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classic emjack

almost 9 years

strangely still works

post bugs/suggestions/etc. here

  • auto boxes / kick
  • auto name+role in will (/autowill to toggle)
  • keep chatbox open at night
  • marks your mafies
  • makes clickable links
  • optional images in chat (type /fmt)
  • /help for more info
  • /afk to toggle afk
  • /icons [classic] to toggle classic role icons
  • /ping [all] to ping players who haven't voted or everyone
  • /kick [name] to kick someone
  • /vote [name] to vote someone
  • /shoot [name] to shoot someone
  • /join [host] to join an open 12p game or host if none exist
  • /host [title] to host current setup with optional title
  • /games to see some games
  • /f [sysmessage] [data] to forge system messages since everyone does it
  • /fs [sysmessage] [data] to do that and send it (/f just prints it)

and more

almost 9 years
hot new 4.6 comes with new graphical mode hybrid type /gm to toggle

additionally you can click on names in the village meeting to vote them instead of using the dropdown
almost 9 years
4.5.9 added some generic bot responses

emjack saves the last setup id you played and uses it when /hosting from lobby chat
almost 9 years
.1 it actually does update when you refresh now
almost 9 years
4.5.8 now has a vote count thing during the day

it will not be accurate if you refresh after people already voted so blame yourself

besides that tell me if anything is wrong
almost 9 years

wertyo says

Can we have a vote count next to each player during the day cause i'm too lazy to count.


bdog1321 says

so i have no idea about coding, but i c/p'd the entire thing into a new tampermonkey script so i could play around with it without having to reinstall every time i screwed something up. but the script i c/p'd won't work, even though it's identical to emjack. not sure why. am i missing something really obvious?

you mightve copy/pasted the entire page
deletedalmost 9 years
tell us all /slave commands
almost 9 years
so i have no idea about coding, but i c/p'd the entire thing into a new tampermonkey script so i could play around with it without having to reinstall every time i screwed something up. but the script i c/p'd won't work, even though it's identical to emjack. not sure why. am i missing something really obvious?
almost 9 years
Can we have a vote count next to each player during the day cause i'm too lazy to count.
almost 9 years

updated to fix a thing and also disabled autowill by default (type /autowill to toggle)
almost 9 years
Can you get /jax to work in chat?
almost 9 years
fixed /dm probably but i just remembered i think lucid changed the way settings work so they only work from the /user/edit page so maybe not
almost 9 years
can you code something that will turn off pregame dude
almost 9 years
/will is off because it's too unfair (nobody else can edit their wills during the day without emjack)

also looks like i forgot to add a method to the request call for /dm ill check what the method is and fix that later
deletedalmost 9 years
"/will" doesn't do anything, not even print out a log message

"/dm test (name) test" and other variants just outputs this error:

You've got error!
Failed to execute 'open' on 'XMLHttpRequest': '/user/edit_deathmessage?deathmessage=test%20(name)%20test' is not a valid HTTP method.
almost 9 years
fixed it
almost 9 years

Gerry says

is there a pastebin or something with all the features.

you can view the source on greasyfork

quiche says

foxie /join in lobby chat isn't working :<

im on it
almost 9 years
foxie /join in lobby chat isn't working :<
deletedalmost 9 years

Gerry says

is there a pastebin or something with all the features.

you are so demanding
almost 9 years
is there a pastebin or something with all the features.
almost 9 years

Leez says

was wondering if auto will could be toggled off? didn't work well for me when I died as maf

deletedalmost 9 years
partners aren't getting marked in multimaf
almost 9 years
was wondering if auto will could be toggled off? didn't work well for me when I died as maf
almost 9 years

DragonflyZ says

edit death message to work

it should
/dm (name) has died

DragonflyZ says

ability to change text color

i could add this but it only takes effect when you rejoin the game

DragonflyZ says

ability to send multiple messages at once until time out (i know it can be done as the bot mode can do it)

i dont think people would like that, they already complain about bot spam

DragonflyZ says

add ability to fakequote

/fq admin hello im lucid

DragonflyZ says

add fonts, by typing /font {insertfont} {insert message}. I know this can be done with the text ingame somehow, you can add fonts like bold and cursive etc, forgot the website. You could also add upsidown text

you cant change what font other people see. at best this would have to be a weird looking $fmt option

DragonflyZ says

make creating a setup easier (as you don't have to select every role again)

i remember making a script some time ago that let you import an existing setup into setup creation
ill try adding this at some point if i can figure out a convenient and noninvasive way to implement it

DragonflyZ says

/randlobby takes you to a random lobby

/join is more or less the same and you can just pick from /games otherwise

DragonflyZ says

/1000pgame (hosts a 1000 player game), if you don't want mods noticing maybe cap the total to 30 player

youd definitely get banned and also its a setup thing, youd have to create a setup with that many players

DragonflyZ says

change /slave to /cubot

are you that person

DragonflyZ says

update /whois to provide ...

that would require an external request
i could add the join date, but recent actions and some other more specific info would require page scraping which is a sin not to be committed

DragonflyZ says

how many players in the room have emjack

deletedalmost 9 years
hello I have the following suggestions for emjack:

-edit death message to work
-ability to change text color
- ability to send multiple messages at once until time out (i know it can be done as the bot mode can do it)
- add ability to fakequote
- add 'fonts', by typing /font {insertfont} {insert message}. I know this can be done with the text ingame somehow, you can add fonts like bold and cursive etc, forgot the website. You could also add upsidown text
- when creating a new setup, the ability to select all roles at once, or just the sandbox ones, to make creating a setup easier (as you don't have to select every role again)
- /randlobby takes you to a random lobby
- /1000pgame (hosts a 1000 player game), if you don't want mods noticing maybe cap the total to 30 player
- change /slave to /cubot
- update /whois to provide info on join date, last game stats, how many times they've played the setup
- some sort of command which gives info on how many players in the room have emjack
almost 9 years added $webm (doesn't autoplay don't worry)
/clear images removes all images and webms