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The Current State Of Sandbox

over 7 years

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Alright, over the course of two weeks much has happened, and I'm wondering why we're still in this situation where we have to carousel power from one to another and since this is ending up as a stand still I'll be the first one to make a move and say it here and now since this is like a circus of bonobo's.

What is being done right now?

We still have no word as to who will be the next owner of Sandbox, and it seems like it's being delayed as much as possible for someone to keep their power as it's been baton passed to them. It's concerning that Merlot passed the powers to someone who has had their power evicted from in the past, and shouldn't have had them passed down when there are clearly better contestants that are faithful to this Lobby. ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ [The Mod Team]

How long will it take, it shouldn't be this long..

I can see where you want to find the best contestants to bestow the power of this Lobby upon, but this is getting less and less believable that you truly want to give a respectable person power, delaying this process is getting more and more suspicious as it seems someone wants to stay in power with their little group. ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍
We want a date now as of who will be chosen and don't say you dare say, "I'm still deciding."

EDIT/TLDR: What was going on?

We want results, do something!
11 signed
We, the people of Sandbox want results and not excuses.
Have we had enough?
It's time to stop, okay? No more!
over 7 years

Jimbei says

I wanna see how deep the rabbit hole goes

page 13 would be by the time one of us gives up talking in circles on how you misinterpret what I said like every single other thing to try and benefit yourself

I do not misinterpret anything.
deletedover 7 years
I wanna see how deep the rabbit hole goes

page 13 would be by the time one of us gives up talking in circles on how you misinterpret what I said like every single other thing to try and benefit yourself
over 7 years

Jimbei says

don't latch onto me to create insults I'm an independent woman

You requested that this stop and I told you that you needn't worry. It is not an insult but the truth. Parudoks knows his place.

So it seems none of what you just said is true.
deletedover 7 years
don't latch onto me to create insults I'm an independent woman
over 7 years

Jimbei says

Do not fret, user Jimbei. Parudoks knows his place and he knows he is incredibly incompetent and cannot match the wits of the great JamalMarley so he bows out of arguments with me early on -- it is over.
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years

Parudoks says

Lol, I can't argue with this level of delusion. Enjoy the sad little world you've created for yourself Jamal, where you pretend you have any relevance whatsoever.

It's so pathetic -- you seem to enjoy being ignorant.

Everyone speaks of me, I epitomize relevancy. When I enter a game, users greet me with the great respect I deserve or they beg for me to be kicked as they know I will swiftly eliminate them as I have done to you.

When I enter the chatbox, users ask to interview me, they all wish to speak to me.

When I post on the wall or forums, everyone reads what I have to say and they always interact whether it be upvoting/downvoting or responding. I am not a fly on the wall as you are, I am on everyone's mind.

Parudoks is so incredibly upset he has proven time and time again to be incompetent.
over 7 years
Lol, I can't argue with this level of delusion. Enjoy the sad little world you've created for yourself Jamal, where you pretend you have any relevance whatsoever.
over 7 years
Look at this pathetic user and all of his lies!

I do not grudge kill, it's sad that you think such. I eliminate users who are suspicious. Do not act so suspicious if you do not wish to be killed or lynched.

So many females love me both online and in real life and all of them wish to have sexual relations with me as I am the perfect combination of beauty, brain, and brawn. I have not faked any screenshots, what is it that you speak of? You seem to be creating lies so you can paint me as a villain yet I am no such thing.

I would not have to challenge you if you did not publicize the fact that you are so ignorant! Do not make unintelligent comments and I will not need to put you in your place, weak user.

I do not lie, it is you that lies. I am so significant and I have done everything for this lobby and the people appreciate it. This is why I have over 40 great congregants of the church.

You are calling me fragile? Do not make me laugh. You are the user who begged me to stop talking about him on the wall because it's "harassment". You are the user who runs away after I enter the conversation and watches from the sidelines as other people fight your battles for you. You are incredibly weak and you fear the great JamalMarley.
over 7 years

JamalMarley says

It's sad user Parudoks likes to act as though he knows what he speaks of but cowers in fear from the great JamalMarley once I tell him that he is wrong -- so sad.

It is sad that user JamalMarley got so annoyed that he lost a game of mafia to me that he had to grudge kill me just because he cannot handle losing due to his arrogance.

It is sad that user JamalMarley must fake screenshots of other women saying they want to have sex with him, because he is unable to get any women in real life.

It is sad that user JamalMarley must challenge me every moment he can, because he is upset that I kick him from games for grudge killing and harassment.

It is sad that user JamalMarley must lie in most of his statements to appear important when he is insignificant to the EpicMafia community.

There's your attention for the day, I know you've been seeking it all week. Someone as fragile as you calling me weak does nothing to me.
over 7 years
It's sad user Parudoks likes to act as though he knows what he speaks of but cowers in fear from the great JamalMarley once I tell him that he is wrong -- so sad.
over 7 years
"You can't be racist on epicmafia"

"but muh freeze peach"
over 7 years

Parudoks says

cub says

i dont know why you quoted the inappropriate content part of that, ic is a separate category from hc and disparages no one

as for hc, you only strengthen it by allowing it to influence you and sheltering yourself from it. the reason people don't faint at the mention of f*ck is because we've exposed ourselves to it and now it's a meaningless word, whereas keeping with puritan tradition it would send people into a conniption fit. all "vulgar" language follows this basic rule

You do realize people actually die right? How many times has a Muslim or a Sikh been called a terrorist before being shot to death, when they were just trying to enjoy their day? We can't accept that behavior where we put others down, call them inferior, and make them feel like they don't belong. You aren't being harassed constantly by HC every day, it's more than words. Someone can be assaulted in the morning for being Trans gendered, then come home later and try to unwind on EM only to be put down again.

You want to be racist? The internet is a large place, there are plenty of forums for you to be a bigot. But not here. Not where I'm trying to get away from all that crap.

Find a safe space online that already exists, do not try to turn what is not already a safe space into one -- after all, the Internet is a large place. You are very weak.
over 7 years

blood4bloodgod says

Lmao wtf am I reading? Some effete weeb in a browser game ineffectually calling someone a fgt while onlookers laugh at him for watching anime being compared to a white supremacist bigot boot-stomping some muslim before executing them in the street. Is this seriously the logical terminus through which we're going to evaluate sandbox behavior? I guess sandbox weebing is a gateway drug to literal murder and crime. Mfw I'm mugged by sandbox weebs.

My eyes have seen the glory of the trampling at the zoo,
We've washed ourselves in sandbox blood and all the mongrels too,
We've taken down the zog machine
jew by jew by jew,
over 7 years
Lmao wtf am I reading? Some effete weeb in a browser game ineffectually calling someone a fgt while onlookers laugh at him for watching anime, being compared to a white supremacist bigot boot-stomping some muslim before executing them in the street. Is this seriously the logical terminus through which we're going to evaluate sandbox behavior? I guess sandbox weebing is a gateway drug to literal murder and crime. Mfw I'm mugged by sandbox weebs.

Gon says

Bebop says

Shouldn't be more than a week until I give out the shortlist of candidates to be owner.

Bebop16d 12h

Translation: Shouldn't be more than a week until people forget I made any promises at all.
deletedover 7 years

Bebop says

Shouldn't be more than a week until I give out the shortlist of candidates to be owner.

Bebop16d 12h
deletedover 7 years
HC protects users from hate speech because they and the groups they are in are constantly degraded and de-humanized I think it's obvious that they just want to use a website to have some fun with a few games without people constantly breathing down their necks saying whatever they can to upset the users

It's not that hard to not say a few select words or to dehumanize entire groups of people, it really isn't. While you are apathetic on EM other people aren't, but if you don't HC then there shouldn't be a problem, and you don't, so you shouldn't be affected by it.

if you're banned then make an alt as you've suggested, same with every other rule, as long as they're not using it to continue it. Some people do use EM as a platform to creep on others and lure them offsite but besides that banned users usually just come back wanting to play some games and understanding what they did wrong((usually)), either way you can rack up multiple violations before a ban so

Bypassing suspensions should be purely situational, exploit abuse should be a game violation, Impersonation is obvious, Inappropriate avatar/bio/content/name + x-rated stops this community from truly devolving into deviancy, OPI should be obvious why this is bad

Spam is currently the only rule that shouldn't be there and is/was actually applied in the wrong way under recent times because there's one thing to attack someone for their race and it's another to spam emotes a few too many times
over 7 years

cub says

i dont know why you quoted the inappropriate content part of that, ic is a separate category from hc and disparages no one

as for hc, you only strengthen it by allowing it to influence you and sheltering yourself from it. the reason people don't faint at the mention of f*ck is because we've exposed ourselves to it and now it's a meaningless word, whereas keeping with puritan tradition it would send people into a conniption fit. all "vulgar" language follows this basic rule

You do realize people actually die right? How many times has a Muslim or a Sikh been called a terrorist before being shot to death, when they were just trying to enjoy their day? We can't accept that behavior where we put others down, call them inferior, and make them feel like they don't belong. You aren't being harassed constantly by HC every day, it's more than words. Someone can be assaulted in the morning for being Trans gendered, then come home later and try to unwind on EM only to be put down again.

You want to be racist? The internet is a large place, there are plenty of forums for you to be a bigot. But not here. Not where I'm trying to get away from all that crap.
over 7 years
i dont know why you quoted the inappropriate content part of that, ic is a separate category from hc and disparages no one

as for hc, you only strengthen it by allowing it to influence you and sheltering yourself from it. the reason people don't faint at the mention of f*ck is because we've exposed ourselves to it and now it's a meaningless word, whereas keeping with puritan tradition it would send people into a conniption fit. all "vulgar" language follows this basic rule
over 7 years

cub says

hate speech is free speech

Most people who are being targeted by hate speech have to deal with the consequences of it constantly and have to listen to it almost everyday. It's exhausting and has a negative psychological effect on them, and honestly it can turn violent. They don't need to deal with it in their free time too.
over 7 years

SirAmelio says

i still think that sandbox means no rules

i agree

prolonged harassment and publicizing personal information are the only rules that really need to apply to sandbox

sandbox games can't be moderated on principle (otherwise it wouldn't be a sandbox)
hate speech is free speech
you must be 13+ to create an account in compliance with tos, meaning you must be old enough to deal with "inappropriate" content
exploit abuse is a hallmark of sandbox and has spearheaded various critical updates to the site
impersonation is a funny rule nobody falls for
spam is pretty much sandbox itself although i would say it should be of a reasonable quality
lastly bypassing suspensions aka banned users: they're not in main, they're in sandbox. who are they harming? unless they break one of the two rules listed, nobody
over 7 years
xd i still think that sandbox means no rules
over 7 years
Please, for the love of God, make Cory the owner of sandbox. Or at least someone as mentally handicapped and deranged. Sandbox does not need someone to censor the walls or censor users from f*cking around in chat. In fact, anyone that has ever reported another sandbox user for a sandbox infraction should not take over sandbox.
over 7 years
Shayne for president of sandbox