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Power hungry

deletedalmost 8 years

Hello my dearest loving epic mafia community.

Recently I've come to the alarming realization that one of our very own sandbox mods have become a site moderator as well. Do we really have to give them that much power? To moderate sandbox they only need to be a sandbox mod or a site mod, not both.

This may just be me but I sense more power being handed out to those who already have power.

I do not wish for any mod other than fnoof to give explanation on this one, on why we should hand them more power.

almost 8 years
apparently jimbei deleted my post

Hello my dearest loving epic mafia community.

Recently I've come to the alarming realization that one of our very own sandbox players have become a drama creator as well. Do we really have to give them that much power? To play in sandbox they only need to be a sandbox player or a drama creator, not both.

This may just be me but I sense more power being handed out to those who already have power.

I do not wish for any sandbox player other than Jimbei to give explanation on this one, on why we should hand them more power.

if you delete this again ill just repost

noone can stop my shitposting
almost 8 years
Think what you want
almost 8 years
pretty sure it's a you problem
almost 8 years

sl0nderman says

if modding sandbox is exhausting you, something is wrong

Yes there is, but it isn't me
almost 8 years

sl0nderman says

try that one again

ill explain the double meaning

being a mod sucks
1. it sucks for the mod
2. the mod sucks
almost 8 years
if modding sandbox is exhausting you, something is wrong
almost 8 years
It doesn't matter who is a mod, just being a mod pretty much guarantees you'll get hated on, like owner. Both are scapegoats used to project people's problems with the site, and both are bad positions to be in around here. I would know, i've been both.

I wonder when people will realize that being owner/mod isnt as prestigious as people apparently seem to think it is. It's quite exhausting tbh
almost 8 years
try that one again
almost 8 years
you misunderstand

people can want to be mods and still suck because being a mod sucks
almost 8 years
then don't mod?
almost 8 years
Being a mod sucks.
almost 8 years

Reamix says

I think Sl0nder had the option to become a mod again...

I did not
almost 8 years
I'm closing this thread now, Entil the subsitute mod reporting in.
Reason: Jews are just bitter at hitler so their opinion is invalid. this is how sandbox is ruled, neverforget.
deletedalmost 8 years

Jimbei says

I do not wish for any mod other than fnoof to give explanation on this one, on why we should hand them more power.

How many times do I have to say this Amelio. I am addressing the sandbox community and asking fnoof to give a response, although he's failed to show any interest and let Bebop defend him instead(again).

If I wanted to talk to the site mods I'd skype the one I have contact with about my concerns.
almost 8 years
site mods (other than bebop and merlot) dont usually check sandbox and we all know that, so posting it in sandbox wouldnt get a proper response for your problems
deletedalmost 8 years
the one in complains was deleted for not being 'valuable' enough

I posted this topic here because most complaint topics are post flooded with spam to digress from the actual situation at hand. Nothing ever gets accomplished and it's just sh!tposting. I want no parts of it.
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

May I please have room for redemption?

Not to be extremely cynical in my reply but error misused his power because sl0nd was being rude, and the end result was error staying mod and sl0nderman, bibty and thoughtfulolive being demodded.

While we chose mods in our chat group we were VERY opinionated in our choosing of mods. While it did lead to good choices a basis of them was popularity, how many people it would please.

Bebop's the one who made it so site mods can't be intertwined with sandbox, then two of them end up becoming site mods. I am uncomfortable with error being mod(I know, me, right?!), and him being handed more power, as I've said, should be extremely alarming to the average user.

I think Sl0nder had the option to become a mod again... but I am not sure on the details of that. I know olive and bibty were demodded because they were fairly inactive with modding things. I genuinely don't recall bebop ever making that a rule. Nah, I mean you're perfectly within your right to an opinion and I will apologize bc my tone came out harsh. It was opinionated but then we modded people who weren't as popular and backlash still happened. It's always going to. I really don't think anyone who is a lobby mod having site mod powers is going to make a difference besides in places outside of sandbox. If anything it'll give us a better look at what exactly mods are doing since any action will be within the mod actions side bar thingy (i hate saying mod actions bc of the thread its confusing).
almost 8 years
i dont think i got to see that one. but was it adressed like this one? i read one about some dude calling error an idiot for giving out a bad vio or something, was that the one in complaints or was that one in main? i dont remember
almost 8 years
the one that was in complaints was deleted
almost 8 years
why post this in sandbox instead of complaints/main forum if the problem here is error as a site mod
deletedalmost 8 years

Reamix says

This is assuming that everyone treats it as a popularity contest. Bebop certainly doesn't and I highly doubt fnoof does either. Personally, I believe there is always room for redemption. I'm not going to argue for fnoof or white-knight him by any means. I am not going to excuse his actions. I wasn't around about the most recent but even I thought that was bad, but a I know a conclusion was made and apologies were made or whatever. And looking at the bigger picture both fnoof and bebop have gone above and beyond many, many times, and if they want to site mod than they should have a right. However, you do make a point that at least the deciding of a site mod is like a popularity contest, but you can't take someone who doesn't know the site, and those with experience in modding are valued more than those with none. Unfortunately that's just how it works.

But again I stress, it's basically the same job, just with vios and power throughout the whole website. Unless you're arguing that they both be removed from any sort of power position or that site mods and lobby mods shouldn't be intertwined, I don't think this is going to go anywhere.

May I please have room for redemption?

Not to be extremely cynical in my reply but error misused his power because sl0nd was being rude, and the end result was error staying mod and sl0nderman, bibty and thoughtfulolive being demodded.

While we chose mods in our chat group we were VERY opinionated in our choosing of mods. While it did lead to good choices a basis of them was popularity, how many people it would please.

Bebop's the one who made it so site mods can't be intertwined with sandbox, then two of them end up becoming site mods. I am uncomfortable with error being mod(I know, me, right?!), and him being handed more power, as I've said, should be extremely alarming to the average user.
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Error/fnoof has proven that they are not worthy of being any mod many instances in the past.

Modding is a popularity contest, plenty of mods have broken rules in the past that they are later moderating for. If there was transparency in the choice of who to mod these people wouldn't be considered.

I know it's exhausting to be on a website that is drama-oriented, but as an ex-moderator you should understand that this is a part of the job, hearing people's unhappiness and trying to fix the problem, instead of calling them exhausting and not actually reading through the topic.

And yes, room for abuse is more in lobby modding. Error has proven that.

This is assuming that everyone treats it as a popularity contest. Bebop certainly doesn't and I highly doubt fnoof does either. Personally, I believe there is always room for redemption. I'm not going to argue for fnoof or white-knight him by any means. I am not going to excuse his actions. I wasn't around about the most recent but even I thought that was bad, but a I know a conclusion was made and apologies were made or whatever. And looking at the bigger picture both fnoof and bebop have gone above and beyond many, many times, and if they want to site mod than they should have a right. However, you do make a point that at least the deciding of a site mod is like a popularity contest, but you can't take someone who doesn't know the site, and those with experience in modding are valued more than those with none. Unfortunately that's just how it works.

But again I stress, it's basically the same job, just with vios and power throughout the whole website. Unless you're arguing that they both be removed from any sort of power position or that site mods and lobby mods shouldn't be intertwined, I don't think this is going to go anywhere.
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Error/fnoof has proven that they are not worthy of being any mod many instances in the past.

Modding is a popularity contest, plenty of mods have broken rules in the past that they are later moderating for. If there was transparency in the choice of who to mod these people wouldn't be considered.

I know it's exhausting to be on a website that is drama-oriented, but as an ex-moderator you should understand that this is a part of the job, hearing people's unhappiness and trying to fix the problem, instead of calling them exhausting and not actually reading through the topic.

And yes, room for abuse is more in lobby modding. Error has proven that.

That's why I never got modded. (Jokingly)
deletedalmost 8 years
Error/fnoof has proven that they are not worthy of being any mod many instances in the past.

Modding is a popularity contest, plenty of mods have broken rules in the past that they are later moderating for. If there was transparency in the choice of who to mod these people wouldn't be considered.

I know it's exhausting to be on a website that is drama-oriented, but as an ex-moderator you should understand that this is a part of the job, hearing people's unhappiness and trying to fix the problem, instead of calling them exhausting and not actually reading through the topic.

And yes, room for abuse is more in lobby modding. Error has proven that.
almost 8 years
Hi I'm not a mod. Site modding is modding the website, not just sandbox. If the website needs mods then it can have mods. Bebop is the only other site mod on the sandbox moderation team and he owns sandbox (and this has been done in the past). Error/fnoof has been entirely worthy of being a site mod many instances in the past as well as now. Idk if you're under the impression that Bebop runs this entire website or something.. but he doesn't. Modding isn't a popularity contest, and as you should know, it's a thankless job. Stop trying to start petty drama of something that literally means nothing. It's EXHAUSTING.

You wanna argue that it should be one or the other, than explain hima, or the fact that people have vouched for error in the past. This argument is honestly pointless, because besides vios, the job is practically the same, and vios go based on previous reports filed against someone. If anything, room for abuse is more in lobby modding than in site modding. Trying to bar people from helping out throughout the website instead of just one lobby is dumb. Telling people they should only be allowed to mod one or the other is dumb. This has happened before and this has happened in main, as well as other lobbies across this website.