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The Current State Of Sandbox

over 7 years

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Alright, over the course of two weeks much has happened, and I'm wondering why we're still in this situation where we have to carousel power from one to another and since this is ending up as a stand still I'll be the first one to make a move and say it here and now since this is like a circus of bonobo's.

What is being done right now?

We still have no word as to who will be the next owner of Sandbox, and it seems like it's being delayed as much as possible for someone to keep their power as it's been baton passed to them. It's concerning that Merlot passed the powers to someone who has had their power evicted from in the past, and shouldn't have had them passed down when there are clearly better contestants that are faithful to this Lobby. ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ [The Mod Team]

How long will it take, it shouldn't be this long..

I can see where you want to find the best contestants to bestow the power of this Lobby upon, but this is getting less and less believable that you truly want to give a respectable person power, delaying this process is getting more and more suspicious as it seems someone wants to stay in power with their little group. ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍
We want a date now as of who will be chosen and don't say you dare say, "I'm still deciding."

EDIT/TLDR: What was going on?

We want results, do something!
11 signed
We, the people of Sandbox want results and not excuses.
Have we had enough?
It's time to stop, okay? No more!
over 7 years

harodihg says

are u implying im a grown up or that we arent friends, cub?

idk how old you are i just label you "grown up" based on how you act
deletedover 7 years
to counter the counterpoint, go back to main lobby you only seem to crop up when there's some drama going about
over 7 years

harodihg says

the main lobby forums are basically dead and despite there being basically the same amount of people signing up for comp rounds as there was last year the site feels a lot emptier

less personalities

i dont think im any less active or viewing things via rose tinted goggles either

but thats main not sandbx

i think the biggest problem is fewer interesting peope on em now than in the past

even if you have just as many people, interesting people will always make things feel more alive
deletedover 7 years
i just OWNED u really hard with that post.
deletedover 7 years
counterpoint: it is his job and expecting moral decency is dumb
deletedover 7 years
or maybe you are, who knows
deletedover 7 years

Ben says

I know you're not posting anymore but it's not Paru's job to convince you to not be islamphobic towards him, it's simply expected to have some level of moral decency. Don't put him at fault when he simply doesn't want it shoved in his face constantly by people who are just here to "play fu cking mafia"
deletedover 7 years
are u implying im a grown up or that we arent friends, cub?
over 7 years

Ben says

i tell people to be less sensitive and a friend tells me to never talk to him again. yikes.
I would be miserable if i let every homophobic remark personally offend and affect me. I don't let it affect me because it does not help anyone in any way.

if someone gets banned for hate crime it doesn't change their beliefs

a lecture on how much of a bigot they are doesnt change their beliefs

a person interacting with and getting to know the person they hate, can absolutely change their beliefs.

now im going to stop posting before i burn any more bridges

if you care about friends and not being alone i suggest never sharing your personal beliefs

fortunately im a kissless fistless friendless virgin and have nothing to lose

also my friends are all grown-ups
over 7 years

harodihg says

i like your post ben, its very thoughtful and empathetic

thumbs up 4 u

its because shockingly im not a actually bigot
over 7 years

cub says

Bebop says

consider this bridge burnt ben you miniature klan member

read this as minotaur klan member at first

the robes are there to hide the hooves stay woke
deletedover 7 years
the main lobby forums are basically dead and despite there being basically the same amount of people signing up for comp rounds as there was last year the site feels a lot emptier

less personalities

i dont think im any less active or viewing things via rose tinted goggles either

but thats main not sandbx
over 7 years

Bebop says

consider this bridge burnt ben you miniature klan member

read this as minotaur klan member at first
deletedover 7 years
its interesting to cuss and stay out past curfew
over 7 years
We should ban MrMongrel for his racism against Mafia members by killing himself and outing maf partners.
over 7 years
also i don't think it was popular because it had more offensive people, i think it's just because there were more interesting people

sheltered people are boring and that's coming from a pretty sheltered person, i much prefer the riffraff
over 7 years
If you think imposing your will on people by censoring their opinion, because you feel vindicated by your own self-righteousness isn't full blown fedora tipping edgelord mode, i don't know what to tell you.
deletedover 7 years
i like your post ben, its very thoughtful and empathetic

thumbs up 4 u
over 7 years
consider this bridge burnt ben you miniature klan member
over 7 years
you weren't here at em's peak were you mrmongrel

em had the most players when said players were "edgelords" from 'the chans'

so i think that benefits it more

safe spaces are inherently limiting
over 7 years
i tell people to be less sensitive and a friend tells me to never talk to him again. yikes.
I would be miserable if i let every homophobic remark personally offend and affect me. I don't let it affect me because it does not help anyone in any way.

if someone gets banned for hate crime it doesn't change their beliefs

a lecture on how much of a bigot they are doesnt change their beliefs

a person interacting with and getting to know the person they hate, can absolutely change their beliefs.

now im going to stop posting before i burn any more bridges
over 7 years
over 7 years
how is banning people for racism the equivalent to "us running away"

they came to us, expressed they were racist, and then they were made to leave, open and free to come back anytime they wanted to stop trying to ostracize others who were already here for simply existing as they are

Lets go back to the ~Privately Owned Website~ topic here.

what benefits the ~Privately Owned Website~ more;
allowing a handful of edgelords to run out a huge fraction of the community to protect their freeze peach


enacting policies that allow anyone regardless of their race or religion to enjoy their time here without worry of being discriminated against or run out by groups of toxic players with no respect?

im not asking for your opinion on whats "right" here, im certain you think its the former, im just asking you which one better allows the community to grow, live on and sustain itself
over 7 years

father says

i am not patronizing you i am teaching you

it applies to everyone, i'm not exempt
over 7 years