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The Resistance Game 5

deletedover 6 years

With the last game just finishing I thought it would be good for your merlin to lead the game of game 5! Will good continue the hot streak or evil come back to win again!

7 good guys 4 evil peoples

6 players are needed to accept or reject any mission

Rules here:

Game status: GG!

If you want to see how Missions go here's a live link:

over 6 years
if the options are bryce vs matt i think it's bryce, hardly anything they've said is towny/their tone seems to just be not trying to solve anything, just to add cheeky commentary. spadez has been gone for over a day so idk about them.

fmpov, from your reads, i'd be looking at bryce/fdp/dmdunnORffs(same reads on both to me)/spadez. in that case it seems us town are just yelling at each other in circles.
over 6 years
Is it possible that both bryce and matt are mafia?
over 6 years
I am willing to believe that arisuu may be town. Same for marry. But I don't like the idea of having both arisuu and marry on the mission. A fail won't tell me much.

Here's where my reads are at rn:

One scum in bryce/matt. It's very likely matt is the scum.

One scum within FDP.

One scum between FFS/Dmdunn. Leaning Dmdunn right now.

The final scum is within arisuu/marry/spadez.

Actually, this mission may prove useful.... hmm
over 6 years

HighSpace says

Why am I not on the mission

i'm not sure if i tr you yet and i put my strongest trs on the mission
over 6 years

bryce1997 says

omg are you bussing fdp right now?

over 6 years

tillie says

i think i was being too cocky before lol so i'm gonna reject. i was hoping that it would fail so i could prove some things but its def not gonna b beneficial for us for another fail. + ppl already think dmdunn is scum which was the point i was trying to prove lol

How would it prove dmdunn is scum when ffs is also on the mission?
over 6 years
Why am I not on the mission
over 6 years

marry says

still refuse to believe bryce is anything but a mafia having fun and fdp is probably evil with bryce and they're bussing him


over 6 years
omg are you bussing fdp right now?
over 6 years
his views on me have changed a few times, though i'd like to hear what his thoughts are

i still refuse to believe bryce is anything but a mafia having fun and fdp is probably evil with bryce and they're bussing him
over 6 years
He thinks me you and fdp are evil! And hes right about you two most likely!
over 6 years
scott what team would you make, seeing as you TR arisuu, obviously yourself, you seem to be wavy on me, and idr your view of tillie?
over 6 years

scott you gotta make a good team
over 6 years
over 6 years
accept oops caps
over 6 years
over 6 years
I'd be cool w that
over 6 years
yeah because i tr arisuu, is why i put her on the mission, for reasons stated by ffs and scott. i don't want to put matt on another mission because he was on m1, but i'm feeling more comfortable with marry/arisuu/tillie/scott.
deletedover 6 years

marry says

tbh i didn't even REALIZE it was my turn next to make a mission until it was brought up ref: me accepting as evidence im maf ??? i was mobile so...

i'm proposing scott/marry/arisuuORffs/tillie -- thoughts????

i will be on this mission, so that's not changing though

i think ffs is mafia. alternatively you could do marry/me/matt/tillie or marry/scott/me/tillie or mary/scott/matt/tillie
over 6 years
Yeah I think it's fair to say that alice has seemed a lot more townie than in the beginning when it seemed like their srs were outta thin air
over 6 years
I'm also really townreading arisuu at this stage. Like I don't think scum randomly accuses everyone in the game calling them blatant evil and seeing what happens.

The start was rough, but like the last 20 pages arisuu hasn't looked like scum at all.
over 6 years

Can you walk me through why you think that's a good idea?
over 6 years
also sorry guys i was asleep LOL i work the night shift
over 6 years
tbh i didn't even REALIZE it was my turn next to make a mission until it was brought up ref: me accepting as evidence im maf ??? i was mobile so...

i'm proposing scott/marry/arisuuORffs/tillie -- thoughts????

i will be on this mission, so that's not changing though
deletedover 6 years

matt says

ite marry ur turn :D
