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Power hungry

deletedalmost 8 years

Hello my dearest loving epic mafia community.

Recently I've come to the alarming realization that one of our very own sandbox mods have become a site moderator as well. Do we really have to give them that much power? To moderate sandbox they only need to be a sandbox mod or a site mod, not both.

This may just be me but I sense more power being handed out to those who already have power.

I do not wish for any mod other than fnoof to give explanation on this one, on why we should hand them more power.

deletedalmost 8 years

ballsy says

Sometimes you need to hire criminals to find criminals.

Sometimes the criminals go back to their old ways.
deletedalmost 8 years
I'm happy here
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

poor judgement seems to be a repetitive thing huh?

deletedalmost 8 years
I'm here to stay
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

also remember all the people here who defended fnoof

a few which defended me in the past

poor judgement seems to be a repetitive thing huh?

Yeah it is

Stay off this site
deletedalmost 8 years
also remember all the people here who defended fnoof

a few which defended me in the past

poor judgement seems to be a repetitive thing huh?
deletedalmost 8 years

Christopherzilla says

ha, main lobby caught our cancer

almost 8 years

Ayd says

I love how more and more survivor players are starting to join the sandbox lobby, this goes to prove


i was in sandbox before i joined the survivor lobby! we actually used to play survivor games in sandbox because we didn't have a survivor lobby :p
deletedalmost 8 years
Sometimes you need to hire criminals to find criminals.

almost 8 years
Error should not be a moderator on the site or in the lobby until he can deal with his real world issues or stop them from affecting how he handles situations on this site. Error has complained time and time again in the chatbox of how his life isn't going well and then after his friends talk him back up and rebuild his broken ego, he attacks other users and belittles them until he feels better about himself. He also does this when making decisions on who to ban as he is more irritable and bans users for breaking 0 rules if he has a bad day. This type of person isn't what we need to moderate our lobby.
almost 8 years
needs more drama
deletedalmost 8 years
if one person does it it's okay that the other does

thanks for clarifying sheeple
deletedalmost 8 years
why are you getting on about this person being power hungry, you backstabbed the owner of this lobby just to get more power then tried to blame someone else...
deletedalmost 8 years
I love how more and more survivor players are starting to join the sandbox lobby, this goes to prove

almost 8 years
this just in: someone who is power hungry is concerned someone else is power hungry
almost 8 years
I didnt visit cause i cared. I visited cause i thought this was an dvertisment for those who were power hungry so i can get more power. Fukin click baits these days. Smh.
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

I'm not the one being downvoted buddy ´_ゝ`

deletedalmost 8 years
100 different people posted in here? Wowee aren't I popular

If no one cared though, no one would post here. The point of my topic is to provoke discussion not to get everyone to agree with me like some sheeple. People do care if they do read my threads and do take the time to type out replies, like you are right now
almost 8 years
apparently 5 = 100
deletedalmost 8 years
I'm not the one being downvoted buddy ´_ゝ`

If an anarchist calls other people anarchists it makes them uncomfortable, I know. But the truth must be told
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

-The person who made the topic wasn't the one who deleted it. A moderator did without good reasoning.

-This topic has generated over 100 replies. "No one cares" ´_ゝ`

-Most complaint forums end up with endless post flooding. No one cares because people spam the important matters out.

So, I have no idea why you decided to post that. Thanks for caring enough to post, though.

i don't think the majority of those 100 replies are in favor of you

and i'm not sure what sort of merit your mod threads even hold in the first place considering your distasteful history with this entire lobby
deletedalmost 8 years
How to decide if you should post in an EM thread


My post is meaningful

My post is an insult

I am not an EM celebrity

Yes -


off topic jokes

Conclusion: benis
deletedalmost 8 years
-The person who made the topic wasn't the one who deleted it. A moderator did without good reasoning.

-This topic has generated over 100 replies. "No one cares" ´_ゝ`

-Most complaint forums end up with endless post flooding. No one cares because people spam the important matters out.

So, I have no idea why you decided to post that. Thanks for caring enough to post, though.
almost 8 years
if the same thread was deleted in the complaints forum that's probably a sign that no one but you cares
deletedalmost 8 years
I can't delete posts

I guess ur onto me whee hee hee ´_ゝ`