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The Current State Of Sandbox

over 7 years

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Alright, over the course of two weeks much has happened, and I'm wondering why we're still in this situation where we have to carousel power from one to another and since this is ending up as a stand still I'll be the first one to make a move and say it here and now since this is like a circus of bonobo's.

What is being done right now?

We still have no word as to who will be the next owner of Sandbox, and it seems like it's being delayed as much as possible for someone to keep their power as it's been baton passed to them. It's concerning that Merlot passed the powers to someone who has had their power evicted from in the past, and shouldn't have had them passed down when there are clearly better contestants that are faithful to this Lobby. ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ [The Mod Team]

How long will it take, it shouldn't be this long..

I can see where you want to find the best contestants to bestow the power of this Lobby upon, but this is getting less and less believable that you truly want to give a respectable person power, delaying this process is getting more and more suspicious as it seems someone wants to stay in power with their little group. ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍
We want a date now as of who will be chosen and don't say you dare say, "I'm still deciding."

EDIT/TLDR: What was going on?

We want results, do something!
11 signed
We, the people of Sandbox want results and not excuses.
Have we had enough?
It's time to stop, okay? No more!
over 7 years
Jamal would probably be the best curator of sandbox principles.
over 7 years

Bebop says

is this a late return to wazingaposting

is this a late return from bebop to this thread
over 7 years
its a game
over 7 years
is this a late return to wazingaposting
deletedover 7 years
a little too many neggers in this thread for my liking
over 7 years

MrMongrel says

Bebop says

riskitforthebiscuit says

Gon says

Bebop says

Shouldn't be more than a week until I give out the shortlist of candidates to be owner.

Bebop16d 12h

Translation: Shouldn't be more than a week until people forget I made any promises at all.

if i wanted to keep sandbox i wouldn't have said i was temporary. i've said it before in lobby chat, which people posting in this thread did see - i'm still determining. you'll know what's happening as soon as i do.

you're right we all know whats happening bebop.

i just hope that along with a new sandbox owner you'll find a better source of personal validation than being owner of a mafia community that doesn't like you or want you around.

thanks mate i hope so too xxx
deletedover 7 years
bebop is LITERALLY h1tler
over 7 years

Bebop says

riskitforthebiscuit says

Gon says

Bebop says

Shouldn't be more than a week until I give out the shortlist of candidates to be owner.

Bebop16d 12h

Translation: Shouldn't be more than a week until people forget I made any promises at all.

if i wanted to keep sandbox i wouldn't have said i was temporary. i've said it before in lobby chat, which people posting in this thread did see - i'm still determining. you'll know what's happening as soon as i do.

you're right we all know whats happening bebop.

i just hope that along with a new sandbox owner you'll find a better source of personal validation than being owner of a mafia community that doesn't like you or want you around.
over 7 years
CoryInConstantinople unnecessary

deletedover 7 years
tell her she's using the wrong sub
over 7 years
absolutely of course it's all my mistake

also winnie says she's annoyed because she thought that character's name was jimbei but has since learned he's called jinbe
deletedover 7 years
so back to business

Bradbox when
deletedover 7 years
I was just wondering if there would be a specific time like mentioned before or not jeez
over 7 years
that's not what i said but make of it what you will
deletedover 7 years
So has this gone from waiting a week to a random amount of time?

that works too, I don't know why word choice matters
over 7 years

Merlot says

call them downvoters!

Truthfully? This is what I would have called them when I first entered this website, yet I have caught up to the lingo and now know that users call it "negging".
over 7 years

Jimbei says

So has this gone from waiting a week to an indefinite amount of time?

would you like me to say a random amount of time? i don't know how long it's going to take. i don't want it to take very long, so i'm trying to be quick but at the same time i don't want to rush my decision.
over 7 years
call them downvoters!
deletedover 7 years
So has this gone from waiting a week to an indefinite amount of time?
over 7 years

Merlot says

i think jamal is using negger instead of a mean boy word


Look at my posts -- they are negging them. They are neggers. It's saddening, I wish I could not use this word to describe them, yet it is what they are.
over 7 years

riskitforthebiscuit says

Gon says

Bebop says

Shouldn't be more than a week until I give out the shortlist of candidates to be owner.

Bebop16d 12h

Translation: Shouldn't be more than a week until people forget I made any promises at all.

if i wanted to keep sandbox i wouldn't have said i was temporary. i've said it before in lobby chat, which people posting in this thread did see - i'm still determining. you'll know what's happening as soon as i do.
over 7 years
i think jamal is using negger instead of a mean boy word
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
Negger Parudoks, if you have something to say, then speak. Do not neg my posts.
deletedover 7 years