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Public Service Announcement

about 7 years

Hey everyone, so it appears that I'm owner again. I'd like to preface this by saying that it's not with any malice or whatever that I'm coming back to this with, Merlot doesn't have time to own the lobby anymore (she's quite busy with work) and as such has been having difficulty picking a successor. Because of this, I'm here in this interim period to look after the lobby whilst we come to an agreement on who's gonna helm the ship from hereon out. I'm not entirely sure how long this period will last, it could be anywhere from a couple of weeks to over a month, but to the people who dislike me please rest assured that this is not permanent.

In the meantime, I'll be looking to streamline some of Sandbox's aspects and make a few quality of life tweaks for both the moderators and the regular users. If people have any recommendations of how to further improve Sandbox or who would make for a good successor, please don't hesitate to send me a private message.

Thank you for reading this message and thank you for being a patron of Sandbox Lobby.

Vladimir Putin
Just a guy who's a hero for fun
Maximilien Robespierre
about 7 years
I'm not a name thief I just have an obviously good taste in names~
about 7 years
Wow don't put my alts!!!!
deletedabout 7 years
you have my girlfriend's name.

name thief.
about 7 years
Alyssa is also Jimbei
deletedabout 7 years
that's my name~
deletedabout 7 years
who is alyssa
about 7 years
yeah join the club buddy

the best way to change is to make it happen but start change in small ways if that's too tough

getting in a routine even if you dislike it helps in the long run like I've always hated brushing my teeth when I was a kid and I had to get a ton of cavities filled and the last two visits I've been cavity free because of how much I got into the routine of brushing
deletedabout 7 years
blister dont own your frailty my man.
deletedabout 7 years
dude you should draw stick figures and narrate them with funny words that's what everyone is doing these days the drawings dont even gotta be good. these people get like a bajillion subscribers.
deletedabout 7 years

Jimbei says

bulla says

i honestly don't find this website fun at all i purely come here out of habit which is depressing but it's like masturbating, brief dopamine hit but a ton of other productive things i could be doing

is that why you self delete so much

you got step 1 down where your recognize the addiction, step 2 down where your recognize it's not worth it, now try and schedule your life so you spend less and less time on EM and force yourself to do productive things, because you'll get into the habit of doing productive things instead of letting this eat up all your time

i've been trapped in a depressive existential rut for so long now it will be impossible to break out unless i am forcibly kicked out of my house which would probably be great for me lol
deletedabout 7 years
take my advice, blister
deletedabout 7 years

mist says

bulla says

close matey close!

how's that youtube super stardom career coming, my man?

; ____ ;
deletedabout 7 years
not gonna lie I take notes on my laptop with like ~100 people behind me and I pull up EM and this is the only wallpaper I haven't been ashamed for them to see me with
deletedabout 7 years

bulla says

close matey close!

how's that youtube super stardom career coming, my man?
deletedabout 7 years
can you transition to someone in the lobby who's a cat person

Merlot has a good taste in lobby backgrounds
deletedabout 7 years
close matey close!
deletedabout 7 years
oh HI BLISTER i got the wrong british lad.
about 7 years
bulla is blister btw
deletedabout 7 years
check out my choice POKEMON avatar it's awesome.
about 7 years

mist says

Bebop says

hey nat hope ur well

im great dude. i'd wish you the same but i see you're in possession of a lobby on epicmafia dot com so i can kinda gather how stuff is going

I'm more of a transition manager at the moment but we'll see how it goes
deletedabout 7 years
which is to say it's going awesome with you im certain.

bulla says

hello natalie you have to guess who i am based on that depressing habit post and also any other discernible info

dude you could be LITERALLY ANYONE with that quote.

uhm. uhm. Japter?
deletedabout 7 years

Bebop says

hey nat hope ur well

im great dude. i'd wish you the same but i see you're in possession of a lobby on epicmafia dot com so i can kinda gather how stuff is going
deletedabout 7 years

bulla says

i honestly don't find this website fun at all i purely come here out of habit which is depressing but it's like masturbating, brief dopamine hit but a ton of other productive things i could be doing

is that why you self delete so much

you got step 1 down where your recognize the addiction, step 2 down where your recognize it's not worth it, now try and schedule your life so you spend less and less time on EM and force yourself to do productive things, because you'll get into the habit of doing productive things instead of letting this eat up all your time
about 7 years

cub says

Negra says

the players that are literally trash


deletedabout 7 years
hello natalie you have to guess who i am based on that depressing habit post and also any other discernible info