almost 10 years

Sign plox

deletedalmost 10 years

Rutab says

See, the difference between that situation and this situation is that this is lucid's website and he can do whatever the heck he wants

going by that logic. lucid appointed chris as sandbox owner, owners of lobby can do whatever they want.
deletedalmost 10 years
re: equating error to cirno and/or abc

there's a difference between "oh no i'm upset because i've been kicked from this person's game" and "hey this user is outting people's personal information without their consent and posting "

they're incomparable

fuk wit ya
deletedalmost 10 years
Let's not forget that ABC was caught cheating two rounds ago.
deletedalmost 10 years
i remember lucid making a deal with abc, allowing him in sandbox saying if abc behaved for a month he would fully unban him and then about 4 days prior to fully unbanning abc, lucid had banned him for no reason
deletedalmost 10 years

lilin says

Rutab's gf pleases old men for money

Jokes on you I'm a loser with no girlfriend
almost 10 years
i love that this thread has gone from 'free error' to 'free abc'
deletedalmost 10 years
See, the difference between that situation and this situation is that this is lucid's website and he can do whatever the heck he wants
deletedalmost 10 years
Rutab's gf pleases old men for money
almost 10 years
snowday is in my basement and he wont be freed until i get 10 upvotes

edit: rutab thats cheating
deletedalmost 10 years
wasn't abc supposed to be unbanned if he didn't break the rules on fanas for a month and then lucid came into the sandbox chat and insulted him then banned him for no reason
almost 10 years

Feliciano says

satan says

Christopherzilla was appointed lobby owner of sandbox by lucidrains. No one other than lucidrains can remove him.

thats literally what im saying lmao

cirno deserved to stay banned tbh is he still banned ?? idek

free snowday

snowday is freed actually
almost 10 years
lmao holy *** soggycat is error trolling his own thread
deletedalmost 10 years
i brought up a legitimate point, he gets impersonated a lot. people break the rules and the mods assume it's abc
deletedalmost 10 years
I can't tell if soggycat is trolling or not
deletedalmost 10 years

Rutab says

If he was smart he'd have realized long ago that maybe we'd have unbanned him had he shown us good behavior. Instead, he continues to cause trouble.

he gets impersonated a lot so it would be impossible for mods to see the good side to him even when he is being good
almost 10 years

satan says

Christopherzilla was appointed lobby owner of sandbox by lucidrains. No one other than lucidrains can remove him.

thats literally what im saying lmao

cirno deserved to stay banned tbh is he still banned ?? idek

free snowday
deletedalmost 10 years
error used scripts to kick people, that was really bad
deletedalmost 10 years
If he was smart he'd have realized long ago that maybe we'd have unbanned him had he shown us good behavior. Instead, he continues to cause trouble.
deletedalmost 10 years

Rutab says

galaxies says


out of all the jokes in the galaxy u choose that one...........................

i'm sorry i forgot to eat breakfast
deletedalmost 10 years
abc was banned when the majority of the users hadn't even joined this site. maybe if they unbanned him he would behave
deletedalmost 10 years

soggycat says

Rutab says

You cannot even compare error to abc don't even

agreed, error's only been banned for like 1 week whilst abc has been banned for over 2 years.

That isn't what I mean at all. abc is a notorious user who has been causing awful disturbances all over the site. He has posted a lot of sex, committed some OPI *(I believe), cheats, ban evades, etc.

error literally hasn't done anything remotely close to be able to be compared to abc.
almost 10 years
error and cirno's offenses are much much different and should not be treated as though they are the same
almost 10 years
Error's just a **** to some people and abc has "wreaked havoc" (im using quotes because i really dont know all he's done) on the site for years. Totally incomparable
almost 10 years
are you really comparing error to abc and cirno9
almost 10 years

Feliciano says

Artic says

here is a thought: he doesnt want to remove chris

why is this even being discussed, even if lucid wanted to he wouldnt do it

my point is that he definitely could for any reason, and he has additional incentive if other owners have been removed for similar reasons. saying chris cant be removed is false

your reading comprehension skills suck, i guess.

satan says

here's a thought: the mod team =/= lucid rains so his decisions can't be overturned without him.

so let me spell it out for you:

Christopherzilla was appointed lobby owner of sandbox by lucidrains. No one other than lucidrains can remove him.