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Public Service Announcement

about 7 years

Hey everyone, so it appears that I'm owner again. I'd like to preface this by saying that it's not with any malice or whatever that I'm coming back to this with, Merlot doesn't have time to own the lobby anymore (she's quite busy with work) and as such has been having difficulty picking a successor. Because of this, I'm here in this interim period to look after the lobby whilst we come to an agreement on who's gonna helm the ship from hereon out. I'm not entirely sure how long this period will last, it could be anywhere from a couple of weeks to over a month, but to the people who dislike me please rest assured that this is not permanent.

In the meantime, I'll be looking to streamline some of Sandbox's aspects and make a few quality of life tweaks for both the moderators and the regular users. If people have any recommendations of how to further improve Sandbox or who would make for a good successor, please don't hesitate to send me a private message.

Thank you for reading this message and thank you for being a patron of Sandbox Lobby.

Vladimir Putin
Just a guy who's a hero for fun
Maximilien Robespierre
about 7 years
User Bebop, can you respond to the allegations of your possible connections and collusion with Russian politicians and businessmen?
about 7 years
i dont understand why we're going through all the theatrics of "picking" a new owner when everyone knows I'm here and ready
about 7 years

tricksterer says

how large do you expect your pool of candidates to be?

what will the selection process be like?

how deeply will site moderators be involved in the process?

1. in experience from owning the lobby, i doubt more than 10 people will be seriously considered, although before i've got that shortlist down i will be keeping my options open. once i have a fairly solid list of candidates, i will also release that to the users.

2. i'm not sure what to answer this with that i didn't answer in my criteria for a good owner, but i will be speaking to merlot and the other mods about this at length.

3. random site moderators? not at all. at the end of the selection process of course i'll need the big thumbs up from edark and lucid but because of this selection process and way of doing things, i'm more than confident that they'll be happy with whoever i pick.
about 7 years
How will you handle reports?

Can I say the N or F word?
(use this as reference)

I think ur a vladimir putin
about 7 years
How often do u use the toilet?
about 7 years
how large do you expect your pool of candidates to be?

what will the selection process be like?

how deeply will site moderators be involved in the process?
about 7 years
i only wanna be a mod i never asked for this
about 7 years

bulla says

can you please just keep the lobby

nobody likes me anymore FeelsBadMan
deletedabout 7 years
can you please just keep the lobby
about 7 years

cub says

op says

thank you for being a patron of Sandbox Lobby.

where are my patreon perks

a signed copy of a random poll from this month, a t-shirt with a picture of my grinning face on it and a mousemat with "sandbocks"[sic] written in moon sand

if you pledge more i could even get you a VIP tour to the studio where "buried in the sand(box)" is written and you could meet the writers
about 7 years
Bebop solve this quick

Or have chaika punish me (kink)
about 7 years

tricksterer says

what are your criteria for a good owner?

how important will modding experience be?

how important will history of vios etc be?

1. of course, someone who's well known and well liked within the community as it's not advisable to be governing a group of people who hate you (although donald trump still gave it a shot). suitability for the job is also important, i want someone who isn't gonna cave in to drama or be selectively lenient to their friends or harsh to their enemies. if any candidates make it far enough to be seriously considered i'd also like to have a conversation with them about how they would personally run the lobby.

2. modding experience is not necessarily important, although it can give me an idea of what you might be like in a position of responsibility and power.

3. it largely depends on the violations, if you got an errant GRS violation one time when you're new i'm not going to hold it against you but if you've got a long standing history of harassment then you're very very unlikely to make the cut.
about 7 years
give ownership to some random noavi
about 7 years
posted this in another thread before i saw this one was a thing.

hello, ive been a lobby mod for several months now and have been under several lobby owners, and i believe that *dooze* is our best option right now. she is not only what the people want but also someone that has done an extraordinary job as a moderator also for quite a few months now.

another option is that we could also do the council thing i suggested a couple months ago and have a group of influential sandbox users decide as a group who is the most suitable user to be the owner
about 7 years

op says

thank you for being a patron of Sandbox Lobby.

where are my patreon perks
about 7 years
what are your criteria for a good owner?

how important will modding experience be?

how important will history of vios etc be?
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
Of course, if you have any questions feel free to ask them here, although I ask that you be civil.