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Public Service Announcement

about 7 years

Hey everyone, so it appears that I'm owner again. I'd like to preface this by saying that it's not with any malice or whatever that I'm coming back to this with, Merlot doesn't have time to own the lobby anymore (she's quite busy with work) and as such has been having difficulty picking a successor. Because of this, I'm here in this interim period to look after the lobby whilst we come to an agreement on who's gonna helm the ship from hereon out. I'm not entirely sure how long this period will last, it could be anywhere from a couple of weeks to over a month, but to the people who dislike me please rest assured that this is not permanent.

In the meantime, I'll be looking to streamline some of Sandbox's aspects and make a few quality of life tweaks for both the moderators and the regular users. If people have any recommendations of how to further improve Sandbox or who would make for a good successor, please don't hesitate to send me a private message.

Thank you for reading this message and thank you for being a patron of Sandbox Lobby.

Vladimir Putin
Just a guy who's a hero for fun
Maximilien Robespierre
about 7 years

Perish says

is this drama or a civil discussion did i log in for NOTHING?

we are all one big civil family
about 7 years
hi cub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about 7 years

harodihg says

im not gonna pretend to be someone that "doesnt care" or whatever cuz i think thats fu'cking stupid and insecure

its not that you dont care, it's just that you don't get your hopes up

it's kind of like when you play unranked as opposed to ranked, it's still mafia and you're still trying to reach the same goal, but you're not getting too invested so you won't be too upset if you lose

im sure that analogy works

yeah why not
about 7 years
hello HAROD i like your COOL SHADES.
deletedabout 7 years
hey nat
about 7 years
is this drama or a civil discussion did i log in for NOTHING?
deletedabout 7 years
It's a university simulator mind you
deletedabout 7 years

Jimbei says

I was pretty toxic in 2013 but I figured out that it's easier to make new friends if I'm constantly not like that in my life I wish other people on EM would see that revelation I found at the age of 15

the thing is that people in 2011/2012 came here to engage in serious competitive mafia games as corny as that may sound, and that all changed when tumblr ran its course in 2013 and made people treat the site like it was a high school simulator
about 7 years

Jimbei says

at the age of 15

holy crap i just realized i was a teenager when i started playing em
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
fair enough cub, maybe im just burnt out a bit because a few days ago i wrote some long winded posts regarding main lobby moderation

im not gonna pretend to be someone that "doesnt care" or whatever cuz i think thats fu'cking stupid and insecure

i spend a lot of time on the site and i care about it.

does that mean my opinion is always right? no

but there are still certain things that irritate me in regards to how things are run and it sucks feeling impotent to chaneg them
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years

Jimbei says

I was pretty toxic in 2013 but I figured out that it's easier to make new friends if I'm constantly not like that in my life I wish other people on EM would see that revelation I found at the age of 15

deletedabout 7 years
and yeah toxicity is just gross in general but a lot of the turning points was some really unhealthy levels of obsession and harassment on top of doxxing users
about 7 years

harodihg says

e'tard Pedophile 'got C'unts

ha you put the apostrophe after f*g
deletedabout 7 years
I was pretty toxic in 2013 but I figured out that it's easier to make new friends if I'm constantly not like that in my life I wish other people on EM would see that revelation I found at the age of 15
deletedabout 7 years
i wasnt around in 2010-2013 but i do come from a "more toxic" forum that has no rules but is a lot nicer than EM at times. i dont think the comparisons of times necessarily hold up

just because people called others Re'tard Pedophile 'got C'unts more often back then doesnt mean it was more toxic, theres plenty of really disgusting sh'it that peopel do to others nowadays like doxing them or really trying to fu'ck with other people thats a lot worse than jsut angy name calling
deletedabout 7 years
the toxicity argument works because people who are apart of the consistent playerbase(which is the most important) quite a few have left because of toxicity.

Chatbox warriors aren't going anywhere at least
about 7 years

harodihg says

cub says

harodihg says

theres no feasible change thatll magically "make EM great"

dont waste ur time jimbei/cub

youre telling me not to waste my time after i spent an hour talking about iq for no reason

right, well when u talking about IQ or whatever stupid sh'it ur expectations are to just talk about stupid sh'it. if u get engaged with some "lets make EM better by chanign the text size slightly!" type of threads then ur probably just gonna be left unfulfilled cuz nothing will change

see that's the trick, even when talking about something that could possibly be of substance you approach it as if it isn't so you're still making possibly valuable points or something but you aren't really expecting anything to come of it so it kind of has the effect of both a) not being disappointing, and b) allowing you to think freely and clearly as opposed to stressfully
about 7 years
epicmafia had something to offer in 2010

being epicmafia, that's what it had to offer

that offer is expired now and it's getting old and moldy
deletedabout 7 years

cub says

harodihg says

theres no feasible change thatll magically "make EM great"

dont waste ur time jimbei/cub

youre telling me not to waste my time after i spent an hour talking about iq for no reason

right, well when u talking about IQ or whatever stupid sh'it ur expectations are to just talk about stupid sh'it. if u get engaged with some "lets make EM better by chanign the text size slightly!" type of threads then ur probably just gonna be left unfulfilled cuz nothing will change
deletedabout 7 years
the toxicity argument is demonstrably false since epicmafia during it's competitive "zenith" (2010-2013) was objectively way more harsh and cruel to newbie players but i really doubt many people quit because of that
about 7 years
i care about your opinion
about 7 years

harodihg says

im gonna be honest here jimbei, im not reading any of those

the only way im reading some long winded thread about "imrpvoing EM" is if its by someone im super close to or really intellectually respect

what about mine am i close enough
deletedabout 7 years
you're not lucid so I won't judge you for it haro

tl;dr they're solid ideas though which is why I pitched them