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Power hungry

deletedalmost 8 years

Hello my dearest loving epic mafia community.

Recently I've come to the alarming realization that one of our very own sandbox mods have become a site moderator as well. Do we really have to give them that much power? To moderate sandbox they only need to be a sandbox mod or a site mod, not both.

This may just be me but I sense more power being handed out to those who already have power.

I do not wish for any mod other than fnoof to give explanation on this one, on why we should hand them more power.

almost 8 years
bad posts
almost 8 years
im sorry, i shouldve understood that taking things seriously and caring about peoples enjoyment and opinions about a game is not in your forte. Clearly I've been at fault here for deciding this place to be worth my effort and time to discuss things in the open, I'll just go back to playing games while this keeps going on until you have to send nudes of yourself to mods before you can join a game.
Also, i never claimed it didn't happen, merely stated a fact that being liked by the few elite will make you get away with more then a regular user can get away with. Thats not unbiased and discrimination. But thank you again for the uninformed reply, I'll make sure to bro and dude up my post accordingly to the expected standard.
almost 8 years

Bebop says

Bebop says

what an intelligent and well thought out response that was. you really showed me.

almost 8 years
this is just another example of sandboxers finding things to complain about for the sake of complaining. the lobby (myself included) has been doing this sh$t for a long time, and it's getting old. just... play ur mafia games and relax.
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
bro ur just taking things too seriously, this is the internet, man. and i've seen error give hc punishments to his friends, so lol. the rules are pretty obvious dude.
almost 8 years

cute says

why do u noobs care about alleged positions of power on a mafia website???? it's not like these people are running the actual world, and ur not gonna die bc someone has assumed a position of power over u on the internet.

Why do we care about anything, death is inevitable and the end of your existence for most people according to their beliefs. I care about reduced democracy, something wich is happening in a game i prefer playing. If we dont give our opinion, then we just end up becoming butt kissers or being kicked from games because we dont put our masters on a pedestal they so desire. Community in a game is vital, ask all the MMORPGS that flunked on a no community basis. Might aswell have a onesie with yourself, close your eyes and pretend you're banging a supermodel if public opinions and care don't matter.

cute says

idk why u guys even care when this poses little to no threat at all. just play ur mafia games and don't make any glaring mistakes and we gucci here

Any glaring mistakes? there are no hard fixed rules for these 'mistakes' and its clear that the biggest mistake you can make is go up against a mod, even if they act unjustified. like for instance, if you're friended with a certain mod they dont mind overlooking a few slurs here and there until the masses make a commotion. Others get a 24 hour ban instantly. This is what you call discrimination, something you're actually banning people for doing themselves(or hc wich is even more subjective to whoever says it. pretty biased) So sorry if Í find the hypocracy in my supposedly 'fun to play' text game to be of a nuisance. I'll just lurk the entire game, cause otherwise mods will get me in my sleep.
deletedalmost 8 years

BaneofMafia says

Why does it matter what positions mods hold? error does a great job in sandbox now he is just gonna do the same for the whole site. Nothing is going to change for us here.

Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not here
deletedalmost 8 years
Why does it matter what positions mods hold? error does a great job in sandbox now he is just gonna do the same for the whole site. Nothing is going to change for us here.
almost 8 years

Entil says

SirAmelio says

Entil says

SirAmelio says

Entil says

Bebop mods Amelio > One of the more 'I approve' mod choices. Sadly he's being absorbed by the clique, rip the fun amelio. you will be missed *salutes*.

ill let you know im still fun ok

Prove it and i'll edit it in ''still funny''

what did entil say to amelio

lots of things but thats probably not related to the joke, so idk.

"ur the clique"

and then amelio replied

"no u want to join my clique"

and entil was like

"no im anticlique"

but amelio ended it with


ok that wasnt very funny you can keep it up

jokes aside tho, im still the same person ive always been, only difference is that now i can give my opinions to bebop and the others in private instead of in public
almost 8 years

Bebop says

the site mods have even less say in sandbox than they did before

I would inquire on how exactly sandbox mods/owner being part of the site mod group makes them have less control over us, but i actuallly need some rest and I dont want to seem like an inconsiderate jerk, or someone without a counter argument.
almost 8 years
why do u noobs care about alleged positions of power on a mafia website???? it's not like these people are running the actual world, and ur not gonna die bc someone has assumed a position of power over u on the internet. idk why u guys even care when this poses little to no threat at all. just play ur mafia games and don't make any glaring mistakes and we gucci here
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

Entil says

SirAmelio says

Entil says

Bebop mods Amelio > One of the more 'I approve' mod choices. Sadly he's being absorbed by the clique, rip the fun amelio. you will be missed *salutes*.

ill let you know im still fun ok

Prove it and i'll edit it in ''still funny''

what did entil say to amelio

lots of things but thats probably not related to the joke, so idk.
almost 8 years

Entil says

SirAmelio says

Entil says

Bebop mods Amelio > One of the more 'I approve' mod choices. Sadly he's being absorbed by the clique, rip the fun amelio. you will be missed *salutes*.

ill let you know im still fun ok

Prove it and i'll edit it in ''still funny''

what did entil say to amelio
almost 8 years
call me ignorant or whatever, but i fail to see what all this drama is about. is it because fnoof is a site mod now? how does that effect sandbox? i don't get it
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

Entil says

Bebop mods Amelio > One of the more 'I approve' mod choices. Sadly he's being absorbed by the clique, rip the fun amelio. you will be missed *salutes*.

ill let you know im still fun ok

Prove it and i'll edit it in ''still funny''
almost 8 years
the site mods have even less say in sandbox than they did before
almost 8 years

Entil says

Bebop mods Amelio > One of the more 'I approve' mod choices. Sadly he's being absorbed by the clique, rip the fun amelio. you will be missed *salutes*.

ill let you know im still fun ok
almost 8 years
Heck a 5 man skype circlejerk isn't contributing to the all in all health of sandbox, but sandbox politics are not even worth noting so that's fine since nothing happens anyway. And everyone can have their group, i seriously won't believe we get an owner thats magically not part of any kind of group and is completely unbiased for every q.q discussion/kiddy fight between players. But bringing the site mods back into our lives is the ultimate backstab. If you guys want to befriend them so badly, leave us out of your small reunion.
almost 8 years
all I see is a Jimbei VS Bebop poo throwing fight.

Short summary with my opinions, cause all you don't deserve anything more explanatory from me: Jimbei tries to overthrow Bebop with Powerplay > Jimbei is at fault, bad boi don't do that. I stood on Bebop side for that one.
Bebop mods people > Meh nothing changed, still better then progressively harmful owners so w/e here to play games anyway.
Bebop defends Error in big anti-error threads > While saying he did only 1 thing isn't even true, thats not even the point. He is harmfull for the community, but falls in your friendbased zone so thats a big nono on your part. Even if he does decent mod work, being noted as a problem by the bigger part of the community should be a warning sign.
Bebop mods Amelio > One of the more 'I approve' mod choices. Sadly he's being absorbed by the clique, rip the fun amelio. you will be missed *salutes*
Bebop and mods joins sitemod circle after freeing us > ...Really? I knew our opinions didnt matter, but the sole thing you did you're now reversing by joining the goon squad? And dont give me that bs of ''nothing will change'' cause you already were biased, I don't believe that crap. So if you join that circle you get influenced by them, wich is a lot worse then you guys having opinions about us and modding by that. Like so fkbois who dont know us will influence your judgment.
almost 8 years
ha, main lobby caught our cancer
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

Chaika says

Bebop says

Saika says

The thing is if you make more people from sandbox mods why do we have sandbox mods then ?
you guys can just make it to one big playground instead of separating those two

sandbox mods moderate sandbox
site mods moderate the site excluding sandbox

Why do you need to do both?

what's wrong with doing both?

What's wrong with site mods moderating the sandbox?

I will digress for a second. Do you and fnoof know that much about the rest of the site? Vivor, main, games? I still see holes in this logic, mods can't do anything in our lobby because we said so but we can slither our way into the mod team and do as we please
almost 8 years

Bebop says

what an intelligent and well thought out response that was. you really showed me.

almost 8 years
valar modghulis
almost 8 years
i knew there were hostilities towards the mods but good lord, this is kinda ridiculous