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The Resistance Game 5

deletedover 6 years

With the last game just finishing I thought it would be good for your merlin to lead the game of game 5! Will good continue the hot streak or evil come back to win again!

7 good guys 4 evil peoples

6 players are needed to accept or reject any mission

Rules here:

Game status: GG!

If you want to see how Missions go here's a live link:

over 6 years
BTW is there any time that a percival should claim in resistance, and how early lol we need to sort out this mess
over 6 years
Part 2:

Bryce accepted immediately without hesitation a mission he wasn't on that included FFSierra, dmdunn, Highspace and me. My Arthur-read on Highspace is as strong as ever, so that means that I believe one of the two of dmdunn and FFS are maf. I don't like the 50/50 so I'm not putting either of them on the mission.

Part 3:
I lean towards matt as Arthurian, but I can't deny that his absolute tunnelling of Highspace is really bothering me. I'm not putting him on. Also, because I believe that FDP is scum and put another scum on his proposed mission with marry, matt and tillie, my trust on tillie indicates that he or marry is scum. I lean towards marry, but it's close enough that I don't want either of them on the mission.

That leaves me, Spadez, ari, HS and tillie as the 5 people I'm comfortable putting on this mission. But I need to see that arisuu's what-I-believe-to-be reaction tests have led to actual reads, and I want to see them. Otherwise I'm just going to throw Spadez on even though in general I have difficulty reading him.
over 6 years
Okay let's put this in parts
Part 1: Bryce is scum - Just look at these reads:

bryce1997 says

I think matt is the scum as previously stated due to me thinking him and alice/mary/both are all maf together

bryce1997 says

Ive given my thoughts on why i think things throughout the game. you thinking matt is town over me just shows how you guys are partners!

I particularly like this bit of hypocrisy:

bryce1997 says

She has no real reads she does accuses people because shes maf!

Basically there's no evidence at all that Bryce is trying to think through the game - which is my biggest evil indicator. The second biggest evil indicator is that his reads have not changed at all given more information, which indicates someone who picks how they want things to look and stick to it.
over 6 years
I can see some awful grammar but I can't edit so gtuiehsueithguesr.
over 6 years
About Till and Bryce, I've said this earlier but I think the M1 fail came from one of them. With the higher possibility of it being Bryce due reasons stated earlier.

My reads on them two haven't developed by much yet but I believe as the game progresses, there will be more clarity regarding the fail from M1.
over 6 years
(continued here~)

Keeping that in mind, I think Ari's actions could be considered scummy and townie. I've noticed that there have been a few more srs on Ari than trs which might be due to their weird play style instead of the things I pointed out earlier.

I personally find most of Ari's actions equally scummy and townie. Which is why, I fail to understand is why we have more people thinking Ari leans towards the dark side?

If any of the people who sr Ari (e.g. Dunn, matt) would like explain I'd appreciate it. I want to understand what you guys are thinking of Ari and if I'm missing something out.

I mean I've read through it all for the reasonings but I'd like an... updated reasoning I guess?
over 6 years
I tried but I think I'm done lol. I was experimenting with a new playing style but rtghnguirhgi. That's why I was semi (or whole) lurking.

But hey, I wasn't afk so I was actually paying attention to wut is going on.

My reads:

Ari - This round is a typical display of Ari being confusing. This Ari generally has flipped to be town. They tend to have a default scum feel but this is jest how they play.

Most of you guys should be used to it by now (tho I got tricked prev game >.>).

However, one thing that bugs me this time is their random reads that they didn't bother giving a reasoning for, which wavers my possible tr on them.

Unless these are reaction tests, I can't tell what Ari is doing.


arisuu says

spadez, ffs, and bryce are blatant mafia lol

arisuu says

scott is mafia so i'm going to reject

arisuu says

matt is town lol

no one has such braindead reads as mafia


Another thing that bugs me is how quickly Ari made the first team. But then again, maybe Ari thought they'd get better reads seeing how people reacted to their mission.

In the situation it got accepted, Ari and everyone else may have had an early grasp on who to tr/sr depending on the outcome of the mission and who rejected/accepted the mission.

arisuu says

okay i'm making my first team FFsierra, marry, and me

(continued cuz l o n g x.x)
over 6 years
(I was actually going to send this message 12 hours ago but the Halloween Town movie night thing made me tired so I gave up on trying to make sense at 3am and thought I'd something about it in ze morning so >.> but ye)
deletedover 6 years
People have been prodded don't worry
over 6 years
Yeah im not exactly understanding as to why it has to be spades/arisuu
over 6 years
As in by powerofdeath
over 6 years
Perhaps they should be replaced!
over 6 years
The inactivity is driving me crazy.

Okay well I'm definitely putting me Highspace and tillie on the mission. The last spot really has to go to one of arisuu or Spadez but like............neither of them are around at all.
over 6 years
Arisuu may be stalling
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
Otherscott it is your turn to make a mission

(Sorry for the afk)
over 6 years
Its been quiet for a while now but just a reminder that marry is scum!!
over 6 years
pretty sure this mission is rejected, Scooter make a good team lad, please, because we have no choice but to accept!!
over 6 years
I don't townread arisuu at all
over 6 years
oh wait i misread that cuz i'm an idiot, it makes sense, carry on. i'd go edit it but a is mobile.

i'll be accepting the next mission no matter what it is cuz it's auto fail if not so lets hope scotts town yikes
over 6 years
omgggg i had her on my mission already. this town confusing the hell out of me
over 6 years
I'm not committing to putting Alice on a mission until she shows up again and starts saying what she actually thinks.
over 6 years

tillie says

y don't we replace alice.... and get an even higher chance of passing......

hey that's a nice idea :D
over 6 years
over 6 years
y don't we replace alice.... and get an even higher chance of passing......