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Moderation Issues

deletedabout 10 years

I've been trying to keep my mouth shut for quite a while, but I've decided to finally make this thread because there are a lot of things that need to be addressed. No one is coming out with it when several people have complained about this, so I've decided to be the sacrificial lamb and post on behalf of the entire community. And if I lose any chance of being a moderator and fixing up the site, so be it. I'm more concerned that we have respectable people leading EM.

Reasons the mod team is unprofessional:

Jericho, a previously banned user, is modded. He reported Caroline for OGI to spite her for their previous tension, without addressing the guy who actually GRS'd.

Vancy / Rutab used modding powers to find my secret alt, which would have been fine, but one of them then unexusably told many non-mods I especially did not trust that I was Flux. This is the only conclusion I can come to.

Kino account shared with a banned user. This is unexusable in any case. Not only should she be punished, but she should definitely not be moderating the site.

I have no personal issue with any of the mods, but it truly does seem that it's a bit of a circlejerk. If I'm not mistaken, most of the moderators are close or at least have a mutual connection. This is a huge problem and I think others should be given a chance to mod, since most of them are not serious about the well-being of the site.

Moderators are supposed to be our system of control. It's supposed to be professional work. This is anything but. If you are not going to do what's good for the community, please don't become a moderator.

about 10 years
Oh hun youre not that important for me to stalk your profile I just have to take a look at the lobby at any given moment to see a classic/G&H game you've hosted
deletedabout 10 years

caroline says

ohhh so jericho was more upset than wetzel, makes sense. since we've been saying that this whole time

Wetzel is, again, irrelevant.
deletedabout 10 years
I have a mansion, for a good price
I've never been there they tell me it's nice
I live in hotels, tear up the walls
I have accountants pay for it all
deletedabout 10 years
ohhh so jericho was more upset than wetzel, makes sense. since we've been saying that this whole time
about 10 years
Lol jack having to take up for his girlfriend due to her lack of intelligence, and him having to stalk my profile for some means of insult to throw. Ooooo I play gnh and classic, such insult. Zzzzzz.
about 10 years
I'm just gonna put it out there that Wetzel probably cared the least about this violation out of everyone who got reported considering she didn't whine about it or try to get out of it at all so that part needs to stop being a topic of hypothetical discussion.
deletedabout 10 years

TheOnlyJazznation1 says

Empire you really believe he didn't report caro because he was being petty?

Petty is a very poor word to use because you can make the argument that literally any report is petty. My posts are not an attempt to judge whether or not Jericho is being "petty", whatever that means, but whether the report says anything about him as a mod.
about 10 years
Tom petty for life
deletedabout 10 years

caroline says

yes it's clear he only reported me because i reported the girl that sends him nudes every night and she got a vio

Empire says

Clarification: The report against you had little to do with the fact that it was wetzel who got it so much as all of us in the game, which he again found hilarious and originally thought was no-vio worthy (Though I have a feeling he's probably changed his mind by now).

about 10 years
and the heartbreakers.

edit: damn it jack you ruined my joke
about 10 years
Yeah caroline, she's never played fancy pants. She plays classic and guns n hookers, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT setups that require intense mental stimulation
about 10 years
Empire you really believe he didn't report caro because he was being petty?
about 10 years
Lol truth apostasy
deletedabout 10 years
yes it's clear he only reported me because i reported the girl that sends him nudes every night and she got a vio, so to make me mad and get revenge he reported me for a previous game and if he really, truly cared about giving me a violation he would've reported it as soon as the game ended
deletedabout 10 years
You can only judge people for playing fancy pants if you've never cheated. Just a factual observation
deletedabout 10 years
Clarification on that last point: The evidence points to there being no reason to assume bias, not that there WOULD not have been any present-but that there WAS none..
about 10 years
Rofl, Caro I've never even played fancy pants. Cry about your vio more. Zzz.
about 10 years
Like i said it was petty of caro to report any of you in the first place. You were clearly having fun in an otherwise boring game of mafia. The part that I have a problem with like I've been trying to say is that is a mod not supposed to be above any petty-ness? Its clear through his actions he only tried to get caro a vio because he was being petty and got his poor little feelings hurt
deletedabout 10 years

Zwink says

Who cares. They both got viod. They both deserved it. The end.

yeah i think you should leave since you aren't even involved, go back to fancy pants
deletedabout 10 years

Steven says

I'm not sure you can either of you can really say you're right about this without any input from him, and he naturally wouldn't say he was being biased about it so...

Just because it's possible he was unbiased doesn't mean he was, and viceversa

Possible he's biased? Certainly.

Does the evidence point to that though? I don't think so.
about 10 years
Did this just turn into a personal drama or what I have no idea what's going on anymore
deletedabout 10 years

caroline says

Apostasy says

caroline says

Apostasy says

Highlight of this thread so far: Carolineee (who cheated) rhetorically asks empire (who played regularly with maxwell) if he is an idiot

oh yes let's point out that i cheated bc thats relevant???

I hate cheaters almost as much as I hate mods

yes i care so much what you think of me

That's great to hear because I think you suck for cheating
about 10 years
Who cares. They both got viod. They both deserved it. The end.
deletedabout 10 years
You do if you're responding to him.
about 10 years

Empire says

caroline says

you can't report me for breaking a rule, others for spamming/trolling but not the guy who blatantly grs'd and i know no one can blame him but it was grs

Have already explained why it is easy to forget about Laptop in the process. Overlooked? Yes. Incompetence/bias? Not really.

I'm not sure you can either of you can really say you're right about this without any input from him, and he naturally wouldn't say he was being biased about it so...

Just because it's possible he was unbiased doesn't mean he was, and viceversa