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Inside Sammmie Lobby

over 7 years

Ladies and Gentlemansnakes, I, Arcbell, have been granted an unusual opportunity to take a look inside Sammie's secret den, the Sammmie lobby.

This rare admit-One was for the purpose of disproving my allegation that Sammie talks to herself within the closed doors of her lobby. What I found inside didn't exactly support her case.

I'm prepared to share with the rest of the website what I've found, an exclusive look at the inside of Sammmie lobby, the place we all get banned from at seemingly random times!

Inside the Sammmie lobby, we find 349 pages of games played entirely with and between her own alt accounts.

In the forums section, we have a number of interesting threads. Here is a thread Sammmie made for her various alts to post memorable Sammmie games between Sammmie alts, complete with bumps from other Sammmie alts, and a fully completed game of hurt and heal entirely between Sammmie alts. Wow.

In another thread, we have Sammmie complaining to her alts about lucid's happy hour feature. In private. Where no one else can see except her alts.

And for the grand finale, we have Sammie straight up having a conversation with herself on her own secret threads. The very thing she let me in to prove wasn't happening.

over 7 years
well, that sucks jeff. hope you find a decent lad- preferably one without an std
over 7 years

Jeff says

No no we were dating so we had sex a number of times it wasn't like some one bang and told me thing. He told me as soon as he found out tho

Ahh ok
deletedover 7 years

Shamzy says


-Shamzy, not angry, 2017
over 7 years

Shamzy says

"idk"? .. the dude gave you an std

even if he didn't know about it he still ruined you

I can't hate him for something he wasn't aware of. I felt really really sad for him actually but I was not willing to accept that as a life trial of my own.
deletedover 7 years

Shamzy says

jack says

Recidivism says

Jack if you read this you're way cooler than shamzy, and you don't like kpop, so just take solace in that my man.

thanks, sons. i feel like i missed the window to make fun of shamzy being mad about gay people so i'll just settle for this

also i apparently am a homophobe cus i won't give jess the love he deserves

In all capital letters
over 7 years
No no we were dating so we had sex a number of times it wasn't like some one bang and told me thing. He told me as soon as he found out tho
deletedover 7 years
If you guys need to squeeze a little more fun out of this thread, just take a random shamzy post and type "in all capital letters" after the post, like so
over 7 years

jack says

Recidivism says

Jack if you read this you're way cooler than shamzy, and you don't like kpop, so just take solace in that my man.

thanks, sons. i feel like i missed the window to make fun of shamzy being mad about gay people so i'll just settle for this

also i apparently am a homophobe cus i won't give jess the love he deserves
over 7 years

Recidivism says

Jack if you read this you're way cooler than shamzy, and you don't like kpop, so just take solace in that my man.

thanks, sons. i feel like i missed the window to make fun of shamzy being mad about gay people so i'll just settle for this
over 7 years
"idk"? .. the dude gave you an std

even if he didn't know about it he still ruined you
over 7 years
Hahahahaha he told you AFTER you banged?
over 7 years

Arcbell says

If you had caught the oral STD, would you have loved him?

idk cuz like as soon as he told me before I even got tested I dropped him and I think that probably hurt him too much for me to have ever been able to salvage it had I tried.
deletedover 7 years
Will she murder you? Will she not murder you? Never be bored again.
over 7 years
If you had caught the oral STD, would you have loved him?
over 7 years
and that's the story of how I almost caught an std
deletedover 7 years
^^ how can u not fuk with a murderer
deletedover 7 years
I would totally bang a murderess
over 7 years

Devante says

Jeff says

p sad cuz I thought I loved him but prolly not because all feelings for him were gone the second he told me he had an std

nah pretty good reason to fall outta love tbh

idc how much i love u, if u are a pedophile, a murderer or posses an STD i'im not fukn with you

same here but also if you're not korean you can fk right off

edit: okay not just korean but if you're not asian you can fk right off

edit #2: just be female
over 7 years

Jeff says

p sad cuz I thought I loved him but prolly not because all feelings for him were gone the second he told me he had an std

nah pretty good reason to fall outta love tbh

idc how much i love u, if u are a pedophile, a murderer or posses an STD i'im not fukn with you
deletedover 7 years
I'm rolling up my catnip and shi'tting in your litter
over 7 years
they're much comfier while also being thin I'll have u know
deletedover 7 years

Jeff says

o well. I made it out of the relationship negative so full gay speed ahead for the next one

Remember to where a gay condom
over 7 years
o well. I made it out of the relationship negative so full gay speed ahead for the next one
over 7 years
in which case that's not even love that's just guilt
over 7 years
you can't love someone that has an std- unless you gave them it