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Power hungry

deletedalmost 8 years

Hello my dearest loving epic mafia community.

Recently I've come to the alarming realization that one of our very own sandbox mods have become a site moderator as well. Do we really have to give them that much power? To moderate sandbox they only need to be a sandbox mod or a site mod, not both.

This may just be me but I sense more power being handed out to those who already have power.

I do not wish for any mod other than fnoof to give explanation on this one, on why we should hand them more power.

almost 8 years

Chaika says

Bebop says

Saika says

The thing is if you make more people from sandbox mods why do we have sandbox mods then ?
you guys can just make it to one big playground instead of separating those two

sandbox mods moderate sandbox
site mods moderate the site excluding sandbox

Why do you need to do both?

what's wrong with doing both?
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Bebop says

what an intelligent and well thought out response that was. you really showed me.

If you want to make a topic regarding why site moderators shouldn't moderate in sandbox, go for it. This topic is not that place. Read my OP again if you've forgotten what it is about. I refuse to digress any further.

My topic is specifically about if a sandbox mod should also be a site mod, not the logistics of it. Thank you.

Bebop says

sandbox mods moderate sandbox
site mods moderate the site excluding sandbox

almost 8 years

Bebop says

Saika says

The thing is if you make more people from sandbox mods why do we have sandbox mods then ?
you guys can just make it to one big playground instead of separating those two

sandbox mods moderate sandbox
site mods moderate the site excluding sandbox

Why do you need to do both?
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

what an intelligent and well thought out response that was. you really showed me.

If you want to make a topic regarding why site moderators shouldn't moderate in sandbox, go for it. This topic is not that place. Read my OP again if you've forgotten what it is about. I refuse to digress any further.

My topic is specifically about if a sandbox mod should also be a site mod, not the logistics of it. Thank you.
almost 8 years

Saika says

The thing is if you make more people from sandbox mods why do we have sandbox mods then ?
you guys can just make it to one big playground instead of separating those two

sandbox mods moderate sandbox
site mods moderate the site excluding sandbox
deletedalmost 8 years
The thing is if you make more people from sandbox mods why do we have sandbox mods then ?
you guys can just make it to one big playground instead of separating those two
almost 8 years
what an intelligent and well thought out response that was. you really showed me.
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Bebop says

Jimbei says

Bebop says

having the sandbox report system return to the way it was would be silly. would you rather have sandbox affairs handled by the site mods (many of whom aren't familiar with who is allowed to break rules) or by the sandbox team?

Looking at the mod actions topic, all of those cases could've been as easily handled by site mods as it was by sandbox mods.

i don't think you understand that site mods don't care about sandbox and they don't know the story behind any of this stuff. why would you want the decisions made to be less informed?

How in any of the cases in mod actions would it be important to be informed?

And informed of what, exactly? Of their personal lives? As it's been said allowing site mods to moderate sandbox-related reports gives unbiased eyes, if you want to inform the moderators you can easily comment in any reports you make or reports made against you. I see holes in this logic.

informed of the circumstances behind the incident? i know you're purposely acting dumb but please don't be this dumb. lobby mods aren't biased, i understand you don't like me but this is just silly.
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

Jimbei says

Bebop says

having the sandbox report system return to the way it was would be silly. would you rather have sandbox affairs handled by the site mods (many of whom aren't familiar with who is allowed to break rules) or by the sandbox team?

Looking at the mod actions topic, all of those cases could've been as easily handled by site mods as it was by sandbox mods.

i don't think you understand that site mods don't care about sandbox and they don't know the story behind any of this stuff. why would you want the decisions made to be less informed?

How in any of the cases in mod actions would it be important to be informed?

And informed of what, exactly? Of their personal lives? As it's been said allowing site mods to moderate sandbox-related reports gives unbiased eyes, if you want to inform the moderators you can easily comment in any reports you make or reports made against you. I see holes in this logic.
deletedalmost 8 years

Ohdearmycatisgone says

Furthermore, #sandreturn.
Take away sandbox mod's ability to skip making/receiving a report by posting in mod actions thread. Bebop undoes things that the mods do in there anyways and it just makes the team look disorganized.

This is my biggest concern with lobby mods, tbh. At least until there is a more structured setup for what is(n't) allowed
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Bebop says

having the sandbox report system return to the way it was would be silly. would you rather have sandbox affairs handled by the site mods (many of whom aren't familiar with who is allowed to break rules) or by the sandbox team?

Looking at the mod actions topic, all of those cases could've been as easily handled by site mods as it was by sandbox mods.

i don't think you understand that site mods don't care about sandbox and they don't know the story behind any of this stuff. why would you want the decisions made to be less informed?
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

having the sandbox report system return to the way it was would be silly. would you rather have sandbox affairs handled by the site mods (many of whom aren't familiar with who is allowed to break rules) or by the sandbox team?

Looking at the mod actions topic, all of those cases could've been as easily handled by site mods as it was by sandbox mods.
deletedalmost 8 years
easy there michael jackson
almost 8 years
Sandbox modship is just a stepping stone for them, they don't care about us!
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

having the sandbox report system return to the way it was would be silly. would you rather have sandbox affairs handled by the site mods (many of whom aren't familiar with sandbox) or by the sandbox team?

Bebop says

having the sandbox report system return to the way it was would be silly. would you rather have sandbox affairs handled by the site mods (many of whom aren't familiar with who is allowed to break rules) or by the sandbox team?

deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years

ballsy says

Bebop says

having the sandbox report system return to the way it was would be silly. would you rather have sandbox affairs handled by the site mods (many of whom aren't familiar with sandbox) or by the sandbox team?

Site mods for sure. Unbiased decisions. Although it seems like the Sandbox mod team has already joined up with the site mods so maybe not.

so you wanna take the 16.6% chance that someone knowledgeable about sandbox handles the report or the 100% chance?
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

it was the admin's decision to make him a site mod, and it's my decision to make him a sandbox mod. i know you were away while this happened, but only sandbox mods may handle sandbox affairs, that's why he's both.

Jimbei says

I do not wish for any mod other than fnoof to give explanation on this one, on why we should hand them more power.

almost 8 years

Bebop says

i also love the irony of jimbei calling people power hungry. go shill somewhere else.

deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

having the sandbox report system return to the way it was would be silly. would you rather have sandbox affairs handled by the site mods (many of whom aren't familiar with sandbox) or by the sandbox team?

Site mods for sure. Unbiased decisions. Although it seems like the Sandbox mod team has already joined up with the site mods so maybe not.
almost 8 years
i also love the irony of jimbei calling people power hungry. go shill somewhere else.
almost 8 years

Ohdearmycatisgone says

Ohdearmycatisgone says

when someone is proven to break rules and mod abuse, who would come to the decision that this is our best option to give them eyes on the entire site?

other than that one particular incident which has been dealt with and there's no merit to dragging it up again, error breaks no rules.
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

Golbolco says

SirAmelio says

btw sandreturn would only mean rules will be more strict again

You were the Chosen One, Amelio!

You were supposed to destroy the Clique, not join them!

I was your Golbamaniac, Amelio!

I loved you!...

im just stating facts

What's being moderated in Main that's not being equally moderated here? If you say gamethrowing, I'm just going to assume all of your posts invalid.
almost 8 years
having the sandbox report system return to the way it was would be silly. would you rather have sandbox affairs handled by the site mods (many of whom aren't familiar with sandbox) or by the sandbox team?

Jimbei says

Do we really have to give them that much power? To moderate sandbox they only need to be a sandbox mod or a site mod, not both.

it was the admin's decision to make him a site mod, and it's my decision to make him a sandbox mod. i know you were away while this happened, but only sandbox mods may handle sandbox affairs, that's why he's both.