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The Resistance Game 5

deletedover 6 years

With the last game just finishing I thought it would be good for your merlin to lead the game of game 5! Will good continue the hot streak or evil come back to win again!

7 good guys 4 evil peoples

6 players are needed to accept or reject any mission

Rules here:

Game status: GG!

If you want to see how Missions go here's a live link:

over 6 years
please explain that scott :~)
over 6 years

Otherscott says

Okay tillie is 100% evil LOL

yer i reckon the same

who else do you think is mafia thoguh
over 6 years
f*ckups ***
over 6 years
Okay tillie is 100% evil LOL
over 6 years
while you're waiting though,y ou made two ups
who do you think those were?
over 6 years
alright sure fine whatever lol
over 6 years
Right. I'm going to give them a chance to do that before I declare you clear uncc'd Perc lol because like only 4 people have spoken since the mission.
over 6 years
omg WHAT are you saying

read page 12 and 13, its when bryces mission happened. theres like nothing that talks about passing or failing, no codes at all. theres no way that bryce could've told me to 'pass' if i was scum. or vice versa. also if you wanna clal me out for the last mission n me saying "would love everyone to pass" THERE WERE TWO FAILS !!!!! which means i can't be maf cos they would've picked up on an obvious 'code' lol.
over 6 years

Otherscott says

I'm not trying to fish info, I'm just letting the good side know that you aren't auto Percival and thus for sure clear.

I mean you could be, but that would be a dumb thing to say if you were.

Fair enough.

But I think at this point, real Perc would cc me if I were scum so yeah.
over 6 years
HighSpace before you make a mission, please consult me.
over 6 years
I'm not trying to fish info, I'm just letting the good side know that you aren't auto Percival and thus for sure clear.

I mean you could be, but that would be a dumb thing to say if you were.
over 6 years
Also the fact that you knew I was Percival right away when I could easily have been cc'd really doesn't look good for you at all.
over 6 years
Two scumcould've been on the mission

It's happened before where two scum were on the mission and one passed and one failed.
over 6 years
wait how can i be mafia if bryce is mafia
over 6 years

marry says

bryce is the only mafia im convinced of

What are your best bets for who is mafia that failed the mission last round?

Pree sure tillie is one because of pure logic
over 6 years
ok well at the beginning of the game i def thought spadez was scum but then when he went so inactive i dropped that read cos i didn't rly think scum would do that ?? but i guess iw as wrong so i guess one mafia is spadez

and then i'm rly stuck between high n scott cos they both have been SUPER towny. i feel like scott wouldn't make a team w 2 mafia on it tho as scum cos its super risky as i think it can lead to autoloss? but thats all i have to go on. i think it might b a good idea to reread everyones interactions cos thats lowkey the only way i know how to get reads but ya idk i might b ocmpletely wrong cos i was super wrong about matt so don't trust me!
over 6 years
bryce is the only mafia im convinced of
over 6 years
for ~reasons~ put me on the mission
over 6 years
and you're not gonna fish out any info from me either
over 6 years
you do not know what "~reasons~" means at all.
over 6 years
over 6 years

matt says

Due to ~reasons~ I am nearly certain tillie is town

Bryce failed that mission for sure

I have to question your Percival claim, matt.

If you were actually Percival, you wouldn't say this about the person you thought was merlin - it would make them such easy pickings if you were forced to reveal yourself later in the game.
over 6 years
this is an ugly line-up of 5 people


If High's mission gets rejected, I'd really only trust arisuu's to pass.
over 6 years
over 6 years
I mean I guess HIgh ~could~ be scum but I think I misread him entirely ugh