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New Roles, Items, Game Mechanics

about 8 years

Bug and role fixes thread:

How to make a role:

Role interaction:

Suggestions for the website:

Moderator functionality suggestions:

Report suggestions:

UI suggestions:

This is a dedicated thread for users to bounce around and brainstorm on ideas for new roles, items, game mechanics or anything else to improve and build upon our beloved Mafia game.

Back in 2015 Sims made a thread asking if anyone had any ideas for roles since Lucid was looking to make some new ones (found here: That thread's dead now, but it's always good to try to bring the community together and come up with new stuff for the game.

Some of you might know my reputation for designing new roles and my passion for Mafia. EpicMafia is a pretty cool website and can always use some new stuff to spice up and remix the usual game formula, and I know a few of you have ideas of your own.

NOTE: If you're here to complain about Sandbox moderation or the site mods, please don't.

deletedalmost 8 years

Soluciones says

lucid add widow (

- If lynched, votes will be disabled the following day.
- Sided with the mafia.

it's secretary but with strategy

deletedalmost 8 years

sl0nderman says

LeftSharky says

in closed role games.

Yeah, just quote one sentence, while not providing any meaningful feedback at all, ignoring the 3 other points I made
almost 8 years

LeftSharky says

in closed role games.

deletedalmost 8 years
A lot of people don't see the purpose of a mafia sided crier so I want to talk about it for a while.

The most obvious thing that it adds is it depowers crier in closed role games. Currently the crier is just an anonymous celebrity that can also become a clear and take claims as needed, and can also prove they haven't been culted/yaked.

Adding a mafia crier to the setup would make crier still be able to perform its primary duty of being an anonymous voice that talks to the entire town while also being able to be clear if town can verify there's no whiner (like if there's an agent)

A whiner can also stand out on its own without considering crier. It can be a voice to help the town or a third party win out against the other without revealing themselves. Obviously mafia doesn't want the town to know who they are 99% of the time, but there are situations where the interests of the mafia and town, or the mafia and a third party temporarily align where the mafia having a voice is needed.

This is also a functionality that could be added to Ventriloquist, who provides a similar function. Whether it should be a separate role or a feature added to ventriloquist mostly depends on power balance.

deletedalmost 8 years

maf sided crier


Meeting mafia, starts with a knife (doesn't reveal), can only be lynched with a minority vote
almost 8 years
You guys don't read the OP, do you?
almost 8 years
can you stop
deletedalmost 8 years

Soluciones says

lucid add widow (

- If lynched, votes will be disabled the following day.
- Sided with the mafia.

it's secretary but with strategy

almost 8 years

Sportsfan666 says

Jimbei says

Exotic Dancer

-Appears naked to anyone who visits the exotic dancer
-At night, users can "gift" any items they have to the exotic dancer after they have visited her
-Sided with the village

Lucid please

Maybe rename it to gypsy and strip items off all visitors. I don't get what you mean by "gift"ing items.

payment for Fun Times
almost 8 years

coolkidrox123 says


in the morning they can choose someone to play a tune to and that person falls asleep that night.
this leads to that person to be role blocked
this leads to that person not being able to join their faction's chat because they are asleep.

Kind of interesting tbh. Maybe the person can actual dream under the same conditions (not visited) as well? I think more day action roles like these could expand the game quite a bit. .
almost 8 years

in the morning they can choose someone to play a tune to and that person falls asleep that night.
this leads to that person to be role blocked
this leads to that person not being able to join their faction's chat because they are asleep.
almost 8 years
don't beat around the bush just call it stripper
we have a hooker we're not trying to be pg
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Exotic Dancer

-Appears naked to anyone who visits the exotic dancer
-At night, users can "gift" any items they have to the exotic dancer after they have visited her
-Sided with the village

Lucid please

Maybe rename it to gypsy and strip items off all visitors. I don't get what you mean by "gift"ing items.
almost 8 years
imafia did you suggest suggestion a concentration camp role?
almost 8 years

-Sided with himself
-Can add a person to his jail everyday.
-Jailed will not be able to perform night actions, but will be immune to kills but not famine.
-Jailed will start with 3 bread.
-Jailed will consume 1 bread every night spent in jail.
-Jailed can only be released from jail if the fuhrer is killed.

Once per game can choose to execute everyone in jail. (can still jail players after performing execution)

Wins if last standing.
almost 8 years
even if cl picks no one and the 2+ others don't, if they get roleblocked cult doesn't convert. is that supposed to happen
deletedalmost 8 years

Exotic Dancer

-Appears naked to anyone who visits the exotic dancer
-At night, users can "gift" any items they have to the exotic dancer after they have visited her
-Sided with the village

Lucid please
almost 8 years
Sneezes but in a sexy way


-At night, can choose to silence themselves for the following day
-When silenced, the Audience can view all whispers said on that day
-Sided with the Village

There's a lot of these whisper-related roles suggested. Well here's another one. It can catch mafia trying to contact a non-meeting maf, see claims being given to an autoclear in whisper, and get general discussion from whispers in at a fair exchange of not being able to talk about what they're seeing. Also gives Silencer an interesting dynamic, possibly accidentally giving the Audience its ability.
almost 8 years
Angler by Ben

• Once per game, The Angler can choose to redirect all night actions to him.
• Mafia kill meetings are exempt from this.
• Sided with the mafia.
deletedalmost 8 years
If lucid sees this, check out this thread for the resurrectionist idea:

Probably too complicated to build, but lots of us would like to know your thoughts about it haha
almost 8 years
since the meeting is anonymous, zombies can re-pick the same person even if it's an actual zombie, so that would counter it
almost 8 years

cub says

make zombie great again

if you're sharp you'll notice the zombies cannot win with necromancer as he cannot be converted, making him threaten zombie victory

can't zombies just find out who he is because he wont turn into a zombie if they choose him
almost 8 years
make zombie great again

if you're sharp you'll notice the zombies cannot win with necromancer as he cannot be converted, making him threaten zombie victory
deletedalmost 8 years
lucid add widow (

- If lynched, votes will be disabled the following day.
- Sided with the mafia.

it's secretary but with strategy
almost 8 years

Cubotv1 says

Black hole

- Once during the day, creates a black hole

- Anyone who talks in the next 5 seconds dies

- Sided with the mafia


- Starts off with 1 boomerang

- Like arsonist, picks targets who the boomerang will go through

- During the day, sets off his boomerang. Anyone the boomerang passes through will be investigated

- Sided with the town


- Each night, recruits someone to be a Deblox. They become a deblox, however they remain as their role. So if he converts mafia, they still kill & attend mafia meetings, but deblox meetings too.

- Wins if they convert the whole town thats alive to deblox.

- Meetings are anonymous, if the deblox leader dies deblox is removed.

- You can be cult and deblox at the same time, etc..

black hole is too op

boomerangist is like cop but once??? also i dont think boomerangist is that great of a name

and we have enough conversion roles atm, but deblox just sounds like an alien with a cult meeting at night