
Report #120,895

Report Details

closedabout 10 years
[APPEAL] All meaningful content for the day had ended. Town decided to nl. The intent of the spamming rule is to prevent disruptive gameplay. There was nothing happening at that point in the day. Caroline reported because she was angry and wanted a "revenge" violation. She was more concerned about the two players slowrolling the day. This is a blatant abuse of the report system. There was no intention here to disrupt gameplay, therefore this should not be a violation.
deletedabout 10 years
Hey there, even though I have been up front about this the entire time: I never really cared about the violations or the reports or the mods to begin with-I only wanted to argue/debate/be abrasive because, well, it was fun, starting from ingame with Caro to now. When the fun stopped, it became easier to step back and think over what I was doing. Obviously I was in the wrong for doing this and saying "It was fun" doesn't justify it, instead making it worse, only apologizing almost as an afterthought, but I'm not really a perfect person. Sorry for being so malicious/abrasive even if it doesn't really fix anything. As far as the reports go, they're still very straightforward-Spamming for Aug, same vio for me/Ditto. Anyway, again, sorry for being a jerk just because I was bored, even if saying it after the fact does nothing. Thanks.
deletedabout 10 years
then close this
about 10 years
By the wording of the rule, I deserve a spamming violation.
about 10 years
You tell me.
deletedabout 10 years
and like they said, spamming has no intent. you spammed and it flooded the chat. vio deserved
deletedabout 10 years
it is the issue? i initially reported everyone for spamming and you got the vio. so this appeal makes no sense. the rule doesn't need to be changed at all
about 10 years
Yes, caroline. It was established on page 1 that I spammed. That is not the issue.
deletedabout 10 years
you admit to spamming which is what i reported for in the first place, he admits to it. so close and sustain. he is appealing to get the spamming vio taken away but admits to spamming. gg
about 10 years
Yeah. As Empire mentioned, you guys aren't reading. The question isn't whether I spammed or not. I clearly spammed.
about 10 years
Yeah it doesn't matter what your intent was. Intent only matters for GT violation. If you know how to read, read the rules page it says nothing about spamming have to disrupt gameplay. Do you know what spamming means? You spammed, you deserve the violation. If someone breaks a rule, you don't try to counteract by breaking another rule, you let the game finish then report them.
deletedabout 10 years
I'm sorry but there is no way this is getting overturned. Weren't you a mod at one point, bernin?
deletedabout 10 years
also why is this not sustained already? mods are terrible
deletedabout 10 years
dumb imo
about 10 years
trolling is the only thing keeping this site fun it sure isn't the over played jan setups and VDLI. nor is it the mods recruiting with their rigid rule following personalities. Without the ability to subtly troll and spam when the game stalls what do we have left.
deletedabout 10 years
on the bright side, at least gen and goodbar proved their literacy. that's always a good thing, you know, to have two literate mods. already more than the average.
deletedabout 10 years
Of course, that would be ex-post facto, but it's something to work on fot future eh? :D
deletedabout 10 years
If anything, the punishment for spamming should be increased, not decreased. I personally believe all of the people in this game should've got a one hour suspension, as that'd really teach them a lesson.
deletedabout 10 years
tl;dr: Changing law then punishing=NO. BAD. Changing law then saying "You're OK now"=YES. GOOD.
deletedabout 10 years
Criminalizing and then convicting for an act or increasing the punishment of someone after the fact IS unconstitutional. Amnesty or court overrules are not.
about 10 years
that's what i try to say stab but it falls on deaf ears
deletedabout 10 years "Ex post facto laws are expressly forbidden by the United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3."
deletedabout 10 years
"The amount of people who break a rule is utterly irrelevant to whether or not the rule is broken" again missing the point and arguing something already conceded, I give up on you Riot, enjoy, this case is already shut anyway.
deletedabout 10 years
"Ex-post facto law-changes are stupid, and that's not how the law works irl either." Actually, you're completely wrong on both counts here. Courts do not decide that a law/sentence/action is wrong and then give it anyway-they overturn it.
deletedabout 10 years
The rule handles this perfectly adequately. The amount of people who break a rule is utterly irrelevant to whether or not the rule is broken, and the fact you can't get your head around this is pretty laughable tbh.
deletedabout 10 years
The question was never whether or not this was spamming but how to handle this nature of cases, which could be argued that the rule was inadequate to handle. The fact that you think it is is irrelevant to the fact that THIS IS WHAT THE APPEAL IS ABOUT. The fact I have to continue to explain this, page after page, begging someone to please for the love of god read for 5 seconds before posting, is extremely sad.