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The Current State Of Sandbox

about 7 years

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Alright, over the course of two weeks much has happened, and I'm wondering why we're still in this situation where we have to carousel power from one to another and since this is ending up as a stand still I'll be the first one to make a move and say it here and now since this is like a circus of bonobo's.

What is being done right now?

We still have no word as to who will be the next owner of Sandbox, and it seems like it's being delayed as much as possible for someone to keep their power as it's been baton passed to them. It's concerning that Merlot passed the powers to someone who has had their power evicted from in the past, and shouldn't have had them passed down when there are clearly better contestants that are faithful to this Lobby. ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ [The Mod Team]

How long will it take, it shouldn't be this long..

I can see where you want to find the best contestants to bestow the power of this Lobby upon, but this is getting less and less believable that you truly want to give a respectable person power, delaying this process is getting more and more suspicious as it seems someone wants to stay in power with their little group. ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍
We want a date now as of who will be chosen and don't say you dare say, "I'm still deciding."

EDIT/TLDR: What was going on?

We want results, do something!
11 signed
We, the people of Sandbox want results and not excuses.
Have we had enough?
It's time to stop, okay? No more!
over 6 years
hey lucid can i be owner
over 6 years
this thread is very similar to Hillary Clinton when she was planning 9/11
over 6 years
Bebop is best owner give them ownership over EM
over 6 years

cub says

just transfer ownership to me and i'll use my top of the line sandbox experience to select the next owner

over 6 years
Juice-box make it happen bops
over 6 years
i think i was mostly just tired of ashe when i wrote that
over 6 years

Bebop says

Making a thread like this really doesn't serve to help anyone, if you wanted to know how my thought process is coming along you could have just sent me a private message. I don't know why you think I'm doing this to hold on to power for as long as possible because there's actually very little power that even comes with being owner, unless you count the awesome power to create lobby polls (which I can do anyway). But sure I'll indulge you even though this is a jab at me more than anything else. Shouldn't be more than a week until I give out the shortlist of candidates to be owner, then I'll gauge responses to that and talk to the candidates personally. And in response to the "has had power evicted from him in the past", both times were very little to do with me. First we know how the Jimbei situation went and how little of that was true, and the second time Christopherzilla literally just asked lucid to be owner and lucid said yes.

over 6 years
i really did put up with some lame shit huh
over 6 years
We did a good job at picking a new owner
deletedabout 7 years

SirAmelio says

i voted yes in the poll but more as the last 9 pages of thread or so and not what the op says

can someone give me a tl;dr

The first page was the only relevant one
about 7 years
i voted yes in the poll but more as the last 9 pages of thread or so and not what the op says

can someone give me a tl;dr
about 7 years

cub says

harodihg says

also betrayal paid $50 to become a mod

that is why he is currently a mod

what a sucker i could probably become a mod just through hard work and dedication

when you get there mod me
about 7 years

harodihg says

also betrayal paid $50 to become a mod

that is why he is currently a mod

what a sucker i could probably become a mod just through hard work and dedication
deletedabout 7 years
could've just spend 5 bucks on a lobby forever instead of 50 until Edark gets bored of you
about 7 years

harodihg says

also betrayal paid $50 to become a mod

that is why he is currently a mod

good website
deletedabout 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
also betrayal paid $50 to become a mod

that is why he is currently a mod
deletedabout 7 years
i fuc'king lve xxerox
deletedabout 7 years
so we are getting profile pets right
deletedabout 7 years

Golbolco says

harodihg says

xxerox was given mod for a day on april fools and he started doing reports

Wasn't it role mod? If so, that makes it even better.

yes, he was told specifically that he was just to assist with cheating investigations

(rolemods have some mod powers but arent supposed to use any)

then he started oding reports lmao
about 7 years
But sideline commentary is so much easier!
about 7 years

Reamix says

The only thing I've gathered from this thread about the state of sandbox is this:
{bigass image removed}

nothing is stopping you from improving it or leaving
about 7 years

harodihg says

xxerox was given mod for a day on april fools and he started doing reports

Wasn't it role mod? If so, that makes it even better.
about 7 years
xxerox is so lame
deletedabout 7 years
xxerox was given mod for a day on april fools and he started doing reports