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The Resistance Game 5

deletedover 6 years

With the last game just finishing I thought it would be good for your merlin to lead the game of game 5! Will good continue the hot streak or evil come back to win again!

7 good guys 4 evil peoples

6 players are needed to accept or reject any mission

Rules here:

Game status: GG!

If you want to see how Missions go here's a live link:

over 6 years
ite marry ur turn :D
over 6 years
i think i was being too cocky before lol so i'm gonna reject. i was hoping that it would fail so i could prove some things but its def not gonna b beneficial for us for another fail. + ppl already think dmdunn is scum which was the point i was trying to prove lol
over 6 years
ok i think i tr mary now bc I've been saying I'm a bit sus about her for a few days now and she's just been omgus'ing me a bit which is prob the easiest and most reasonable thing to do in her position, assuming she's town
over 6 years

Again you'll have to accept either marry or scott's mission as we're closely approaching the 5th attempt.
over 6 years

HighSpace says

This is what matt has been doing all game with me, just throwing it out there

Trust me, it has not gone unnoticed and I'm on high alert. I think I just expect it less from Bryce, particularly if he were town.
over 6 years

HighSpace says

I actually think a team of me/tillie/scott/bryce would be interesting

And i can guarantee you it would fail
over 6 years

Otherscott says

I don't like Bryce's logic on things recently, he just seems to be tunnelling Mary for no good reason.

This is what matt has been doing all game with me, just throwing it out there
over 6 years
I actually think a team of me/tillie/scott/bryce would be interesting
over 6 years

bryce1997 says

matt and mary rejecting? this is def town!

Actually, thinking about it more, let's assume they are scum for now. This would mean that these two, as scum, have willingly accepted an all-town team early on.

Remember when tillie proposed me/her/scott? marry and matt both said accept, matt being the 5th vote. All we needed was tillie's vote and the mission was underway. So using your logic, one of me/tillie/scott have to be mafia.

This is what really mind-boggles me, because I have strong TRs on tillie and scott, and a decent SR on matt. So I really don't know what to make of these accepts back on tillie's proposal.
over 6 years

Dmdunn says

I propose Dmdunn, Otherscott, HighSpace, FFSierraDamnThomas as a team

The sidebar is wrong
over 6 years
Im not even on the mission
deletedover 6 years
reject feels like ffs is mafia so ehh
over 6 years
I'm going to reject this.

I don't like Bryce's logic on things recently, he just seems to be tunnelling Mary for no good reason.

I don't like how marry reacted to this, as she originally said she's not accepting unless she was on the mission, which was towny, and then went and accepted the mission despite saying that - when she gets to pick the next mission anyways. That's not towny at all.

I think I'm scrapping my matt/tillie - one must be evil theory and going back to the other option I presented and dismissed, that Bryce/Marry/FDP are all evil.

That means the last evil must be dmdunn or FFS based on the weird acceptances of both Bryce and marry.

Also it helps that I've been leaning a lot more towny on arisuu lately, which I was not at all initially.
over 6 years
i still don't know enough about dunn/mary reject
over 6 years
i don't even have a good reason for flipping other than wanting to see what happened on the mission/bryce SRing me so hard for rejecting it. i'd obviously be putting myself on the next mission/when i make one, but i figured this one would fail even if i accepted i guess. it's 3am so i'm pretty much a very wishy-washy town at this point
over 6 years

matt says

you know what my reads aren't the best and we desperately need some more information


Anyone that accepts the mission after this post gets a hard SR from me.

It's pretty evident that there's at least a scum on this mission, it's the only reason matt is switching his vote despite being confident I'm scum with no one listening to him. If this fails we both know the blame is likely headed towards dmdunn/ffs, so him accepting really doesn't make sense. Especially when he's town from his pov and has a TR on tillie - why would he accept this mission?

My current theory is that dmdunn is the scum on the mission and he's accepting because he knows this is probably dmdunn's only chance at getting on a mission, and a lot of people just don't trust matt so he's less worried about appearing like town and more focused on getting another fail for scumteam - banking on the final mystery scum(s) to at least get on mission 5
over 6 years

bryce1997 says

matt and mary rejecting? this is def town!

matt is rejecting because it wouldn't make sense for his story to accept a mission with me on it. As for marry, I'm really curious to see why she decided to change her vote b/c the switch doesn't make sense to me. I'm sure marry herself can come up with a better mission, no? She's next in line
over 6 years

matt says

high is scum, reject this.

You might want to try convincing the town, considering I'm basically a lock for most if not all future missions

Because right now you're about as convincing as arisuu
over 6 years
still think that high is scum but \_O_/
over 6 years
you know what my reads aren't the best and we desperately need some more information

over 6 years
there's no way an entire scum team gets confirmed in this game except ~maybe~ to the merlin
over 6 years
i think u should reject this mission
over 6 years
over 6 years

tillie says

scum team will b confirmed after this mission just letting u know

um . . .
over 6 years
scum team will b confirmed after this mission just letting u know