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classic emjack

almost 9 years

strangely still works

post bugs/suggestions/etc. here

  • auto boxes / kick
  • auto name+role in will (/autowill to toggle)
  • keep chatbox open at night
  • marks your mafies
  • makes clickable links
  • optional images in chat (type /fmt)
  • /help for more info
  • /afk to toggle afk
  • /icons [classic] to toggle classic role icons
  • /ping [all] to ping players who haven't voted or everyone
  • /kick [name] to kick someone
  • /vote [name] to vote someone
  • /shoot [name] to shoot someone
  • /join [host] to join an open 12p game or host if none exist
  • /host [title] to host current setup with optional title
  • /games to see some games
  • /f [sysmessage] [data] to forge system messages since everyone does it
  • /fs [sysmessage] [data] to do that and send it (/f just prints it)

and more

almost 6 years
as i know u can use
ranked(setup id,0 if unranked 1 if ranked 2 if comp, 'password' or null if no password, false if no video true if yes video, anon deck number or null if no anon deck);
but idk how to add it to script
almost 6 years that worked earlier but now it doesn't work :3
almost 6 years
Hosting setup#1409806...
aeroflood has left
You've got error!
JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
almost 6 years
I miss emjack
almost 6 years
What kind of url has omgus in it?
almost 6 years
small bug but having EM vocab in a url (nl, omgus, etc) will break links
about 6 years
using /icons doesn't work for me
about 6 years
works fine for me
about 6 years
Cub pls come back. I'm lost without my classic icons.
about 6 years
um is emjack broken? I cant change to classic icons or type at night
about 6 years

i don't want to just put every em script into emjack though, it's just supposed to be for in-game

give more attention to other userscripts like that one
about 6 years
Hey cub, a while back someone made a script that can recreate a setup in the game creator to make edits etc to it. If I find it again do you think you could add it?

Edit: found it
about 6 years
• removed a lot of junk
integrated graphical mode into sidebar during pregame
• added role icon description tooltips
• added /cry [message]
• added /con [role] [message]
• added /vent [name] [message]
• changed /role [role OR username]
• marks user roles for mason, templar, mafia, cultist, cyborg, zombie
• readded autofocus
• fixed vote count and stuff
• converted some dom thingies to jquery
about 6 years
i just updated emjack with a multiplayer minigame concept using kucode

it's made for pregame and should only be available pregame but i have not tested it because it's 3 am im just posting it now to demonstrate pregame minigames and proof of concept or whatever

if you want emjack to be stable don't update yet
about 6 years
suggestions :

/filter Name Name Name

enable "speechfilter" option....

then speech_filter('username') for every username (space delimited.)

/filter (with no names)

disables "speechfilter" option, or maybe clears every speech_filter checkbox, idk. They both have the same effect


I think that the following features would also be nice:

/curses - replaces the names of various fruits (apple / nectarine / strawberry / mandarin / plum / etc etc) with various vulgar words or "sh!t"


/bgm - toggles background music option


/ts - toggles the "show timestamps?" option
about 6 years
removed conflicting features (name voting and autofocus) in
about 6 years
small bug:

the X is your partner message and marking done in a game with infiltration start marks everyone as mafia, because lucid already added the system message you can probably just delete it from emjack
deletedabout 6 years
Box ticks are broken.
about 6 years
Thank you cub for these features!
about 6 years
All hail cub
about 6 years
i think i fixed it let me know if it ruins your games
about 7 years
use tampermonkey
over 7 years
" The applications, extensions, and themes can harm your computer "
over 7 years

Shwartz99 says

Yay emjack

Yay me!
over 7 years
remember the cat genocide