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The Resistance Game 5

deletedover 6 years

With the last game just finishing I thought it would be good for your merlin to lead the game of game 5! Will good continue the hot streak or evil come back to win again!

7 good guys 4 evil peoples

6 players are needed to accept or reject any mission

Rules here:

Game status: GG!

If you want to see how Missions go here's a live link:

over 6 years
let me heavily insist that this mission needs to be accepted because if it doesn't the line up of the rest of the players is complete garbage and our best chance at staying in the game if not with HighSpace is with arisuu.
over 6 years

HighSpace says

Right now: myself, Matt, arisuu, marry

this looks fine
over 6 years
Any mission with Scott tillie or spadez doesn't work for me also
over 6 years
over 6 years
id put me/matt/arisuu?/???
over 6 years
But tbh maybe you should pick for me (and maybe exclude me) because I'm afraid this town will reject my mission otherwise
over 6 years
Bryce I changed my read on you because your posts became increasingly scummier.

bryce1997 says

Omg wow Im still town and scott is maf thats why he changed his read on me suddenly when he got the chance to make a team!!

Let's put this in the context of me as scum for arguments sake. If I'm scum I clearly put at least one other scum on my team, which is less than ideal for obvious reasons. Wouldn't the better alternative for me to be to keep trusting you so I could put you on the mission instead of another scum?

This is why I still think you're scum, your reads make zero sense like you aren't thinking them through.

I guess I have to pick one of Highspace or Spadez to believe pretty quickly.
over 6 years
Right now: myself, Matt, arisuu, marry
over 6 years

HighSpace says

This is a terrible situation because I feel like the 4 mission makers after me are either scum or incompetent


which is why i'm taking what you say with concordance.
over 6 years
i'm about to go to work

who are you planning on putting on the mission HS
over 6 years
And I'm probably getting auto rejected
over 6 years
This is a terrible situation because I feel like the 4 mission makers after me are either scum or incompetent
over 6 years
Well youre wrong!!!! Omg bet youre still mafia tbh but tillie was your partner instead of matt like I thought. Could the scum be marry, tillie, fdp?, scott?
over 6 years
that's true i'm just considering all the angles here. i'm still only fully convinced bryce is mafia.
over 6 years
well marry not every mafia thinks the same way. Especially if tillie failed before I don't see why she wouldn't fail it again
over 6 years
Omg wait yikes also if matt is really perc sorry... wait then tillie is scum!! Im realizing things way too slowly my bad hehe!! Okay so since matt is perc and i know im town then tara must be scum! Which means that um maybe I was wrong about mary... whoopsies!
over 6 years

HighSpace says

I know that i just came out of a 2-fail mission. But look at the line up. I may just be your best choice.

We are going to have to pass through mission 5, and it's very likely 2 towns just got shafted in the recent mission. Before you decide to auto reject me, think about this: If you plan on autorejecting anyone that just came from the failing mission, you're gonna have to bank on figuring out the 5 other town without fail. Because 5 town that wasn't on mission + 2 that were totals all 7 town

this doesn't read town to me though
over 6 years

bryce1997 says

What am I doing that makes me scummier than the person who has been on two failing missions KDSFJDSKFSDKF no shade... and I think that tillie is still town. But like YIKES!

thinking i'm maf
over 6 years
I know that i just came out of a 2-fail mission. But look at the line up. I may just be your best choice.

We are going to have to pass through mission 5, and it's very likely 2 towns just got shafted in the recent mission. Before you decide to auto reject me, think about this: If you plan on autorejecting anyone that just came from the failing mission, you're gonna have to bank on figuring out the 5 other town without fail. Because 5 town that wasn't on mission + 2 that were totals all 7 town
over 6 years
What am I doing that makes me scummier than the person who has been on two failing missions KDSFJDSKFSDKF no shade... and I think that tillie is still town. But like YIKES!
over 6 years
bryce sounds like a wine mom
over 6 years
Omg wow Im still town and scott is maf thats why he changed his read on me suddenly when he got the chance to make a team!!
over 6 years
which means spadez/highspace/bryce/??? tenta. i'm also going to reread a bit later, when i have a bit more time to focus.
over 6 years
(sorry if ur maf and i called u stupid...)
over 6 years
however, maf are really damn stupid for both failing. if i was maf, i would have passed, and hoped my partner had failed. even in a double pass, then it would soft-clear both of us for another mission. so i'm leaning tillie towards town, which means it was bryce absolutely.

of the 4 on the mission, i'd say it was spadez and highspace. scott reads more town than highspace for me. i tr matt because of his reads, his claim, and his logic rn. if i was morgana or whatever, i'd be too afraid to cc him imo.