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The Resistance Game 5

deletedover 6 years

With the last game just finishing I thought it would be good for your merlin to lead the game of game 5! Will good continue the hot streak or evil come back to win again!

7 good guys 4 evil peoples

6 players are needed to accept or reject any mission

Rules here:

Game status: GG!

If you want to see how Missions go here's a live link:

over 6 years

Otherscott says

HighSpace says

I don't see why you're wary of tillie now?

I think based on the FDP mission and the failed mission one of tillie or matt has to be evil. If that's not the case, then it's marry, Bryce, FDP - which only leaves one evil between
arisuu, FFSierra, Dmdunn and Spadez...which I think there's gotta be at least two there, right?

I'm just not ready to say it's 100% matt yet. I think it's probably 70% matt/30% tillie, but the problem is if this proposed mission fails then we have two losses and really still only have FDP as certain evil.

I don't really like this post. Kinda seems like you turning tillie and I against each other for logic based on a mission that did not go through and someone who isn't that prominent in this game to deserve such a scum read.
over 6 years

arisuu says

spadez, ffs, and bryce are blatant mafia lol

Walk me through ffs
over 6 years
i don't see how I'm blatant scum?
over 6 years

HighSpace says

I don't see why you're wary of tillie now?

I think based on the FDP mission and the failed mission one of tillie or matt has to be evil. If that's not the case, then it's marry, Bryce, FDP - which only leaves one evil between
arisuu, FFSierra, Dmdunn and Spadez...which I think there's gotta be at least two there, right?

I'm just not ready to say it's 100% matt yet. I think it's probably 70% matt/30% tillie, but the problem is if this proposed mission fails then we have two losses and really still only have FDP as certain evil.
deletedover 6 years
spadez, ffs, and bryce are blatant mafia lol
over 6 years

FFSierraDamnThomas says

In my mind, both tillie and Marry are town, but my town read of tillie was stronger so i decided to put her on the mission

over 6 years

matt says

Looks manipulative kinda sorta

But isn't that what you guys have been doing?

Correct me if I'm wrong, I would've even quoted things both of you have said but I thought it was obvious enough for me to not do so.

My bad if I misread the interactions between you and High.
over 6 years
Keeping that in mind, I think the fail of M1 came from Bryce/Tillie.

I actually tr'ed Bryce cuz they're playing differently from when I suspect them to be scum BUT

bryce1997 says

marry alice and matt seem CLOSE! maybe partners

bryce1997 says

maf looks so cute here

These kinda things wavered my tr on Bryce.

I find Tillie more townie than Bryce especially cuz of things they've said such as:

tillie says

um i lowkey think i made a mistake LOL only like one reject is getting me kinda nervous, i feel like if it was all town then scum would b rejecting it. i reread n realised that like even tho i told u guys not to out reads on everyone so that we don't reveal merlin or whatever, highspace still did it, which kind of gives me the impression that he knows that he doesn't need to worry about ppl thinking hes merlin or narrowing down merlin cos hes maf? idk sorry if that didn't make sense or i'm completely wrong but i reject

tillie says

so idk if this is a bad idea but can everyone nominate like 1 person they think is town to b on the team (excluding themselves)? i think it'd b good for reads later in the game n it'd help me out now.

only nominate like one person to avoid scum finding out who merlin is

So I think there's a higher chance that Bryce is the fail BUT, it could be Tillie or Matt too so...
over 6 years
Looks manipulative kinda sorta
over 6 years

Spadez0 says

High and Matt have been constantly calling each other scum but, I feel like they're both being self-destructive townies

I don't like this segment of your post
over 6 years
over 6 years
In my mind, both tillie and Marry are town, but my town read of tillie was stronger so i decided to put her on the mission
over 6 years
But I'll be genuinely shocked if Matt and High are both scum. So that is the least probable scenario in my pov.
over 6 years
High and Matt have been constantly calling each other scum but, I feel like they're both being self-destructive townies.

Now, I have a hard time reading Matt because I generally strong tr them all the time so -iughiughiugrsesr.

But I'd like to think I can detect when High is scum. And I think that is not this time.

However, either of them could turn out to be scum because I have flopped with my reads a lot of times so -GTSRGTRSTGRSGAEJIOYTDSZG.
over 6 years
Keeping that in mind, I reject this mission.
over 6 years
(I'm awake and rising + shining (at 3pm but \_o_/))

My reads for now:

Sierra - I feel iffy about them. I originally had a neutral stance regarding Sierra cuz I didn't have many reads on them. But just before they formed their mission, they said they tr'ed Marry.

FFSierraDamnThomas says

i tr ya too marry

But instead of putting Marry, they put Tillie, who came from the failed mission on when Tillie could have optionally been avoided, like the other two from the failed mission.

I think that's slightly scummy of Sierra.
over 6 years
over 6 years

matt says

High is scum

Walk me through this!

Otherscott says

we have both tillie and Sierra on this one - two people I don't know for sure are scum but two people I'm very very unsure of.

I don't see why you're wary of tillie now?
over 6 years

matt says

discredit me more obvscum lol

Who was the one that ended up forming a team that had a fail on it? This was your ideal team, matt. And it failed.

Who is the one that, after realizing their reads were wrong, decided to not actually reconsider anything except for "well I guess one of bryce/tillie is scum"

The only one discrediting you is yourself
over 6 years

marry says

reject, i'm not on the team and one of tille/hs/scott have got to be scum

Walk me through this Plz
over 6 years
We really need this mission to pass, and we have both tillie and Sierra on this one - two people I don't know for sure are scum but two people I'm very very unsure of. This could be a good mission but I think with one fail already going into mission two, failing again really puts us behind the 8 ball and I think this team is too risky.

I reject.
over 6 years

marry says

hi sierra! please put me on a mission

over 6 years
reject, i'm not on the team and one of tille/hs/scott have got to be scum
over 6 years
Also tillie ~could~ be scum, but less likely
over 6 years

High is scum