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sammy thread

deletedover 7 years

owned by hals.

deletedover 6 years
went through every page on the sammy thread and i gotta say not much has changed
deletedover 6 years

sana says

CONGRATS SAMMY also i love you btw i want to suckle on ur widdle toesies

what the hell
deletedover 6 years
kany like ruined my life i hate the game now and i literally did so much for him and spent so much money on everyone and i was always so nice and like helpful bc yea true it made me feel good but like the least they can do is not hate me and like ppl deleted me in gw2 bc i left the guild ugh and like they all hate me andidk why i didnt even do anything wrong except get sad and they didn't care they were just like hey and i was like hey and that was it like why and how are you is the dumbest question how do you even reply to that i just say like good thx LIKE IT'S SUCH A DEAD END WHAT ELSE ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO SAY LIKE NO IM REALLY BAD IM DOING BAD LIFE SUCKS EVERYONE HATES ME INCLUDING ME like they are just internet people like they cant even do anything honestly no person can even do anything

sry sammy i hijacked ur thread
deletedover 6 years
no i mean like i have a degree i dont mean life stuff i mean like interpersonal stuff and personal stuff and like everythign and ugh u dont understand im not good at explaining
over 6 years
so finish college and get a job, or go to grad school, or whatever. Nothing is expected of you, you literally just have to be doing something, anything. That's it.
deletedover 6 years
no it's not like im so old and like people expect things from you and like youre an adult and you have to be on top of everything and you have to be like a functioning person and if you're not you're just not cut out for anything
over 6 years
the hell is sigh rambling on about? 21 is young.
deletedover 6 years

sammy says


yes queen
deletedover 6 years
you guys are so cute and young and full of life and ugh you have so many good years ahead of you like the next 4ish years are the best years of your life imo please enjoy it and like talk to ppl if ur sad and just like grow close to people

like at my age (im 21 now) u just get viewed as pathetic but at your age like people sympathize and want to help you and like you like don't take ur youth for granted
deletedover 6 years
im halfway done
deletedover 6 years
gthere are so many pages i dont know how long i can keep this up
deletedover 6 years
deletedover 6 years

Bebop says

how the fĂșck does this have over 1000 thread posts sammy it's time to stop

look how far we've come...
deletedover 6 years

sammy says

Sishen says

where are my tags samuel

there they are

deletedover 6 years

sammy says

good song!

i love gays
deletedover 6 years

Wolf says

And you tried to pretend to be a girl to me.

deletedover 6 years

sammy says

Umbreon25 says

I just realized that you asked me for an opinion on you but you never told me what you think of me.
Honestly I don't care if you say you hate me(well a little but that's natural)and I would honestly appreciate and respect you even more than i do already if you give me an honest one.

we haven't talked much but ur pretty sheltered and nice, perhaps a bit too nice for this site but it's nice seeing u around cuz ur super positive !!

deletedover 6 years

sammy says

Umbreon25 says

I know i just assume every1 hates me and the longer im here the more i will be embarrassing myself.

no1 hates u D=

this is really spicy
deletedover 6 years

sammy says

hate cheese sandwiches

deletedover 6 years
its been over a year since the start of the sammy thread i reckon it'd be interesting to take a gander at EVERY SINGLE PAGE to analyse your character development. as a matter of fact im gonna do it as well
deletedover 6 years
light reading of EVERY SINGLE PAGE??
deletedover 6 years
he's just doing some light reading
deletedover 6 years
datbandicoot has been on this thread for like 10 hours
deletedover 6 years
dont bother applying
deletedover 6 years

hals hate me so i want a new bff