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Public Service Announcement

about 7 years

Hey everyone, so it appears that I'm owner again. I'd like to preface this by saying that it's not with any malice or whatever that I'm coming back to this with, Merlot doesn't have time to own the lobby anymore (she's quite busy with work) and as such has been having difficulty picking a successor. Because of this, I'm here in this interim period to look after the lobby whilst we come to an agreement on who's gonna helm the ship from hereon out. I'm not entirely sure how long this period will last, it could be anywhere from a couple of weeks to over a month, but to the people who dislike me please rest assured that this is not permanent.

In the meantime, I'll be looking to streamline some of Sandbox's aspects and make a few quality of life tweaks for both the moderators and the regular users. If people have any recommendations of how to further improve Sandbox or who would make for a good successor, please don't hesitate to send me a private message.

Thank you for reading this message and thank you for being a patron of Sandbox Lobby.

Vladimir Putin
Just a guy who's a hero for fun
Maximilien Robespierre
about 7 years
im trying but its not too bad of pay (not minimum wage at least) so theres that
deletedabout 7 years
i feel like that was more ramble-y than i wanted it to be, and i dont wanna come across as condescending or whatever other "superior" word i cant think of right now

but i get where ur coming from and i think just getting a minimum wage job and getting structure in ur life for now would do u some real good and perhaps some better perspective on what u want to do in life
deletedabout 7 years

Merlot says

i worked 46 hours this week and i feel like im dead :D

aw man been there, that's the worst. escape the wage slave lyfe soon, good buddy of mine.
deletedabout 7 years
i understand where ur coming from, but that doesnt detract from what i said

i refuse to believe that you wouldnt be, at the very least, momentarily happy doing things like going to disney world, or hanging out with friends, or any number of activities that there are in this world

getting a more stable and productive lifestyle makes you able to do those things, so even if ur gonna be all nietzsche-y and stuff that just points towards living in the moment anyways
about 7 years
i worked 46 hours this week and i feel like im dead :D
deletedabout 7 years
ive been super duper good how bout u?
about 7 years
im next sandbox owner
about 7 years
how have u been
deletedabout 7 years
I know I sound like one of those tv commercials you can do anything if you put your mind to it xd but the longer you force this worldview on yourself the more it'll be true and you never do anything anyways, even if there is some truth to it
deletedabout 7 years
good to see u friendo
deletedabout 7 years
yeah no I really know how you feel Blister, not kidding. A lot of things feels dumb and pointless and it seems that life is just routine and trying to deal with stress and people constantly whenever you try to do things, and I know I sound like some dumb tumblrette optimist when I say this but there are certainly things in life worth experiencing that you just haven't found yet, and it's just a fact of getting out there and trying it and trying to live life like how you want to, which is tough if there's no motivation and there's a feeling that none of it is worth it, and there's certainly something out there that you'll be good at and you'll feel that you're making a difference for the better by doing, it's just a matter of when will you find it? What will it be? And will you ever find it if you never look for it?
about 7 years
hi thats Me hi nat :D
deletedabout 7 years
whops i switched accounts MERLOT!!
about 7 years
about 7 years
i had to train two people today and it was not fun
deletedabout 7 years
lol sorry dude i know ur post had good intentions and i just went full blown existential rant
deletedabout 7 years

harodihg says

i think u need more structure in ur life

having a job or a set schedule including things like working out or eating at the same time/sleeping at the same times helps make u disciplined

but what am i ultimately aspiring to

i'm not satisfied with any view on how to live a good life including the usual things like living for the here and now, enjoying small pleasures, trying to make the world a better place, etc. i believe that a lot of people have this problem because in this postmodern world you can pretty much be anything and everything. it's why alternative gender identities are so popular, why the alt-right movement and identity politics are gaining traction -
purely because the modern world is void of meaning and young millennials are desperately trying to latch onto things which give their life a semblance of purpose, no matter how superficial.

so yeah i mean i could be disciplined and get a good body and sleep properly but ultimately what is it good for, what am i living for, i crave that thing that inspires me to live for something but i lack it, and refuse to turn to any of those aforementioned and multiple other sources of vain motivation.
about 7 years
hey im finally back from work
deletedabout 7 years
this website has youtube tags now right? im not misremembering that?

deletedabout 7 years
i think u need more structure in ur life

having a job or a set schedule including things like working out or eating at the same time/sleeping at the same times helps make u disciplined
deletedabout 7 years

Alyssa says

yeah join the club buddy

the best way to change is to make it happen but start change in small ways if that's too tough

getting in a routine even if you dislike it helps in the long run like I've always hated brushing my teeth when I was a kid and I had to get a ton of cavities filled and the last two visits I've been cavity free because of how much I got into the routine of brushing

i start doing the small step schtick but always drop off because i think to myself "what's the point" (18 year old nihilism 101)

i know exactly why i;m unhappy and have zero motivation and that's because i don't have anything i truly care about or hold close to. nothing that makes me wake up in the morning and think "hell yeah another brilliant day to get stuff done"

previous generations had two things: belief in god and belief in the nation. you lived within your means and were content with a basic job because you would spend an eternity in the afterlife or rebuilding your country after disaster. i lack any sort of personal conviction because there's so much opportunity and choice in the world that it just becomes claustrophobic.
deletedabout 7 years
I agree

is this where the topic dies though
deletedabout 7 years
nice, nice. this has been a good chat, epicmafia.
about 7 years
She's only allowed 1 post per month in order to conserve energy, but I'm sure she's doing alright
deletedabout 7 years
yeah how goes it in the ol Soviet Bloc, Hana Gusikowski #47?