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The Resistance Game 5

deletedover 6 years

With the last game just finishing I thought it would be good for your merlin to lead the game of game 5! Will good continue the hot streak or evil come back to win again!

7 good guys 4 evil peoples

6 players are needed to accept or reject any mission

Rules here:

Game status: GG!

If you want to see how Missions go here's a live link:

over 6 years
over 6 years
hm. i don't know what to make of tillie. she's playing exactly how i personally would if i was maf in her situation.
over 6 years

marry says

HighSpace says

Btw tillie coded last mission. Did you guys catch it?

'would love everyone to pass' or was it smth else?

ignore this, i hadn't refreshed LOL
over 6 years

HighSpace says

Btw tillie coded last mission. Did you guys catch it?

'would love everyone to pass' or was it smth else?
over 6 years
also for a multitude of reasons i'm not going to out my morgana for several reasons

1. if i'm wrong and they're merlin then it doesn't completely give scum the answer
2. mafia don'tknow each other's roles only who is on their team
3. if i do out the morgana and i'm right, they'll basically validate the claim and openly hunt for merlin.
over 6 years
yes i'm okay with being called a moron because I followed the wrong damn person and it f*cked up my reads entirely
over 6 years
I'll do a reread when I get home before figuring anything out. But if you're town I'd like to formally call you a moron. The two fail situation bothers me though. I'm pretty sure it's not tillie and Scott because Scott would expect the failing scum (tillie) to fail again. But why wouldn't spadez expect it as well? Does that mean it's Scott and spadez? Also, spadez said he was trying a new play style so at this point I'm curious what exactly he was testing out or trying to accomplish with this new style
over 6 years
i think even if i was scu i'd react the same way because you've pulled the same bluff 2 games in a row.
over 6 years
yeah but hi why would you reaction test the uncc'd percival lol
deletedover 6 years
okay i retract LOL

i was testing matt's rxn to my cc and he sounded really genuine i'll be honest
over 6 years
i'm a rude dude lol
deletedover 6 years

matt says

shut the f*ck up

we all know you're fake claiming for absolutely no good reason whatsoever.

this is rude
over 6 years
and if you weren't the person that i'm likely gonna have to rely on to make a successful mission #3 then i'd be blocking your posts rn
over 6 years
shut the f*ck up

we all know you're fake claiming for absolutely no good reason whatsoever.
deletedover 6 years
i, am actually the percival. but i have reason to believe that matt is town and everyone should sheep me from now on, so trust me when i say that ffs, bryce, and is mafia.
over 6 years
well independent of your alignment you're not going on a single mission for the rest of the game lol
over 6 years
+ i would b smarter as maf not to make something so obvious?? i'm SCREAMING!!!!
over 6 years
i said i would love it if you all passed because we had now through 10 different mission constructions and a second fail would just b torture (as this game is only on its third mission now and we have 640 posts!!!!!). i can't believe ppl r tryna accuse me of being maf and that being a code that was 'missed'. when if it was a code it would b way too obvious and + it was right next to the mission construction ?? so ppl would basically have to read it. stretching!
over 6 years

tillie says

would love it if you guys all passed



over 6 years

HighSpace says

Btw tillie coded last mission. Did you guys catch it?

do tell

what do you think your current mission plan is right now?
over 6 years
i've pretty much explained my read

nothing adds up

there are 3 people that went on the past mission and a pretty much lock scum in the lineup of 5 upcoming players

and then there's arisuu...
over 6 years
Not sure I'd have to read back through HS and Spadez.

Obviously I lean Spadez but it could be that Highspace has just been playing me the whole time.

But why I think it's tillie is that it's clear there were 2 evil on the mission and she attempted to signal and it was just missed. I don't know why someone good would say "I love it if you'd all pass" and then admit later that it could have been construed as a signal if she were evil. Like why would you say something that you know could potentially make you look scummy?
over 6 years
Btw tillie coded last mission. Did you guys catch it?
over 6 years
would love for you to explain it too matt! but i want scott to say something first.
over 6 years