
Report #120,895

Report Details

closedabout 10 years
[APPEAL] All meaningful content for the day had ended. Town decided to nl. The intent of the spamming rule is to prevent disruptive gameplay. There was nothing happening at that point in the day. Caroline reported because she was angry and wanted a "revenge" violation. She was more concerned about the two players slowrolling the day. This is a blatant abuse of the report system. There was no intention here to disrupt gameplay, therefore this should not be a violation.
about 10 years
i understand that being jailer means you have to try and make an informed decision but rarely is there any content on a day start that would inform a decision. we aren't handing out violations to people for not generating content on such a day so i'm not sure why spamming would be so aggravating as to suggest it ruined the game for you when you shouldn't be expecting any content to begin with since it's a cut and dry nl.
deletedabout 10 years
I gave an actual opinion. This will be sustained because it's blatant spamming. Yours will be sustained too. You're the one who's spending your evening frustratedly trying to troll teh mods and teh carolines of the world, brother.
deletedabout 10 years
but again we digress
deletedabout 10 years
actually, again you're just showing misinformation, but that's ok because your comparison which is actually relevant to the case at hand is still bad and trying to flip the troll on me doesn't really work and if you're really that offended by me calling you out on it perhaps you should read the case and come back with an actual opinion or settle for a jar of ice cream and netflix instead
deletedabout 10 years
I think I'm reading this much better than you read Cory's games a couple of years ago ;)
deletedabout 10 years
well riot with that statement alone you actually just proved you aren't actually reading the case so congrats
deletedabout 10 years
seeing as i was jailer, ditto claimed my role, everyone stalled and spammed, yes it did. it was also gold heart and should have been taken seriously - end of round or not
deletedabout 10 years
You mean, my definition differs from the people who got given a righteous violation.
deletedabout 10 years
alternatively your definition of "competent" differs drastically from everyone else's
about 10 years
caroline did you think there was important information that day to read to the extent that spamming impeded your ability to make decisions throughout the game
deletedabout 10 years
Cases like this are exactly what the Spamming violation is for. This is about as Slam Dunk as they get.
deletedabout 10 years
clearly not the case considering you think GT/Cheating and spamming are comparable
deletedabout 10 years
But I'm one of the only two competent moderators who's posted in this appeal ;)
deletedabout 10 years
spamming and trolling. there was literally no reason for that and it also made the game unreadable.
about 10 years
Riot's made me laugh even though its completely incomparable
deletedabout 10 years
when the general consensus was already to NL, it didn't affect the game in any way
about 10 years
well gamethrowing always affects someone so that's a bad comparison. spamming affects no one unless it interrupts gameplay, which it didn't.
deletedabout 10 years
again riot with a bad comparison, joy, riot do yourself a favor and just sit this one out
deletedabout 10 years
Gonna play with a load of people. If we all GT together, then it raises questions as to the use of the Gamethrowing violation. If we were all throwing, then none of us actually disrupted anything, so it's unnecessary to slam us all with violations.
deletedabout 10 years
goodbar inches closer to the crux of the issue
about 10 years
this raises questions as to the use of the spamming violation. i mean half the people were spamming and like bernin said it was just a day to nl. it seems unnecessary to slam everyone with vios when it didn't really disrupt anything.
about 10 years
"Repeatedly sending the same message and/or chat flooding." Did you not do this?
deletedabout 10 years
Decent argument which starts to chip away at reasoning of the vio but still does not get to root of issue and thus falls short.