so i have no idea about coding, but i c/p'd the entire thing into a new tampermonkey script so i could play around with it without having to reinstall every time i screwed something up. but the script i c/p'd won't work, even though it's identical to emjack. not sure why. am i missing something really obvious?
/will is off because it's too unfair (nobody else can edit their wills during the day without emjack)
also looks like i forgot to add a method to the request call for /dm ill check what the method is and fix that later
deletedalmost 9 years
"/will" doesn't do anything, not even print out a log message
"/dm test (name) test" and other variants just outputs this error:
You've got error! Failed to execute 'open' on 'XMLHttpRequest': '/user/edit_deathmessage?deathmessage=test%20(name)%20test' is not a valid HTTP method.
i could add this but it only takes effect when you rejoin the game
i dont think people would like that, they already complain about bot spam
/fq admin hello im lucid
you cant change what font other people see. at best this would have to be a weird looking $fmt option
i remember making a script some time ago that let you import an existing setup into setup creation ill try adding this at some point if i can figure out a convenient and noninvasive way to implement it
/join is more or less the same and you can just pick from /games otherwise
youd definitely get banned and also its a setup thing, youd have to create a setup with that many players
are you that person
that would require an external request i could add the join date, but recent actions and some other more specific info would require page scraping which is a sin not to be committed
deletedalmost 9 years
hello I have the following suggestions for emjack:
-edit death message to work -ability to change text color - ability to send multiple messages at once until time out (i know it can be done as the bot mode can do it) - add ability to fakequote - add 'fonts', by typing /font {insertfont} {insert message}. I know this can be done with the text ingame somehow, you can add fonts like bold and cursive etc, forgot the website. You could also add upsidown text - when creating a new setup, the ability to select all roles at once, or just the sandbox ones, to make creating a setup easier (as you don't have to select every role again) - /randlobby takes you to a random lobby - /1000pgame (hosts a 1000 player game), if you don't want mods noticing maybe cap the total to 30 player - change /slave to /cubot - update /whois to provide info on join date, last game stats, how many times they've played the setup - some sort of command which gives info on how many players in the room have emjack