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The Resistance Game 5

deletedover 6 years

With the last game just finishing I thought it would be good for your merlin to lead the game of game 5! Will good continue the hot streak or evil come back to win again!

7 good guys 4 evil peoples

6 players are needed to accept or reject any mission

Rules here:

Game status: GG!

If you want to see how Missions go here's a live link:

over 6 years
mary i thought you said I was the scum on the failing mission tho?
over 6 years

matt says

marry says

reject, i'm not on the team and one of tille/hs/scott have got to be scum

Walk me through this Plz

tillie was on the failing mission, so she would be my guess. that's as far as my logic goes rn
over 6 years
sorry i prob should've quoted the things in the previous message but i wanted to include the timestamps
over 6 years

Dmdunn says


For Tillie: I'm not lurking anymore though

The rest of what you wrote doesn't really make sense either -how am I trying to get matt onto missions? I don't want arisuu on missions either, you seem to be making assumptions about my play that aren't there? I talked to the people that were online when I was

well u kinda r lurking lol cos between page 13 and now you've only made 4 posts.

i didn't say you were pushing for matt or alice on a team either, i said you were only nitpicking what alice, mary, and matt said.

you also went back FOUR pages to reply to something mary said:

Dmdunn18h 21m
mostly because i trust their typing pattern and they seem to have a level head/complex town theories. they seem to be the one trying to solve things the most imo
What do you mean trust their typing pattern?

In my mind that's just a weird way of saying tone, correct?

marry1d 21h
mostly because i trust their typing pattern and they seem to have a level head/complex town theories. they seem to be the one trying to solve things the most imo

so, no you are not just talking to ppl who r online lol
over 6 years

For Tillie: I'm not lurking anymore though

The rest of what you wrote doesn't really make sense either -how am I trying to get matt onto missions? I don't want arisuu on missions either, you seem to be making assumptions about my play that aren't there? I talked to the people that were online when I was
over 6 years

Otherscott says

Let me ask you this then matt: What's your read on FDP?

Lean scum but not hard scum like you insist he is
over 6 years
well alot has happened, my mission was rejected, then first mission failed, of those on the mission, i believe bryce to be the scum, also i dont like this team for the mission, i still believe one scum lits between high and scott, so

over 6 years
Let me ask you this then matt: What's your read on FDP?
over 6 years
I'll accept
over 6 years

matt says

Due to ~reasons~ I am nearly certain tillie is town

this kinda proves my point lol.

but ya i'm only like 99% sure i got it right about mary cos their reads n stuff r just too close not to b maf w matt. i'm p certain about dmdunn too cos of his interactions. but ya alice is always rly weird so no clue if i got it right w her
over 6 years
I just realized that if tillie is right then FDP is not mafia, so that doesn't fully work
over 6 years
My response is

over 6 years
I'm really interested to see the responses of the accused members
over 6 years
I think she got 1/4 scum

And I'm reconsidering arisuu kinda ish
over 6 years
If tillie swiftly nailed all 4 scum in 2 posts...
over 6 years
Bryce's tone is off this game so bad i really wish i didn't change my mind on that matter
over 6 years
Due to ~reasons~ I am nearly certain tillie is town

Bryce failed that mission for sure
over 6 years

HighSpace says

arisuu says

spadez, ffs, and bryce are blatant mafia lol

and you are categorically unable to persuade anyone that you're correct

over 6 years

i'm not gonna write too much for this cos hes literally so inactive and i'm highkey not bothered to scroll through every page to see what hes said, but dmdunn has mostly only interacted w ppl i've stated above which is rly interesting... i'm not gonna quote what hes said cos its usually long n character limits but check out page 13 (he talks to only mary and matt), page 15 (he only talks to matt and alice, but also randomly mentions he doesn't tr spadez lol). ya thats literally it but its interesting that he only pulls apart what alice, matt, and mary are saying as if hes too scared to question town ooo i think i got something.

ok lastly, otherscott.

i don't think otherscott is associated w matt or any of these ppl, otherscott is my hero this game LOL but otherscott, the obv town, thought bryce for sure was town on that team and made some p logical posts for why he thought it was. i don't see scott being associated w anyone in the game cos if anything, ppl r trying to discredit him and make him seem as maf (like alice).

but ya in conclusion, i think alice, mary, and dmdunn are all buddying matt to get him on missions since hes the towniest, n lowkey best at this game lol. i think matt is also buddying me as maf cos i remember he did the same thing to me when i replaced markus in one of these games. i'm p sure i'm right after rereading everything everyone has said but ya sorry that this is so long!!!
over 6 years
um i think this is lowkey an all town team since its getting rejected so fast lol. after rereading a bit i'm actually p certain matt was the scum in our group just cos of his interactions w everyone compared to bryce

lets start w alice:

ok so its actually impossible to know what alice was thinking before the mission passed/failed bcos she literally did not talk after the first 3 pages (except to say "___/____/____/____ is blatant mafia" w/o any reasoning). mostly all her interactions are w matt though, in those first 3 pages. Then as soon as the mission fails alice calls bryce blatant mafia. the only reason she gives matt being town is cos "mafia couldn't have such braindead reads". alice continues to ONLY interact w matt, even when i questioned her n stuff, which is ~suspicious~. even tho i'm trying to prove a point that matt is maf keep in mind that alice plays weird every game lol so i could b wrong about her being maf or them being partners or whatever

ok onto mary!

so first mary asks to b on every mission but i'm not rly sure how to read that. i feel like both town n mafia can do that? maybe someone else has an opinion? anyway, i can't find anywhere before bryces mission where mary says shes suspicious of bryce (please quote me if i'm wrong) oh found it! i'm gonna get back to it, but as soon as bryce put himself on a mission she said "i'm uncomfortable w bryce but i'll accept anyway" i feel like she said this cos she knew it was gonna fail n could set bryce up later (which she did lol). her reads on bryce also follow matts reads, at the beginning of the game matt said "bryce is too tonally empty this game", "why is he memeing so much". literally 4 posts after matt said that she outs a read on bryce saying "i dont tr bryce, they have a different tone than last game imo, but that may be because they were merlin and that's a pr?". she also follows matts reads on me and says she trs me.
over 6 years

arisuu says

spadez, ffs, and bryce are blatant mafia lol

and you are categorically unable to persuade anyone that you're correct
over 6 years
Also arisuu thinks Sierra is scum, but didn't reject his mission

over 6 years

Spadez0 says

Keeping that in mind, I think the fail of M1 came from Bryce/Tillie.

I actually tr'ed Bryce cuz they're playing differently from when I suspect them to be scum BUT

bryce1997 says

marry alice and matt seem CLOSE! maybe partners

bryce1997 says

maf looks so cute here

These kinda things wavered my tr on Bryce.

I find Tillie more townie than Bryce especially cuz of things they've said such as:

tillie says

um i lowkey think i made a mistake LOL only like one reject is getting me kinda nervous, i feel like if it was all town then scum would b rejecting it. i reread n realised that like even tho i told u guys not to out reads on everyone so that we don't reveal merlin or whatever, highspace still did it, which kind of gives me the impression that he knows that he doesn't need to worry about ppl thinking hes merlin or narrowing down merlin cos hes maf? idk sorry if that didn't make sense or i'm completely wrong but i reject

tillie says

so idk if this is a bad idea but can everyone nominate like 1 person they think is town to b on the team (excluding themselves)? i think it'd b good for reads later in the game n it'd help me out now.

only nominate like one person to avoid scum finding out who merlin is

So I think there's a higher chance that Bryce is the fail BUT, it could be Tillie or Matt too so...

I agree with most of the contents in this post
over 6 years
In some up world possibly both
over 6 years
I mean tillie could be scum, but I think it's Bryce.