
Report #120,895

Report Details

closedabout 10 years
[APPEAL] All meaningful content for the day had ended. Town decided to nl. The intent of the spamming rule is to prevent disruptive gameplay. There was nothing happening at that point in the day. Caroline reported because she was angry and wanted a "revenge" violation. She was more concerned about the two players slowrolling the day. This is a blatant abuse of the report system. There was no intention here to disrupt gameplay, therefore this should not be a violation.
deletedabout 10 years
The same results can occur under a number of violations without it making the report invalid. OGI, ISP, Trolling and Copied Mechanics all spring to mind.
about 10 years
Right, but they wouldnt have been reported had they not spammed
about 10 years
and the same results would have occurred jack
deletedabout 10 years
"nothing they could do about it" how about play a game like a normal human being
about 10 years
Well they could've not spammed, actually
about 10 years
ok yea i see it, it's very inconspicuous... still leaves the rest of those given violations when there was nothing they could really do about it anyway
deletedabout 10 years
abc just had to get in on the action somewhere
deletedabout 10 years
He unvoted very early on.
deletedabout 10 years
Naw, I was stalling.
about 10 years
i turned on the vote logs and only saw empire switch his vote once at the very end
about 10 years
They all spammed meaning everyone who was voi'd not everyone in game
about 10 years
Right, and it allowed others to spam because of his stalling. He initiated it, they joined in. They weren't bystanders they all spammed
deletedabout 10 years
you can have fun in a game of mafia without rule breaking imo
deletedabout 10 years
I think you'll find Empire unvoted and stalled that day, too, Goodbar, which makes me question how much you've read this game...
about 10 years
having fun isn't an excuse for rule breaking, it's just something people like to do in a game of mafia...
about 10 years
jack i won't argue that stalling is violation worthy but only ditto was stalling
deletedabout 10 years
I mean I have great fun whenever I GRS but I never realised I could use that to get out of a violation before...
about 10 years
People keep using "having fun" as an excuse for this THAT DOESNT MAKE IT NOT A VIOLATION jesus christ
deletedabout 10 years
Breaking the rules is breaking the rules. 90% of the time when people file reports for anything (GT'ing, GRS) it's because they're mad at that person for doing it, rather because they just want to see the rules enforced.
deletedabout 10 years
if they wanna spam and troll then do it unranked, there was no need for that in ranked game so the argument "it was for fun" is highly invalid
about 10 years
You do realize if you OT this you're allowing anyone to spam in any ranked games including comp, so long as its not disrupting gameplay. So hypothetically, on autowin, one could not vote, slowroll and spam because it "doesn't disrupt gameplay". That's basically the precedent being set if this is OT'd
about 10 years
i think these violations serve more of a negative purpose than a positive one, which is that it's ok to work the report system for personal gain and serves more to keep people from having fun than to keep games clean and fair.
deletedabout 10 years
also the fact i asked them to stop nicely about 10 times should be enough for a vio, there was no reason to be doing that in a game esp gold heart and i think you're sticking up for them bc they're ur friends but w/e
deletedabout 10 years
"I gave an actual opinion." Clarification: Opinion which succeeds in its goal, which in this case is attempting to add to the case to sustain. In this your opinion falls flat. "This will be sustained because it's blatant spamming. Yours will be sustained too." At no point have I cared about the end result. "You're the one who's spending your evening frustratedly trying to troll teh mods and teh carolines of the world, brother." Yep, I have nothing better that I want to do currently and, well, it's fun.
deletedabout 10 years
Definition of Spam: Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. Can you deny that that's what those messages were?