
Report #120,895

Report Details

closedabout 10 years
[APPEAL] All meaningful content for the day had ended. Town decided to nl. The intent of the spamming rule is to prevent disruptive gameplay. There was nothing happening at that point in the day. Caroline reported because she was angry and wanted a "revenge" violation. She was more concerned about the two players slowrolling the day. This is a blatant abuse of the report system. There was no intention here to disrupt gameplay, therefore this should not be a violation.
deletedabout 10 years
No you don't. When the game was played, the rules were broken. Ex-post facto law-changes are stupid, and that's not how the law works irl either.
deletedabout 10 years
And yet another concerning case of "Former admin does not understand how rule changes/appeals work". If you think a rule is wrong or should be changed, you do not give someone a vio then change the rule, this has been done before and it was stupid then and it's stupid now. You change the rule then reevaluate the report with this in mind.
deletedabout 10 years
the rule shouldn't change and things like this shouldn't happen in the future and they also shouldn't have happened in that game, because it's against the rules. stop being babies and sustain it and leave the rule as is
deletedabout 10 years
Lashka 21m 3s
The Spamming rule is fine and does the job adequately to stop people having to tolerate idiotic situations like the game in question. Spam is Spam. End of. -- I think you'll find I answered that too. If you want a discussion, make a thread.
deletedabout 10 years
gennehfarrxD 20m 15s
I think we all agree here that this falls under spamming as the current rule defines it. The question is whether the rule should be changed or how it should be reworded in order to circumvent things like this from happening in the future. ||||| Why is this so difficult for people to understand? Is it really that hard? I realize Riot hasn't been reading the actual case but seriously?
about 10 years
Empire already agreed that this was an insta-sustain and that the way things were done was decently okay. Please stop commenting in the report unless you are directly involved or moderating, thanks.
deletedabout 10 years
The dumbest thing about this report is that this is an instant-sustain but everyone is too chicken to do it because Empire will give them a backlash
about 10 years
I have learned a valuable lesson here today.
deletedabout 10 years
Actually, I've given multiple spamming violations out for cases like this before, Bernin.
about 10 years
I don't think there has ever been a game in which the entire table spams and everyone is sacked with a violation.
deletedabout 10 years
The violation is nothing more than a warning. Noting for something as clear-cut as spamming is dumb.
deletedabout 10 years
there is no new precedent. holy ****. spam is spam
about 10 years
If I thought I was breaking a spamming rule I wouldn't have done this obviously. Empire and Ditto were slowrolling. People were goofing around. I just joined in on the fun and games. I wasn't trying to create a big hullabaloo or spam the chat to prevent people from reading. I don't understand why you want to stick me with a violation. Just note it. I now have learned it is improper for me to goof around in this context. This sets a new precedent.
deletedabout 10 years
Gen-my thoughts on it are that trolling/spamming should be categorically banned and thus all should get the vio. My hesitation was only in how to rule games in which the majority were trolling, which brings up a lot of complex issues but I think the best solution is indeed to just give everyone a vio.
deletedabout 10 years
Melody at every single juncture you are again proving that you are not reading the comments. Please either do so or take a leave of absence.
deletedabout 10 years
the rule doesnt need to change, spamming is spamming no matter the circumstances and i dont understand why yall cant get that through your head
about 10 years
Mm...changing the issue is not exactly something to be discussed on report between two people (reporter and reportee, so to speak). If you would like to comment more on that, I believe it should be taken to the threads. I am all for discussing a different course being taken here. Thank you. Please leave comments past this point to Augustine, Caro, and the moderators, if you plan on simply insulting the moderators with your comments. Thank you!
deletedabout 10 years
The Spamming rule is fine and does the job adequately to stop people having to tolerate idiotic situations like the game in question. Spam is Spam. End of.
about 10 years
I think we all agree here that this falls under spamming as the current rule defines it. The question is whether the rule should be changed or how it should be reworded in order to circumvent things like this from happening in the future. Empire since you seem to have thought about this a decent amount, do you have any suggestions?
deletedabout 10 years
If you are simply making a ruling on whether or not they spammed, you are not making a ruling on what the actual report is about.
deletedabout 10 years
I repeat, because you are too busy not reading the comments: There is more at issue here than simply whether or not they spammed. Please either read the comments or leave it to a moderator that will.
about 10 years
Time to use some AtE. Please Melody please!!!!!!!!!! It was not my intention to break any rules. I am inno :'(
about 10 years
Sweet that analogy worked
about 10 years
Yeah, I was just going with the flow of traffic.
about 10 years
I did read it Empire, I was trying to explain the verdict I was about to give, as is customary when I handle reports. Hopefully that wasn't harmful to you. You weren't the moderator handling the report so that's why I thought I'd post my opinion before sustaining it :)