"Do not call something you don't like "Redacted". By calling something "Redacted", you are essentially saying an undesirable object or event is the same as someone with intellectual, developmental, or physical disabilities. This invalidates feelings and the identities of people with disabilities and puts them in a position where they are used to describe something that is considered to be flawed, useless, or stupid. It also makes YOU look flawed, useless and stupid by using such an uncool term. There are a ton of great words you can use instead to describe things, people, and situations that anger or annoy you.
For example: If something is a bad idea, you can use words such as dense, useless, obtuse, pathetic, or vapid. Don't forget terms like jackass or bonehead. Or make up snappy new insults. Swearing may be okay, but might make you look less impressive.
If someone or something angers you, use words like contemptible, enraging, evil, infuriating, horrible, irrational, rage-inducing. If someone or something is disgusting, try using nasty, gross, foul, nauseating, skeevy, repellent, repulsive, vomitous or terrible instead."
"The historical context of the word is important to know. People with disabilities have been treated poorly, discriminated against, abused, and neglected in the past and even today. Just changing the way you speak and avoiding using the term can make a difference for people with disabilities today and in the future."
"…support the elimination of the derogatory use of the r-word from everyday speech and promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities."
Short video: https://youtu.be/T549VoLca_Q
225 other word substitutes: http://specialchildren.about.com/od/disabilityrights/ss/225-Subsitutes-For-The-R-Word.htm#step2
Reading material: http://www.r-word.org/r-word-effects-of-the-word.aspx
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