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The Resistance Game 5

deletedover 6 years

With the last game just finishing I thought it would be good for your merlin to lead the game of game 5! Will good continue the hot streak or evil come back to win again!

7 good guys 4 evil peoples

6 players are needed to accept or reject any mission

Rules here:

Game status: GG!

If you want to see how Missions go here's a live link:

over 6 years

HighSpace says

Spadez0 says

HighSpace says

damn this mission really weighs a lot then

I mean... that's a pretty late realisation considering the score.

I meant my team composition weighs a lot, b/c arisuu is gonna put FDP on LOL

Oh lol :D
over 6 years

Spadez0 says

HighSpace says

damn this mission really weighs a lot then

I mean... that's a pretty late realisation considering the score.

I meant my team composition weighs a lot, b/c arisuu is gonna put FDP on LOL
over 6 years

arisuu says

bryce1997 says

Hmm i guess the thing is that i think ur scum and if we skip highspaces i think we need to skip urs which then puts it in alice's hands and im not sure what mission she would put.

Arisuu who are you putting on your mission

i would put me, matt, fdp, and highspace.

You prefer FDP and High over Marry? FDP has been sr'ed by many people and High just came from M2.

If you don't mind, can you explain why you'd trust both of them enough to put on your mission?
over 6 years

HighSpace says

damn this mission really weighs a lot then

I mean... that's a pretty late realisation considering the score.
over 6 years
damn this mission really weighs a lot then
deletedover 6 years

bryce1997 says

Hmm i guess the thing is that i think ur scum and if we skip highspaces i think we need to skip urs which then puts it in alice's hands and im not sure what mission she would put.

Arisuu who are you putting on your mission

i would put me, matt, fdp, and highspace.
over 6 years
I lowkey feel so clueless right now
over 6 years
Hmm i guess the thing is that i think ur scum and if we skip highspaces i think we need to skip urs which then puts it in alice's hands and im not sure what mission she would put.

Arisuu who are you putting on your mission
over 6 years
Just, don't add anyone from M2 to the next mission (including me if I'm not trusted) which means there's 7 players to choose from.

2/7 players from outside of M2 are scum meaning 5/7 are town.

If a team outside of M2 is chosen, town has a pretty good chance of scoring.
over 6 years

bryce1997 says

i think a team with me/matt/highspace/ someone else will be the best way we can pass this

Bryce, the score right now is 2-0 for evil. If there's even a single fail on M3, we've lost this. I wouldn't protest as hardly against High if there was only one fail on M2 but there were 2 fails.

Avoiding High is optimal right now.
over 6 years
Also, I made it sound like Till isn't the Morgana/Merlin cuz I'm pretty sure they aren't. I don't think a Merlin/Morgana would play like how Till is in this game.

But if I am wrong, then as I said I'm pretty sure a fail came from Tillie so they're most likely the Morgana. Meaning there is no Merlin in M2 and the other fail is from me/Scott/High.

But like I said, in my pov the other fail is from Scott/High. So yeah, that's that.
over 6 years
i think a team with me/matt/highspace/ someone else will be the best way we can pass this
over 6 years
Ik I look bad for hyper-lurking (as I said, I was trying a new strat but kinda gave up lol) and then coming in a mission with 2 fails so I'll appreciate it if I'm heard/seen.

As ik I look bad, I don't mind being excluded from missions cuz we still have 6 town options.

At this point of time, I personally think a good team is: Matt, Marry, Ari & Bryce.

I sr'ed Bryce quite hardcore earlier but for reasons I stated recently, they're actually probably town.

Ari was null for me before but I tr them over people like Dunn and Sierra.

I'd like to see Marry on a team in this round for once as I do tr them.

And Matt is an obvious choice so ye, that's why I recommend these 4. If anyone doesn't like this team, please do tell why.

As High was in M2, I'd rather avoid having them in a mission rn alongside Scott and TIll.
over 6 years
(cont. here)

So tbh, of all people the Perc prob has the most clarity of who the M2 fails came from. I still don't think Matt should've said there was a possible Merlin in M2 cuz if it actually is Merlin, you screwed them over.

The scums know each other so the probability of knowing Merlin is 1/2. It narrows things down a hell lot for scum which was a bad move.

Unless matt, you're 100% sure that is Morgana (or you're not perc and said that there was a Morgana/Merlin in there for reactions in which case, lol).
over 6 years
Right after I said I'd stop lurking... I keep forgetting to tab back in. Now this is me trying to think so if I actually don't make sense or sound confused, then it's probably because my brain cells died faster than I anticipated.

Aight, from what I've seen, Tillie should be confirmed Mafia or really unlucky. In M1, there was a 1/3 chance that the fail was from them and in M2 there's a 2/4 chance it's from them.

In both missions, Tillie was present which makes me feel there's a high probability the fail from M1 was from Till.

However, Bryce's flip floppy reads are bothering me which makes me entertain the idea that Bryce could be scum who passed M1

But would scum make a team with another scum on for M1 when there's a high chance it could doom them both?

In the situation that the M1 fail came from Bryce and Till is inno, means that the M2 fails came from me/High/Scott.

I know that I passed that mission so in my POV, if Tillie is inno then the 2 fails definitely came from High and Scott. But I don't think both of them are scum together which makes me scrap this scenario.

With that being said, Bryce is probably surprisingly actually town (or at least, not the one responsible for the fail M1). Matt as our uncc'ed Perc gets the auto-clear for M1.

Meaning Till was most likely responsible for the fail M1 and one of them in M2.

Now, Matt said that a Merlin/Morgana was in this mission so if hypothetically, it was Morgana then Matt, the fail is from them and Tillie.

If the Morgana isn't in there, then excluding the Merlin and Till, there's a 1/2 chance of finding the fail so the one you feel might be scummier could be the answer.

(cont. cuz essays)
over 6 years
Alrighty so spadez is 100% scum in my book
over 6 years
ALSO before saying my reads make sense maybe look at yourself and your failed mission that had TWO scum on it while mine only had one! And you put one of the scum on it that was already scum on my mission so really maybe Im the one in the right!!!!
over 6 years

Otherscott says

HighSpace says

Does the idea of dmdunn/ffs one scum still exist?

Nope, tillie being scum means that neither of them have to be.

But why would I make a team with tillie and risk having two fails or no fails if i was scum? Look back I dont think theres any code like you guys suggested tillie did this time? I dont possibly see how me and tillie would be the same team and shes clearly scum now so I dont get your read it doesnt make sense!!
over 6 years
@scott maybe im just dumb! I didnt think that through after all so yaa maybe ur not actually scum yikes!
deletedover 6 years

HighSpace says

Right now: myself, Matt, arisuu, marry

imo this team will be successful
over 6 years
like i don't understand what it means lol or why
over 6 years

matt says

let me heavily insist that this mission needs to be accepted because if it doesn't the line up of the rest of the players is complete garbage and our best chance at staying in the game if not with HighSpace is with arisuu.

i don't get this
over 6 years

HighSpace says

Does the idea of dmdunn/ffs one scum still exist?

Nope, tillie being scum means that neither of them have to be.
over 6 years
But marry and arisuu have to be town right?
over 6 years
Let's review.

There are two scum in spadez/tillie/scott/me

FDP is still scum

Does the idea of dmdunn/ffs one scum still exist?