almost 10 years

Sign plox

almost 10 years
If I can avoid CooperD and not get in a fight with him, you guys can do the same with your conflicts.

deletedalmost 10 years
lolz free x
almost 10 years
I wish I was rich.
I also miss error.
deletedalmost 10 years
lolz free x
deletedalmost 10 years

tricksterer says

at the end of the day it's chris's lobby to rule as he chooses and i respect that

no amount of "lolz free x" is gonna help
deletedalmost 10 years
Technically even if you think he is a bad person/player, "toxicity" isn't against the rules =)

Free error
almost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years
free him
almost 10 years
#errorwilldobetter #freeerror #weloveerror
almost 10 years
how do i negative sign
almost 10 years
it makes my heart sad that not everybody can get along with each other but maybe we could all try being civil to each other or just avoiding people we can't do that with.

i don't know i just have friends who hate error and friends who love error and i mean im in em love with error so i like him just fine. i don't condone everything he does and he knows that, and i also don't condone everything my friends who don't like him do. but nobody in particular stands out to me as causing more trouble than the others; from what i see error just tends to be a point of friction whether he's actually around or not. i think what would really actually help in this situation is understanding where the other person is coming from, doing a little self-reflection, and giving someone you've hurt a sincere apology.

at the end of the day it's chris's lobby to rule as he chooses and i respect that but i do miss having error around. but all of you are friends to me and i hope posting this doesn't change that
deletedalmost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years
um no you get nickelback xd
deletedalmost 10 years
a band???? can it be fall out boy
deletedalmost 10 years
Everyone who posts will get a ban : )

edit: im feeling generous today : )
deletedalmost 10 years
Hear that mods, ban BabaCakes while you're at it.
deletedalmost 10 years
[a flute begins to play hail to the chief out of tune]
almost 10 years
error is frickin awesome and if anyone should have been banned it should have been me. i am the one who is not nice to people who don't understand their role in white supremacist society. error and galaxies were being nice and i was being an . error's banning was totally uncalled for.
deletedalmost 10 years
Daily reminder you cant spell Merror without error
almost 10 years

galaxies says

mja9678 says

Armadillos says

What was he banned for? He acted rude at times but hostility creates hierarchy, if that's to be the assumed case.

Yeah for real, what happened... Can someone elaborate on the situation please?

I engaged Nillager in a civil discussion which error joined and KEPT civil. Error and I were chatbanned which started #freeerror and I got unbanned even though my behavior was worse than his.

The other day I posted a user's racist alt on the lobby wall. Error had nothing to do with it besides making a statement regarding the information I shared. He was banned from the lobby period. I wasn't.

I've been assured that his bans "had nothing to do with" my actions which is partially bs if we're being totally honest considering each ban was aftermath of my actions. But apart from that it's just evidence that his bans were meaningless and are a product of the fact that Chris doesn't like him.

OK well thank you... I just wanted to know the basis of what happened cus I logged off for like 10 days for the holidays and it seems like quite a bit blew up while i was gone :P
almost 10 years
good thread
deletedalmost 10 years

galaxies says

everything i posted is a fact though... and there are witnesses to both events.

the only thing that isn't factual is my conclusion that chris banned error because they don't get along (which is true about them not getting on well)

just because i'm not shouting BECAUSE ERROR IS AN EVIL MONSTER AND SANDBOX IS BETTER OFF WITHOUT HIM to appease you and your creed doesn't mean what i'm saying is false. have a seat in your 1998 toyota corolla.

The fact is, he got banned because he is a constant disturber of the peace and a relentless harasser. You're no better, it's just that he got caught more times than you. Just because he agrees with your pointless political movement (Which doesn't even belong on EM in the first place), it does not justify his actions. If he agreed with me or the others on political ideals, you would hate him more than you hate me. Take your blindfold off.

Oh, and before you try to call me out on something I haven't done in relation to shouting/spam, take a look at your own complains and constant posts on every place in EM. It's insufferable and you're only making yourself and other error supporters look bad. Your spam is not going to change anything, and we are all better off without his presence.

I'm going to play some mafia now.

I drive.
deletedalmost 10 years
almost 10 years
hi if you are chriszilla unban error from sandbox and if u are not chriszilla repost this on 5 profiles or u will have a very bad nightmare 2night, or super duper scary nightmare O_O
deletedalmost 10 years
everything i posted is a fact though... and there are witnesses to both events.

the only thing that isn't factual is my conclusion that chris banned error because they don't get along (which is true about them not getting on well)

just because i'm not shouting BECAUSE ERROR IS AN EVIL MONSTER AND SANDBOX IS BETTER OFF WITHOUT HIM to appease you and your creed doesn't mean what i'm saying is false. have a seat in your 1998 toyota corolla.