almost 10 years

Sign plox

deletedalmost 10 years

Rutab says

BIG REMINDER that this poll does not change anything at this point in time. It is still out of our power to do anything about the situation or say anything officially. This is just being used as a tool to show Chris what the community wants.

Requoting because of a misread
deletedalmost 10 years
Obama, I don't even have a dog in the fight really. I've never been in one of error's game, but it's clear he has the support required by valued friends and community members of sandbox and the site to at least unban him; let him actually be able to apologize and grow from it, and I'm sure people who don't want to play with him can simply avoid his games. I'm sure Chris will see no negatives coming from an unban. What are you waiting for, Chris?
deletedalmost 10 years
Appreciate that little attitude there too Vancy.
deletedalmost 10 years
K I misread it then, my bad.
deletedalmost 10 years
It's not a poll to decide whether or not to unban him. It's to gauge the community's thoughts on the matter because this thread's petition could be misleading. I don't see what's unprofessional about it at all considering I've remained impartial this whole time.
deletedalmost 10 years
can i also express how utterly unprofessional it is to ~*have a poll*~ about this. like vancy i love you but that's really unprofessional. have an internal thread. speak with chris. but votes can be swayed so easily, as you see.
deletedalmost 10 years
If only Error got unbanned there would be no more starvation -Audacity
deletedalmost 10 years
it is a weeping and a moaning and a gnashing of teeth
deletedalmost 10 years
What's amazing is that you wrote a tl;dr comparing Real World Issues and EpicMafia
deletedalmost 10 years

Audacity says

What's amazing about this whole stuff the most is how you look out into the real world and see real problems out there and see how little of a god damn problem this is

such a small problem it's twelve pages worth of crying and gnashing of teeth.
deletedalmost 10 years
What's amazing about this whole stuff the most is how you look out into the real world and see real problems out there and see how little of a god damn problem this is, and how; if you simply freed error and had everyone who had a problem just stay out of his games/block him on forums or whatever there would probably be 0 we are days later, still making a thing over something that doesn't have to even be happening. Chris, please, instead of pride in being Sandbox god, show a little humility and let him into the damn lobby.
almost 10 years
Just wanted to give my two cents- I don't like Error because he kicks me for a rookie mistake (when I was still a rookie at the time), but I don't think he should be banned. Others do worse than him without consequences. Yeah yeah this doesn't matter I just like talking :v
deletedalmost 10 years
I ate 5 tacos in about 10 minutes
deletedalmost 10 years
ayeee that's the way to be
deletedalmost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years

Rutab says

Alright folks everything that we see is now updated. We are going to take a break. As for me specifically, it's taco time!!

hard shell or flour tortilla tho
deletedalmost 10 years
Alright folks everything that we see is now updated. We are going to take a break. As for me specifically, it's taco time!!
almost 10 years
I voted yes via PM 40 minutes ago. Message was read, probably forgotten about.
deletedalmost 10 years
i love you sandbox i hate to see all of the conflict and division lately ;___;
deletedalmost 10 years


NO VOTES: (20)





Ok either we somehow managed to count wrong again or some people were switching votes? No idea what happened again but this is the current tally, unless I need to edit this for what I missed before posting.
deletedalmost 10 years
I did this thing, along with someone else, therefore it's fair that I get banned for doing said thing as long as the other party goes free
almost 10 years

Eddyward says

error a

What was he actually banned for though?

galaxies says

mja9678 says

Armadillos says

What was he banned for? He acted rude at times but hostility creates hierarchy, if that's to be the assumed case.

Yeah for real, what happened... Can someone elaborate on the situation please?

I engaged Nillager in a civil discussion which error joined and KEPT civil. Error and I were chatbanned which started #freeerror and I got unbanned even though my behavior was worse than his.

The other day I posted a user's racist alt on the lobby wall. Error had nothing to do with it besides making a statement regarding the information I shared. He was banned from the lobby period. I wasn't.

I've been assured that his bans "had nothing to do with" my actions which is partially bs if we're being totally honest considering each ban was aftermath of my actions. But apart from that it's just evidence that his bans were meaningless and are a product of the fact that Chris doesn't like him.

It starts on the 1st page of the thread and goes on for a lil while
deletedalmost 10 years
We'll edit it into the OP of my thread. =)
deletedalmost 10 years
Sure thing, give me a moment
almost 10 years
can you please let us know the list of valid votes