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The Resistance Game 5

deletedover 6 years

With the last game just finishing I thought it would be good for your merlin to lead the game of game 5! Will good continue the hot streak or evil come back to win again!

7 good guys 4 evil peoples

6 players are needed to accept or reject any mission

Rules here:

Game status: GG!

If you want to see how Missions go here's a live link:

over 6 years
Off questing in the second mission!

deletedover 6 years
Otherscott, Highspace, tillie, Spadez0
PM me Pass or Fail?
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
okay i will accept
over 6 years

Percival only claims if they feel like town is about to have their 3rd fail
over 6 years
Hmm but im town and just did so the argument doesnt work???
over 6 years

bryce1997 says

I also thought dmdunn was scum then i thought he was merlin (so i accepted his mission since i thought he was merlin plus he didnt have any sus people on it) and now I dont think hes merlin but still town probably!

town does not ever out merlin reads

this is scum hinting to his buddies that he thinks dmdunn might be merlin
over 6 years

over 6 years
over 6 years
sorry oops i accidentally clicked edit
over 6 years
would love it if you guys all passed

over 6 years

FFSierraDamnThomas says

is there any reason scott why you group me and dmdunn together as a 50/50 pair?

My impact....
over 6 years
I also thought dmdunn was scum then i thought he was merlin (so i accepted his mission since i thought he was merlin plus he didnt have any sus people on it) and now I dont think hes merlin but still town probably!
over 6 years
aksjdhfskjaghkjhadjkfha SCREW IT

Otherscott, Highspace, tillie, Spadez0
deletedover 6 years
bryce is really obvious mafia tbh which means tillie and matt are town

for my reads i think ffs i mafia
over 6 years
So what your saying is after the mission failed, you did not keep to your read of matt and tillie both being town.

............thank you Captain Obvious?
over 6 years

Otherscott says

Part 2:

Bryce accepted immediately without hesitation a mission he wasn't on that included FFSierra, dmdunn, Highspace and me. My Arthur-read on Highspace is as strong as ever, so that means that I believe one of the two of dmdunn and FFS are maf. I don't like the 50/50 so I'm not putting either of them on the mission.


I believe ive accepted other missions that I wasn't on. Also my opinion was that mary alice matt and fdp were mafia. So obviously if none of those 4 are on it I'm not afraid to accept it
over 6 years

Otherscott says

Okay let's put this in parts
Part 1: Bryce is scum - Just look at these reads:

bryce1997 says

I think matt is the scum as previously stated due to me thinking him and alice/mary/both are all maf together

bryce1997 says

Ive given my thoughts on why i think things throughout the game. you thinking matt is town over me just shows how you guys are partners!

I particularly like this bit of hypocrisy:

bryce1997 says

She has no real reads she does accuses people because shes maf!

Basically there's no evidence at all that Bryce is trying to think through the game - which is my biggest evil indicator. The second biggest evil indicator is that his reads have not changed at all given more information, which indicates someone who picks how they want things to look and stick to it.

My reads did change throughout the game as I thought that Matt was town until that mission. I tr'd tillie and matt the most, specifically matt over highspace because at the time people were saying one was maf one was town. So I thought that hs was scum and matt was town. Once the mission failed I changed my read on matt because I realized he was maf and that Highspace must be town.
over 6 years're still not outing your reads.
deletedover 6 years
can perc claim yet? bc clearly without perc it's way harder for town to function and that puts town at a huge disadvantage
over 6 years
can't quote but yeah what sierra said, when is a good time for perc to claim cuz we're bouncing off the walls here
over 6 years
also bryce is the only one who's blatant mafia from his tunnel visioned posts. he can't be a town pr acting like that, so i really think it's my earlier theory of trying to ruin my rep by posting a few times a day that i'm mafia along with another of their partners, so that when their partner comes out as mafia they're like "ah yes mary is also mafia." anyway i'm mobile still, put me on the mission
over 6 years
put me on the mission
over 6 years

Otherscott says

Part 2:

Bryce accepted immediately without hesitation a mission he wasn't on that included FFSierra, dmdunn, Highspace and me. My Arthur-read on Highspace is as strong as ever, so that means that I believe one of the two of dmdunn and FFS are maf. I don't like the 50/50 so I'm not putting either of them on the mission.

over 6 years
is there any reason scott why you group me and dmdunn together as a 50/50 pair?