold lobby/bronze lobby/silver lobby, then we'd still have Training lobby, but then we'd also only have Main lobby. We'd have no custom lobbies. We'd have nothing but custom lobbies. We'd have no competitions at all. We'd have Competitive lobby.

Community opinion is a fickle measurement, friend.
deletedalmost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years
Is he? It's not like community opinion has ever really mattered for anything.
deletedalmost 10 years
oh well, as owner of one of the only two lobbies he's supposed to at least give out a justifiable reason when he's doing something and take into account what the community wants instead of having vancy do it.
deletedalmost 10 years
Lucid has said before that Sandbox is essentially a custom lobby. Much though it irritated me when Chris used to turn ranked games on in Sandbox (and I would constantly be turning them off) there wasn't any help forthcoming at the time.
almost 10 years
ive been saying this since the survivor heisenberg thing oh my god

stickied lobbies should be held to a certain standard above regular custom lobbies. lobby owners cant just go around banning people on whims or bc of personal disagreements or even bc of popular opinions from people who frequent the lobby bc its a bad reflection on the whole community
deletedalmost 10 years

Jericho says

Lashka says

Jericho says

I remember when heisenberg was removed as owner for pretty much the same exact thing, and survivor was a stickied lobby at the time.

Do you also remember the fact he got reinstated as owner because manually de-ownering the owners of custom lobbies actually broke those lobbies?

wasn't he also told to unban all the people that he had wrongfully banned in return for being reinstated or am i wrong?

No, although I think he stopped doing it after that anyway.

I never paid much attention. Mods had a sneaky way to add themselves to even locked lobbies, and we just used alts to monitor it.
almost 10 years
it's not a full custom nor is it moderated as a full custom. it's one of the only 2 actually active lobbies

i don't know why it's being considered that a complete custom doing that is worse than someone who was appointed by lucid..?